Irony: "Can't Repeat"- The Offspring's new song, sounds exactly like every other song they've ever put out.
I have seen this done in several other journals and I figured it would be a good way to go out since this will be my next to last entry before vacation. It's-
50 Things About Me
1. My name is Kevin!
2. I am not Captain Happy, but I answer to it because it's just easier.
3. I was born prematurely.
4. I met my wife on the internet.
5. My birthday is May 13.
6. I have never lost a game of movie trivia.
7. I went to an all-boys high school.
8. When I got to college, I fell in love with the first girl that said hello to me.
9. From 1997-1999, I met fifty of the friends I made online face to face.
10. All of those encounters went reasonably well except for the first one.
11. I have been a fan of The Simpsons since they were on the Tracey Ullman show. I was in 8th grade. Now I'm 7 years out of college and they're still on.
12. I have been a pro wrestling fan for twenty years with only a few lapses here and there.
13. I root for the bad guys and can predict what's going to happen about 80% of the time.
14. My musical tastes have gone through phases. Growing up we listened to oldies since that was what my mom listened to. As I got older, it was pop and rap. In college, I loved classic rock. Now I enjoy alternative and independents.
15. When I was 7, I wrote She Blinded Me With Science, but gave it to Thomas Dolby because no one would believe a 7-year-old could write something so wonderful.
16. I sprinkle any About Me quizzes, surveys and games with outrageous lies in order to amuse myself.
17. People have described me as 'nice'.
18. I can beat the Nintendo game 'Jaws' in ten minutes.
19. When I was a kid, I was terrified of The Blob and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
20. I have never left the Eastern time zone.
21. I learned to drive from a driving instructor.
22. I taught myself how to swim.
23. My long-term memory is much better than my short-term. I can remember the names of all the toys I played with when I was younger, but can't remember what I wanted to type five minutes ago.
24. My favorite G.I. Joe character was Mercer. He was once a Cobra Viper but defected to the good guys. He was part of the Renegades three-pack which also included Taurus, the circus strong man and Red Dog, the football player who was banned for being too violent.
25. Today I finally mailed my manuscript to the publishing company. It cost $63 to Fedex it overnight to Canada.
26. I wrote my first short story in college. It came to me as I was walking around campus.
27. I have invented several games while playing in the backyard with my brother, cousin and friends. I suppose the competitive side of me sees no point in throwing a ball around. I always need rules because rules lead to a winner.
28. I try not to put many personal things in my journal because I'm pretty boring.
29. I'm so smart they hooked me up to a big computer to try to teach it some things, but I had so much knowledge it overloaded and then it got really hot and caught on fire!
30. Sometimes my outrageous lies are taken word for word from The Simpsons.
31. Since I named my daughter Kasey, whenever I hear that name, I automatically think it's a girl.
32. I am younger than my parents, but older than my daughter.
33. I have never done anything wrong.
34. My freshman class at the all-boys high school was larger than all four classes combined at the local high school.
35. I hate country music. It gives me a headache.
36. My favorite snack is pretzels.
37. My favorite pizza topping is sausage.
38. By the time my daughter was born, I had been awake for 24 hours.
39. Though I never made the football team in high school, several guys on the team considered me the best gym class football player.
40. I wrestled in high school and once spent 1 minute and 30 seconds on my back, tearing myself a new one to keep both shoulders from hitting the mat. In the next period, I pinned the guy. It is my fondest wrestling memory. The next day, the AD told me I was awesome.
41. I never really had to study in school and still got excellent grades.
42. I am telepathic. I know you are reading this right now.
43. I hate peanut butter.
44. You're going to read this a lot faster than it took me to write it.
45. I put my pants on one leg at a time. Just like you.
46. I don't remember the first movie I ever saw in a theater. The last thing I saw was Land of the Dead.
47. Teams I root for are 1-4 when I attend their play-off games. The NY Giants won, but the Nets lost twice and the Devils lost twice. I am a jinx.
48. I like to go for long walks.
49. When I am walking, I usually am working out plots and stories in my head.
50. I am very shy and quiet, unless I know you very well.