Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Movie Quote Challenge

As promised, here is my long-awaited latest challenge.  I saw this in another journal and it's a type I haven't done yet, so I figured why not?  Identify the movie from the line of dialogue given.  This should be pretty difficult, so good luck!  Oh, and I tried to make most of them funny, so even if you have no clue, you might still chuckle at a few.

1. Hey, is this the kind of retard that drools and rubs shit in his hair and all that?  'Cause I'm gonna have a hard time eatin' 'round that kind of thing now. Just like I am with antique furniture and midgets. You know that- I can't so much as drink a damn glass of water around a midget or a piece of antique furniture.

2. Is it just me or does the jungle make you really, really horny?

3. You were never there for me, were you mother? You expected Mike and Carol Brady to raise me! I'm the bastard son of Claire Huxtable! I am a lost Cunningham! I learned the facts of life... from watching The Facts of Life! Oh God!

4. I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut. I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years- I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that. I care desperately about what I do. Do I know what product I'm selling? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot.

5. Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

6. As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Meat is the anagram of team... I don't know what he was talking about.

7. What makes a man a man? A friend of mine once wondered. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things, but how he finishes them.

8. Us Christian girls have got to learn to protect ourselves. I mean, sure Jesus could restore my physicaland spiritual virginity, especially if I lost it to some rapist, but who wants that? I'm saving myself for marriage, and I'll use force if necessary.

9. You better be careful. You know those flight attendents ain't like regular women, Viktor. They're flying back and forth between all those time zones kinda messes with their biological clock or something.  Always ready for sex.  Why do you think they can't stop smiling?

10. What difference does it make if it's true? If it's a story and it breaks, they're gonna run with it.

11. "The most terrifying day of your life is the day the first one is born."

"Nobody ever tells you that." 

"Your life, as you know it... is gone.  Never to return. But they learn how to walk and they learn how to talk...  And you want to be with them.  And they turn out to be the most delightful people you will ever meet in your life."

12. Mwahahahahahahahah....Ohhh, I just love The Family Circus.  It's the same joke over and over but I guess I just can't get enough of those little moppet shenanigans.

13. So I was sitting in my cubicle today and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.

14. I don't want to cram in sex or guns or car chases or characters learning profound life lessons or growing or coming to like each other or overcoming obstacles to succeed in the end. The book isn't like that and life isn't like that- it just isn't. I feel very strongly about this.

15. Okay, James, I wish you hadn't shot my girlfriend's dog. Even though Poe and I weren't exactly what you'd call simpatico, that's no reason he should've taken two in the chest.

16. Do you know what it's like to be on the bill and to play for 15 minutes and the only people there to see you are the other bands and their girlfriends? Don't talk to me about rock 'n' roll! I'm out there in the clubs and on the streets and I'm living it!

17. Well, what do you wanna hear, man? Do you wanna hear that sometimes I think about eatin' a bullet?  Huh? Well, I do! I even got a special bullet for the occasion with a hollow point- look!  Make sure it blows the back of my goddamned head out and do the job right! Every single day I wake up and I think of a reason not to do it! Every single day! You know why I don't do it? This is gonna make you laugh! You know why I don't do it?  The job!  Doin' the job!  Now that's the reason!

18. Maybe I'm spending too much of my time starting up clubs and putting on plays. I should probably be trying harder to score chicks.

19. Aristotle was not Belgian, the principle of Buddhism is not "every man for himself", and the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up.

20. The only thing that matters is the ending. It's the most important part of the story. And this one is very good. This one is perfect.

House of Pain

  Today was my first trip to the physical therapist.  Here's some of the interesting things that happened:

- She told me that the brace I'm wearing doesn't fit right so she measured me for custom ones.  Hey, it's on Comp's dime, so why not?

- She was doing things like flicking my wrists with her finger and it hurt like heck.  She said, "Yeah, you've definitely got a good case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome."   (DUH!)

- I had to laugh when we discovered that I am the weakest 29-year-old in recorded history.  My strength test DID NOT REGISTER on her chart.  I'm supposed to be able to do an 80 and I registered a 40 for the right and a 35 for the left.  Less than the 10th percentile.  Those numbers are pounds.

- This was the most laid-back doctor's office I have ever been to.  Whenever Kate did something that hurt me, she would make a pouty face like she was going to cry.  Compare that to Dr. Kim who shouted "No mercy!" as he did his electric test of death and guess who I like better.  :)

- Kate was showing me the various things that cause CTS and two of them were fatigue and temperature.  Coincidence that the symptoms started right after I started a night shift in a cooler?

- I'm supposed to not do any heavy work or gripping.  How do you get through a day without gripping?


  Between the recent marathon on USA and my recent purchase of Season 1 on DVD, in the past two weeks I have seen almost 30 episodes of Monk- the obsessive-compulsive detective.   I highly recommend it.  The funny thing is that the show brings attention to your own obsessive-complulsive tendencies- or perhaps causes them?  I recently did a masterful job cleaning two rooms in the house and when Kate gave me a dexterity test involving 9 pegs, I had to line them up in a row before I could start.  Monk is making me a freak!  :)


  This Week's Top Ten

1. Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

2. But It's Better When We Do- Panic! At The Disco

3. Your Ex-Lover Is Dead- Stars

4. Station Approach- Elbow

5. Wicked Light Sleeper- The Joggers

6. Sometimes the Sun- The Lashes

7. Conceived- Beth Orton

8. God is Going To Get Sick of Me- Aberdeen City

9. I Want To Be Buried in Your Backyard- Nightmare of You

10. Bottle Rocket- The Go! Team

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Coming Attractions

  Posts I am planning to make within the next week or so:

- A recap of last Wednesday's episode of LOST.  (100% chance of that happening)

- An in-depth guide to In Hiding.  Since so many people have read it now, I thought it would be fun for me to read it again and point out the thought process behind some stuff and where some things came from.  Kind of like DVD extras for a book.  :)  

***We just ordered 25 more copies but more than half of them are spoken for, so anyone out there who wants one from me, signed by me, let me know so we can exchange addresses and I can mark another one as spoken for.  Also, I know some people ordered directly from Trafford so if you want to send me your copy to be signed and returned to you, let me know that too.  We figured out the other day that if I buy from Trafford at my author discount and sell them directly, I make a profit of almost $13.  If anyone buys from the website, I get a royalty of $3.75.  Do the math and figure out why I want you to buy your copy from me!  :)

- My personal music hall of fame.

- A trivia challenge of some sort.  Haven't done that in a long while.

Get ready- okay, start holding your breath....NOW.





Order Showtime now.


Thursday, January 26, 2006


  Surprisingly, Wal-mart did not give me a hard time and I am officially on worker compensation.

  I drove into work, told the head of HR what was going on.  Then they had me punch in so I could do an accident report.  Then I had to go to a health care center and pee in a cup for a drug test.  The nurse and I wondered what a drug test had to do with carpal tunnel syndrome- I guess if I was on drugs, I would be disqualified or something.  Good thing I'm not. 

  And that was that.  My CPS doctor's office called and told me that they would call my job to get the claim number and if anything was wrong they would call me.  I never got called so I think I'm in the clear.  I go for my first physical therapy session on Tuesday.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What's goin' on

  Sunday I had my book signing party at my aunt's house and sold every single copy I had.  Yay! 

  I am typing this mostly with one hand as my left has been rendered nearly useless.  The doctor told me he wanted to  try conservative treatment before resorting to surgery, so he he had my left hand numbed and shot up with cortizone.  I said to my wife, "I went in complaining about pain and numbness so they did something that gave me more pain and more numbness- what kind of treatment is that??"  Ha ha.  I also have to schedule physical therapy and more shots, then go back to see him in 6 weeks.

  The other interesting thing was that he said he is going to write a letter to wal-mart and tell them that I should get worker compensation.  I told him they wont like that since they tell their employees to see their doctor and I never officially reported anything about my hands other than the one time I came home on a non-medically treated accident.  He said that in NY you have the legal right to see any doctor you want and that if they told me I had to go to their dr, then that was bullcrap.  He used the word bullcrap.  I just wanted to get treated for a condition I have that has been causing me pain.  I didn't want to start a legal dispute.  Should be interesting to see how Wally reacts to this.

  Send sympathy to: capthappyv2@aol.com

If you wish to send flowers and shower me with gifts, let me know and I will give you my mailing address.  I will also be ordering more of my books from Trafford soon, so if you would like to buy one or want to send a book to me to sign, let me know that too.  

Saturday, January 21, 2006

LOST- Episode 35: The Hunting Party

  Previously on LOST: The Others took Walt, while Jack, Kate and Sawyer might have a little triangle thing going on.

  Things open up in flashback again this week as Dr. Jack and Dr. Dad discuss the latest hopeless case Jack might take on since his reputation as a miracle worker has gotten the public's attention.  A beautiful, young woman and her father want a surgery done on the old man.  Dr. Dad doesn't like the prognosis, but Jack, of course wants to give it a shot. 

  In the present, Jack wakes up in the hatch's bunk bed and finds Locke unconscious in the gun room.  Michael appears from behind and says "stick 'em up" before locking Jack and Locke in the gun room.  He says it is his right and he is going after Walt.  Cue the creepy LOST title screen.

  When Locke wakes up, Jack makes sure he doesn't have a concussion and asks him why Michael was let in there.  Locke is more concerned about who is going to push the button over the next four hours.  FOUR!  Jack says that all they can do is hope that Sawyer shows up to get his bandages changed.

  Speaking of Sawyer, he is napping on the beach when Kate wakes him up to remind him about the bandage change.  Cut to the next scene, where Kate and Sawyer arrive in the hatch just in time to save the day.  Locke tells Sawyer the combination to open the door while Kate punches the numbers into the computer.  Once he is set free, Jack arms himself and prepares to go after Michael.  Sawyer insists on coming. 

  Jack flashes back to when he was running tests on the frail and crippled old man with the hot daughter.  Hot daughter stops by to find out that things aren't going so well.  When she tells Jack how late it is, he realizes he has been working all night and hurries home.  When he gets there, he finds Mrs. Shepherd just waking up for her day.  She dismisses his apologies- long hours are the price you pay for being a miracle worker.  Before he can fall asleep, Sarah tells him that she took a pregnancy test, but "don't worry- it was negative."  Not exactly an exchange a happy couple would have.

  In the jungle, Locke quickly picks up Michael's trail and heads off.  Jack informs Kate that she is not coming because someone has to push the button.  Also, it makes a lot more sense to take an injured, disagreeable hothead with no discernible skills over a proven fighter with hunting and tracking skills who happens to be completely healthy.  Why?  I don't know, but Jack is the leader, I'm just the recapper.  I leave the big decisions to him.

  Later, as the trek continues, Sawyer questions why Kate couldn't come.  Jack tells him he should go back and ask if he hurt her feelings.  Locke asks Sawyer if anything looks familiar from his trip home.  Sawyer's answer is typically sarcastic but it does enable Locke to deduce that Michael is not going back the way he came. 

  At the beach, Jin notices Kate filling Hurley in on the latest wacky island adventure.  Through Sun, he finds out what happened and begins packing so he can catch up.   EEEEEERRRRRRRRR.  Put on the brakes, pally.  Your wife just cracked the whip and said you can't go.  Oh, and wear a stupid hat, too.  I can't read Korean but I saw Jin's mind and I'm pretty sure he said, "I came back for this?"

  When the hunting party stops for a breather, Locke asks Jack what the plan is if they do catch up to Michael.  Locke thinks it is highly unlikely that Michael can be convinced to come back with them.  "Who are we to tell people what they can or can't do?" he asks.  This question gives Jack a flashback where he and Hot Daughter sign on the dotted line so that there is no going back from the risky surgery.  Dr. Dad walks in and notices the sexual tension.  After H.D. leaves, Dad warns Jack about crossing the line.  "I guess you would know," replies the snotty, ungrateful son.

  In the present, the trio climbs a steep hill and Locke reveals to Sawyer that he knows his real name to be James Ford.  Turns out Hurley showed him the manifest after the census, which must also be how he knew the name Hugo out of nowhere.  Who said this show never gives us any answers?  They are interrupted by the sound of gunfire and fearless leader Jack shouts for Michael and goes running toward the sound.

  They don't find Michael, but they do find his shell casings- less than he fired.  Don't know if that means anything other than they weren't looking hard enough, but they seem to think it's important.  Sawyer says it is getting dark and insists that they keep moving which allows Jack to figure out that Sawyer may or may not care about Michael and is probably just out for revenge.

  Jack then thinks back to the aftermath of his failed surgery.  The old man died.  No miracle this time.  Dr. Dad tries to comfort him, telling him that it is no one's fault, but that doesn't help much when you have a serious god complex.  Dad also says that as chief of surgery,  he has already told Hot Daughter what happened and she left.  This angers Jack even more since he may have wanted to hit that, but when he gets to the parking lot, he finds H.D. waiting for him.  Her name is Gabriella, but that doesn't matter since this is her last scene- unless of course she shows up on the island- that's already happened to Jack twice this season.  Oh yeah- they make out, but Jack does the right thing and backs off.

  Night has fallen on the hunting party and Locke has lost the trail.  Jack and Sawyer don't believe him and deny his request to head home.  Jack says that if they go back, they will never see Michael again and his (presumed) death will be on their hands.  A weirdo lurking in the darkness shouts out that he agrees with Jack but he should listen to Mr. Locke.  Who is this guy?  Well, there's no denying he looks an awful lot like the leader of the Others' boat crew- the ones who took Walt.

  Sawyer identifies Beardo as the guy who shot him and decides to shoot first and ask questions later.  Instead of hitting its target, the bullet somehow ricochets and nicks Sawyer on the neck.  Beardo laughs at this and suggests that Locke build a fire so they can all sit down and chat.

  Meanwhile, in the hatch, Charlie and Hurley are looking through the record collection and are puzzled by the utter obscurity of all the artists.  The boys play one and Hurley reveals that he has a little crush on Libby.  Charlie wonders if Claire misses him yet, but Hurley reminds him that it has only been one day.  Sayid walks in and is shocked to learn about the hunting party so late in the episode.  Something tells me this might stir up the leadership issues Sayid had with Jack in the first season. 

  Back in the jungle, Beardo says he came in peace and no one is going to get hurt.  Locke asks how he knows their names but gets no answer.  He does answer Jack's question and assures him that Walt is fine and is very special.  Beardo goes on to admonish Jack and company for, well for being rude guests, I suppose.  Eating food that doesn't belong to them- opening doors they have no business opening- I'm looking at you John Locke, etc...  He says that this is their island and the crash survivors are only living there because They are allowing it.  Jack doesn't buy it and suggests that his people outnumber Beardo's.  Beardo answers this by shouting, "Light em up!"  Suddenly, Jack and company are surrounded by a circle of torches, suggesting that Jack has slightly miscounted.  Beardo draws a line in the sand and makes a threat- a threat Jack does not react well to.  Beardo shouts for Alex to "bring her out" and reveals that Kate had been following the hunting party- until she was captured.  Beardo demands their weapons or Kate dies-a stipulation Jack has to reluctantly agree to.  Once the guns for girls program ends, Beardo and his torches disappear into the darkness.

  The next morning on the beach, Jin tells his wife that he doesn't like being told what to do.  Sun says that she didn't like it for the last four years.  FOUR!  Jin answers with the Korean equivalent of 'touche' and smiles at her.

  As the hunting party gets closer to home, Kate tries to apologize to Jack for messing everything up, but gets little response.  This is because he is busy remembering his post-op arrival home.  He admits to Sarah that he kissed Gabriella, and promises to be home more and work on the marriage.  It's all moot however, since Sarah has met someone else and has already packed her stuff to leave the good doctor.  Jack cries and Sarah tells him that he will always need something to fix.

  Back at camp, Locke gets a scowl from Sawyer for saying, "See ya, James."  Then Sawyer tells Kate that if he had been told to stay behind, he would have done the same thing she did.  Meanwhile, Charlie looks on with envy as Locke plays with Aaron. 

  Elsewhere, Jack finds Ana-Lucia and asks her how long it would take to train an army.  Again with the disrespecting of Sayid- a trained soldier!  I swear I smell trouble.

  Next week: Is Charlie using again?  What danger is Aaron in?  Are the Others finally getting around to taking him?  Plus, there's another unplanned fire.

Friday, January 20, 2006

LOST- Episode 34: The 23rd Psalm

  Previously on LOST: Charlie did drugs, gave them up, and then got tempted.  Also, Michael may have gotten an instant message from Walt.

  We open on some boys playing soccer in a poor African village.  The festivities are interrupted when men with guns pull up in a jeep.  One gives orders to take the children as all the adults are chased away except for one old man.  One of the bad guys hands a gun to a small, frightened boy and orders him to kill the old man.  The boy can not bring himself to do it so his older brother steps in to do it for him.  The lack of hesitation impresses the bad guys so they decide to take the older boy instead- the older boy whose name is Eko.  Eko's cross is ripped from around his neck and thrown to the ground.  His little brother picks it up and watches his brother being taken away.

  In the present, Claire and Aaron find Mr. Eko carving bible verses into his walking stick.  Eko is intrigued by Aaron's name since that was the name of Moses' brother, but Claire only picked the name because she liked it, not for its biblical significance.  The topic gets Claire onto Charlie and she mentions that he is religious and carries around a statue of Mary.  Eko is very interested in the statue and asks to see it.  They return to camp, where Eko's mood turns a little darker.  He demands to know where the statue was found, but Claire doesn't know.  He smashes it open with his stick and shows Claire its sinister contents.  Eko wants to know where Charlie is, like NOW.  Cue the creepy LOST title screen.

  In the hatch, Locke is tinkering with a combination lock on the room that holds all the guns while he and Michael discuss Locke's love of silent films.  Locke wants the gun room locked so people can't just help themselves to deadly weapons.  You lock that lock, Locke.  Lock it good...  Locke.

  Over at the beach, Jin is getting some unwanted fishing help from Charlie when they see Eko stalking toward them.  Eko doesn't waste any time and demands to be taken to the place where Charlie found the statue.  Eko then flashes back to his life as an adult when he made a deal with some sleazeballs to run some heroin out of Nigeria.  He charges a hefty price since only UN aid planes and missionaries can fly out of the country, therefore making things complicated.  The sleazeballs reluctantly make the deal and say that Eko has no soul.  Eko answers this by slashing all their throats in one deadly motion.  Hope for his sake that they paid up front.  He tells one surviving boy to go and tell his friends that Mr. Eko let him live. 

  Charlie and Eko stop by Claire's hut first.  She is pretty upset and doesn't believe that Charlie had no idea what was inside the statue.  He tears up the heroin and throws it away, but she doesn't seem convinced that he is not using. 

  In the jungle, Locke trains Michael on how to use a gun and suggests that going out after Walt is not a good idea.  Michael agrees but doesn't say that he is not going to do exactly that. 

  Meanwhile, Eko and Charlie have begun their hike, presumably to the site of the downed prop plane.  Well, actually not, as Charlie stops in the middle of nowhere and claims that they have arrived at the spot.  Eko somehow knows that he is lying.  When Charlie suggests that he doesn't have to answer to him, Eko grabs him by the throat and says, "Take me to the plane."

  As the hike continues, Eko asks why Charlie lied to Claire.  He has deduced that Charlie really knew what was in the statue because when he first approached the rocker, he said he didn't want Claire to get the wrong idea.  Got it?  Charlie does not react well to being called out but before the argument can get too heated, Eko sees a bit of ominous monster smoke nearby and says that they should keep moving.

  Eko is a little spooked now and flashes back to his return to his hometown where his brother is now a priest.  Eko offers up his confession but Brother will not hear it.  Eko asks for help- he wants his brother to fly the drugs out of the country on a missionary flight.  He even tries to play it off as doing a good thing- the drugs will not be used by their people and all proceeds go to charity.  Brother is appalled at Eko's suggestion and refuses to help.

  At the beach, Kate is giving a reluctant Sawyer a much needed haircut.  Just she gets done telling him that everyone loves him now, Hurley and Michael walk by to tell him that they are glad he is okay.  Kate enjoyed having her point made- Sawyer, of course, did not.  Also of potential importance- Michael switched hatch shifts with Kate.

  Back in the jungle, Charlie insists on taking a break and tells Eko that becoming an addict was not his fault.  His brother made him do it.  Charlie used to be a good, God-fearin' boy.  Eko, however, is not really listening because he sees something.  He takes a few steps and finds a parachute and a skeleton dressed like a priest.  He runs his hand over the skull's gold tooth and answers yes when Charlie asks if he knew the guy.  "This man saved my life," Eko tells him.

  Charlie, taking Hurley's place this week as the voice of the people, sarcastically says that it makes perfect sense for a Nigerian plane to crash in the South Pacific.  Eko is too busy praying to care.  Charlie picks up Eko's stick, sees the scripture carvings and deduces that Eko knew the skeleton because they were both priests.  Eko is too busy having a flashback to answer.

  This time Eko has returned to his brother's church with back up.  Eko tells his brother to sign some documents that will make him and his associates priests.  Even though Eko would never harm his brother, If Brother does not do what is asked of him, he would not be able to stop his friends from burning the church down.  Brother angrily signs the papers but says that his signature does not make them priests.  Eko ignores the spite and buys every last one of the Virgin Mary statues that the church is selling to raise money for polio vaccines.

  In the present, Eko and Charlie are moving again, But Charlie has lost his way.  Eko tells him to climb a tree to get his bearings.  As Charlie slowly climbs, Eko keeps a wary eye on their surroundings.  His instincts prove correct, as a tree is uprooted right in front of him and he is soon joined by a super-sized Smoke Monster.  Smoke Monster roars and creaks and gets right in Eko's face, seemingly sizing him up.  As it "stares", it crackles with flashes of light that reveal ghostly images of people within.  It hovers in the air for a moment or two before leaving as abruptly as it came.  Eko and Charlie exchange a stunned look.

  Charlie climbs down and expresses his amazement that Eko did not run for his life.  Eko answers that he was not afraid and re-focuses Charlie on finding the plane.  Charlie saw the plane from the tree and they head off again. 

  In the hatch, Michael makes sure heis alone and sits down at the computer.  He tries to type, but nothing happens on the blank screen.  Then he gets what he is looking for:

Specialboy815: Dad?

Mikethebuilder: Are you O.K.?

Specialboy815: Yes.  Are you alone?

Mikethebuilder: Yes.

Specialboy815: Can't talk long.  They're coming back soon.

Mikethebuilder: Where are you?

Specialboy815: You need to com- 

  The rest of that sentence is off-camera, but Michael seems a little stunned by it.  Or maybe it's the fact that Jack just walked in unannounced.  Jack tells him that they all feel for him and they haven't forgotten about Walt.  They just need to figure out a plan.  He takes a step around to see the screen, but it has gone blank again. 

  Back in the jungle, Eko and Charlie have also found what they were looking for.  Seeing the plane reminds Eko of when he saw it last- on a Nigerian runway being loaded with drug-stuffed Mary statues by him and other guys dressed as priests.  Brother shows up to try and stop him just ahead of a military troop.  The bad guys open fire on the soldiers which starts a shoot-out.  Brother tries to wave it off but gets shot in the chest.  Eko and his friend, Goldtooth, load Brother onto the plane.  Then Goldtooth literally kicks Eko off the plane and leaves without him. 

  Present day Eko looks inside the downed plane and finds his brother's decaying body.  He hugs the skeleton close to him and begins to cry.  Back in Nigeria, a soldier mistakes Eko for a priest and asks, "Are you okay, Father?"  Back in the plane, Eko takes back his cross and tells Charlie that this body was his brother.  Eko lights the plane on fire and as they watch it burn, Charlie asks Eko again if he is a priest.  This time Eko puts the cross he lost so long ago back on and answers, "Yes."

  As Eko recites a bible verse (I can't be sure, but I assume it is the 23rd Psalm), a montage begins.  Jin and Sun offer Ana-Lucia a fish.  Hurley helps Libby put up a shelter.  Jack reminds Sawyer to take his pills as Kate fusses over the haircut. 

  Charlie returns to the beach to find that Claire has packed his stuff for him and is kicking him out of their love nest.  He sulks away, but don't feel too bad for him- he'll always have the dozen or so Mary statues he has stashed away in the jungle.  The End. 

  Next week on LOST: Michael goes nuts and goes after Walt, while everyone else goes after Michael.  Then the Others inform them that this is their island.

This Week's Top 10

  LOST recaps are coming soon.  I sucked it up and have The 23rd Psalm written out.  I got into The Hunting Party a little bit, but it just hurt too much and I had to take a break.  By the end of today or early tomorrow, LOST will finally be up to date on my end.  Again, I apologize to all the recap fans.


This Week's Top Ten:

1. Your Ex-Lover is Dead- Stars

2. Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

3. Station Approach- Elbow

4. But It's Better When We Do- Panic! at The Disco

5. The Fallen- Franz Ferdinand

6. Free Salute- Little Barrie

7. God is Going to Get Sick of Me- Aberdeen City

8. Wicked Light Sleeper- The Joggers

9. Sometimes The Sun- The Lashes

10. Conceived- Beth Orton

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Death of a Classic

From zap2it.com: 'Arrested' Return 'Highly Unlikely,' FOX Chief Says

By Rick Porter

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

12:47 PM PT

  FOX Entertainment president Peter Ligouri verbalized Tuesday what most observers had concluded some time ago: "Arrested Development" is all but finished on the network.

Speaking to reporters at the Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena, Ligouri conceded that it's "highly unlikely" the Emmy-winning but low-rated series will see another season on FOX. The final four episodes of this season will air in a two-hour block Friday, Feb. 10.

Ligouri says a final decision on the show won't be made until after the network has a better idea of its development slate for next season, but there's not a great deal of wiggle room in that "highly unlikely" statement. He does say, though, that he regrets the series, which won the best comedy Emmy in 2004, never found "the audience it deserves."

The show has averaged only about 4.2 million viewers this season, but that hasn't stopped other networks from expressing interest in "Arrested" should FOX officially cancel it. ABC and Showtime have reportedly put offers on the table for the series, which is produced by FOX sibling 20th Century Fox TV.

Ligouri says he's not involved with those discussions, but "it is in fact a studio property. If there's interest at other networks, it's the studio's right and [creator Mitch Hurwitz's] right to move that on and put that up to bid."

Ligouri also expects "Arrested Development" to take a few jabs at FOX in the final episodes. The show has subtly (and not so subtly) bit the hand that feeds it in the past.

"It would be really duplicitous of us as a network to put a dampening effect on the great art of the spoof. We have a good relationship with the showrunners. I think it is great humor to turn it back on FOX a bit. And I think we've made fun of ourselves consistently."

Monday, January 16, 2006

The carpal tunnel excuse

  Okay, so here's the thing:  I didn't want to make an entry until I got my LOST recap up.  A recap of a show that was on LAST Wednesday.  But it's just that I have to write it by hand first and that really, really hurts.  Knowing that it is going to hurt leaves me feeling entirely unmotivated to do it.  So, sadly I have to announce that there will probably not be any world famous recaps until I get better.  Send complaints to capthappyv2@aol.com

  I've also been doing a lot of thinking about what I should write next.  If things ever take off for me, I'm going to need a second novel.  No more fooling around.  Writing a novel is a little more important than having a 77 game Freecell winning streak, but for whatever reason, my brain doesn't seem to think so sometimes.  I am asking for your help.  Please hound me mercilessly about what I'm going to write and when.  I need a kick sometimes.

  My dad met someone who writes for the NY Times and he sent her a copy of my book.  Is that exciting or what?  It will be interesting to see what, if anything, a professional, unbiased writer thinks of my work.  And what if she likes it?  What might happen then?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Lost in Translation

  We were just putting away some Christmas stuff and I found the directions to our singing Santa.  Who doesn't love poorly translated instruction booklets?

1. Open the carton, take out the santa's head and body gently.

2. Remove the polybag wrapped on the body and hide the bag at a spot where the kids can't reach for.  Note: choke hazard would happen to kids if neglected that.

3. Tread upon the base, pull up the santa by holding the knob in the middle of the body.  Note: never pull up the shoulders.

4. Place the head on the neck and make sure to have the poles tightly connected.

5. Plug the output adapter to the socket on the base, and the input end to the power outlet.

6. Turn on the switch on the base, the santa will sing and dance.

7. To pack the santa, you should first remove the head and put it in the ox, then press down the santa by holding the knod (never press down the shoulders) the santa would go down to the size that can be exactly packed in the carton.

8. All copyright is preserved for the inner structure patent owned by us.

Made In China.

Attachment 2:   You should have thought about that problem might have been caused by a collapse or break from a belt while a click sound come inside the santa body, though it is still singing without dancing movement, you should check as follows:

1. Lift the costume lap, take off the breeches.  Noted: gently remove the glued rim.

2. Remove the santa head and put it aside.

3. Grasp the santa's leg and body, place it upside down.

4. At this moment, you can see a built-in motor around its gear whether the driving belt is collapsed or broken.

5. You can replace it with extra driving belt, if it does.

6. When finished replacing belt, please place the santa properly, insert its head, put on its breeches and tream its costume neatly.


-----I was trying to put this thing away, but it seems my santa didn't come with an ox so I don't know what to do

Tuesday, January 10, 2006







Finally WWE realized that they can no longer deny the greatest real wrestler in the business.  They tried to get you to hate him- making him say he doesn't respect the U.S troops; making him say he doesn't like "the black people" and every other stupid thing they could think of, but in the end, the athletic talent trumped all.  As much as they tried to bury Kurt, it couldn't be done and they finally rewarded him for putting up with it and 'getting over' anyway.

 Kurt Angle is the MAN.

My journal just got a lot more annoying!

 I have nothing to say today- I just wanted to share another song I really like!  You're all in trouble now that I know how to do it.  Especially those of you that tell me my music stinks!  I'm totally going to kill what little bit of audience I have!

Monday, January 9, 2006

The Prize Winner of Albany, New York


   You know that junk mail you get that says you're a winner?  Well, something quite shocking happened today.  I was a winner.  Everyone scoffed, including myself, when I scratched off the number and, lo and behold, it matched the number on the other side- which meant I won.  All I had to do was go down to the car dealership during the sale hours to claim my prize.  RED FLAG!  Right? 

    The prizes were:

1. a plasma TV 

2.  jet skis 

3. $1000 shopping spree 

4. $10,000

or 5. $100 cash.

  I figured you had to buy a car or test drive or something, but the flyer said no purchase necessary, so why not?  The prizes seemed decent enough to at least check out, even if they were just trying to lure me there.  So I went.

  I walked in with my flyer and was approached immediately. 

"You here for the big sale?" 

"No.  This says I won something and I wanted to see what."

"Ok, right this way.  What's your number?"  He checks and shows me that I won a $1000 shopping spree.  "I'll go get that for you."

30 seconds later:

"Here you go.  What you do is punch this code in online and the 1000 will be loaded into an account."

"Thank you."

"Interested in a used car by any chance?"

"Nope.  Thank you."


  That was the shocking part, by the way.  I was not harrassed one little bit.  I went in, got my prize and left.  Total time: about 3 minutes.

  I went home and we logged on to check things out- still skeptical, of course.  The catch, it turns out, is that there is a higher than normal shipping fee to offset the cost of the free shopping sprees they must hand out a lot.  If I were to spend the thousand all at once, it would cost just under $300 to get the stuff to my door.  Everyone in the household seems to think that this is the crummiest prize ever, but I say 



  I tend to get annoyed when the journals I read aren't updated (all 4 of them) and today I realized that I am just as bad.  My last entry before this was Thursday.  Almost a week.  I will try to do better than that.  But just a heads-up- there will probably be another small hiatus as my wife's great-grandmother just died this morning.  She was 93.


  I'm also pretty sure I finally got the music thing right!  :-)

Thursday, January 5, 2006

The VCH at the Movies

  Last night we watched The Skeleton Key starring Kate Hudson.  I don't expect movies to scare me, with the possible exception being if they have zombies in them, but this one was even worse than I expected.  I won't give away any of the "surprises" but I will say that there is plenty of predictability and laugh-inducing horror, including the classic 'false scare' jump moment. It definitely passed my test: If it's a horror movie rated PG-13, then it sucks. This movie only had three redeemable qualities for me: 

-Kate Hudson in a tank top.

-Kate Hudson sleeping in her underwear.

-Kate Hudson showing a partial left breast in the classic horror 'pointless shower scene'.

1 star 


 Then this afternoon, my sister and I went to see Brokeback Mountain.  I shouldn't be surprised at how much media attention this film has been getting given its subject matter... 

:: rogerebert.com :: Scanners (xhtml)

...but I can honestly say that it never once crossed my mind about how 'it would look' if I went to see this movie.  Well, except for a couple of weeks ago when my brother joked that he would only go if he could hold my hand.  Then he went without me! 

  Anyway, maybe I'm desensitized from years of watching David and Keith on Six Feet Under, but the gayness factor hardly plays into the movie at all.  It is first and foremost, a tragic love story.  It is about an affair that does what any affair does- it tears lives apart.  That the couple having the affair is two men only adds a layer of complexity to the whole situation. 

  Everyone by now knows what happens to the two dudes up on Brokeback Mountain, but what I was not expecting was how the movie follows them off the mountain and into the next twenty years of their lives.  The world they live in would in no way accept the feelings that they have for one another and in some ways they themselves can't even accept it.  They are forced to become lonely and domesticated and ultimately bitter. 

  The movie also spreads out to make us feel sorry for everyone.  The two men who can't be together and are forced to sneak away on fishing trips, which become the only thing they really live for.  The wife who knows what's going on, yet has to put on a brave face because she needs a husband to survive.  Even the children, who are barely fleshed out as characters, get some sympathetic scenes.

  So to anyone who doesn't want to see this movie because of politics or homophobia, I say it's your loss.  Seeing a movie about gay people doesn't make you gay. 

3.5 stars



  Did I mention that you can see Kate Hudson's breast in The Skeleton Key?

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Save Our Bluths!

Here are some of my favorite lines from yet another hilarious episode of the all-but-doomed Arrested Development:

Michael: Yeah, our backs are against the wall, and it’s hard to accept that it’s really come to begging.

George, Sr.: Sometimes it’s the only way to stay in the game.

Narrator: Please tell your friends about this show.


Lindsay: Yeah, check it out. I found that canned ham that we’d had forever, and I put it in a pot of boiling water, and guess what I’m calling it?

Michael: Soup?

Lindsay: Hot ham water.


Michael: Hello. Hey, so what’s going on with the fundraiser?

George, Sr.: Well, I don’t think the Home Builders Organization is going to be supporting us.

Michael: Yeah, the HBO’s not going to want us. What do we do now?

George, Sr.: Well, I think it’s show time. I think we have to have a show during dinner.


Buster: I’m so hungry.

Lindsay: Would you like to try some of this?

Buster: It’s so watery. And yet there’s a smack of ham to it.

Lindsay: It’s hot ham water.


G.O.B.: If you didn’t have adult onset diabetes, I wouldn’t mind giving you a little sugar.

Mrs. Van Skoyk:  Oh, G.O.B,  you could charm the black off a telegram boy.


G.O.B.: What kind of sauce is that?

Lindsay: Wait, this is the water I thawed the chicken in.

Buster: Oh. Well, that should go with chicken.

Lindsay: (happily) Yeah!


Michael: ...I’ve just been very worried about your behavior. You know, you’re always turning off burners and irons and it may be OCD.

George Michael: OCD? No, I’m just cleaning up after Aunt Lindsay. She never turns things off.

Michael: Well... Guess that explains why I saw the hedge trimmer zipping around the drive way. I did it again, didn’t I? I’m so self-centered. From now on, I want you to just tell me what’s on your mind, okay? And I promise I won’t just hear what I want to hear.

George Michael: I love my cousin.

Michael: Love you, too, pal.

Power surge!

  The motherboard WAS fried on our old computer.  Power surge took it right out.  The Geek Squad said that we could spend hundreds of dollars for them to try to replace it and hope it works, but there was no guarantee that something else wouldn't konk out soon after.  (sounds like my old car!).  Plus, at two years old, the computer was close to the point where it might not be worth it to try and save it.  So we decided to scrap it and not even spend the 89 dollars it would have cost for them to save the personal stuff on the harddrive.

  So the quest began to find an affordable computer.  We were hoping that we could get a tower cheap since we didn't need a monitor or anything else.  But even that isn't cheap.  After visiting every electronics place we could think of and getting really frustrated we decided to go to Wal-mart if only because a 10% associate discount could be substantial on a computer.  Long story short, we were able to get a Compaq Presario, total package, monitor and everything for just over $400.  It's amazing how great Wal-mart is, and I'm not just saying that because I work for them.


This Week's Top Ten:

Time to get back in the swing of things.  I've been slacking off in the music department lately.  Here is my first list of '06.

1. Your Ex-Lover is Dead- Stars

2. Crooked Teeth- Death Cab for Cutie- Death Cab for Cutie :Sessions @ AOL :'Crooked Teeth' (In-Studio)

3. Rebellion (Lies)- The Arcade Fire- Arcade Fire :Funeral :'Rebellion (Lies)'

4. Bottle Rocket- The Go! Team

5. Wicked Light Sleeper- The Joggers

6. God is Going To Get Sick of Me- Aberdeen City

7. But It's Better When We Do- Panic! At The Disco

8. Free Salute- Little Barrie- Little Barrie :We Are Little Barrie :'Free Salute'

9. Sometimes the Sun- The Lashes- The Lashes :Get It :Sometimes The Sun

10. King of the Mountain- Kate Bush- Kate Bush :Aerial :'King of the Mountain'

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

The VCH gets Raw

  Okay first things first.  On Sunday, my wife plugged the wrong camera cord into the computer which made it make a very loud beeping sound and basically destroy itself.  Every time we turned it on it would beep incessantly and go to a frozen startup screen.  Not even the F buttons worked.  So we brought it to Best Buy's Geek Squad and that guy didn't know what was wrong with it either.  For 60 bucks, they took it for a diagnostic.  No word yet on whether or not anything can be done.  If the motherboard is fried, we're screwed.  So I'm on my mom's computer at the moment.

 Yesterday I took a little road trip down to NJ.  One of the Christmas presents my mom got me was paying for my ticket to go with my cousin to see WWE Monday Night Raw.  My cousin got them off e-bay so, as he put it, we "ridiculously overpaid".  $120 each for $40 tickets.  I'm happy to say that the seats turned out to be awesome and we felt the show was very well worth attending.  We were on the floor, which I was initially wary of because I thought we would not be able to see, what with all the people that hold signs, but we were in the bleacher type section, so it was elevated.  The best part was that we were directly across from the entrance ramp so we could see everyone come out perfectly, and also have a straight ahead view of the big screen.  You can't really tell on TV, but that thing is huge. 

  As we were waiting for the show to start, Sean (my cousin) said to me, "Look down in the front row.  There's two hot girls."  You would think, to read that, that we were just guys being guys, but no, we stayed true to our nerdy pro-wrestling roots and had a five minute discussion on how those girls were clearly "plants" and were going to be pulled out of the audience for part of the show.  I think everyone knew it too, because the people in their section were getting pictures taken with them.  I should also add that the impatient crowd was yelling WOOOO a lot.  This is Ric Flair's trademark call for those who don't know.  Sean said, "Sure are a lot of Flair fans here."  I said, "I think it's just fun to say WOOOO."

  Raw goes on the air at 9 EST, but the tickets say 7:45.  This is because for the first hour we got to see them record some B-level matches for the Sunday Night Heat show.  The first match was Chavo Guerrero vs. "some guy".  'Some guy's name was actually Mike something, but I didn't catch it and they never put his name up on the screen.  I said to Sean that he has obviously read the book "How to Be a Bad Guy- Level 1"  since he was doing basic things like complaining about a phantom hair pull and telling the crowd to shut up.  You could tell he was just getting his career started.  Mike worked in some arm damage, but never really put up too big a fight.  Chavo won with the frog splash as a tribute to his late uncle, Eddie Guerrero.  That got a big response.

  Next up was Gene Snitsky vs. Val Venis.  Snitsky is just a big ugly and Val Venis is the wrestling porn star.  Sounds like a funny gimmick, but his ship sailed in 1998 and he is just so old and not even close to being over with the crowd that you know he is out there specifically to lose.  And he did.  Snitsky won by kicking Val in the face, which is an insult in itself since that isn't even Snitsky's finishing move.  I will be shocked if Val survives the next round of roster cuts.  Sean was surprised that Val had nothing to do with the hot girls in the crowd.

  Next was a very confusing match.  The Heartthrobs tag team, who are classic, good-looking, vaguely homosexual villains came out and played to the crowd as if they were supposed to be cheered.  They were facing some generic dudes who didn't even get an introduction, but they said that before the match started, they wanted to dance with some Jersey girls.  Sean gave me a knowing glance.  One of the guys used his crotch as a radar and found the two hot girls in the front row.  It was funny because he said, "How convenient- there's two hot girls who just happen to be sitting right in the front row!"  Sean and I agreed that the business has changed a lot, since twenty years ago they never would have been able to poke fun like that.  When the match was over, the two unescortedhot girls mysteriously disappeared from the crowd.

  The "main event" of Heat was Viscera vs. Tyson Tomko.  Despite his disgusting name, Viscera is actually a 500lb man billed as the world's largest love machine.  He wears a smoking jacket to the ring and wrestles in pajamas.  His opponent is a tattoed freak who Sean and I thought would get an easy victory, but alas, he lost to the big guy. 

 It was still a quarter to 9 so we decided that the souvenir lines had probably died down (since they were unbelievably mobbed when we walked in) so we went out to take a look.  To our disappointment, they did not have one single Kurt Angle item.  I settled for a Carlito T-shirt, since he is visiting FYE at the mall on Saturday so maybe I can get it autographed.

  The real show began at the top of the hour and was kicked off by the WWE chairman, Vince McMahon, talking about himself, of course.  Then he made the opening match- Kane vs. Shawn Michaels.  Vince is mad at Shawn for story purposes so he made any use of a super kick (Shawn's finisher) an automatic DQ.  The match was a little boring since I don't like either of the participants, but I learned that it really is fun to say WOOO!.  (Whenever someone does a knife-edge chop across the chest the crowd lets out a Flair-like WOOO because that is a Flair signature move.) Shawn Michaels does a LOT of Flair chops.  We could tell when the match went to commercial because there was a five minute sleeper hold segment which I knew would make for less than enthralling TV.  Finally came the moment we all knew was coming- Shawn had Kane set up for the super kick and was hesitant about what to do.  As he was about to just go for it, McMahon came on the mic and announced that if he did the move, he would be taken out of the main event of Sunday's pay-per-view.  This started an argument and when Michaels turned around, he walked into a Kane chokeslam and was pinned.  The theme music of the winner plays a lot longer over the commercial time and Sean and I were surprised to learn that Kane's song has lyrics.

  Next, Gregory Helms, who recently ditched his superhero gimmick (which makes him EVIL) called out one of the announcers, Jerry Lawler, for making fun of him all the time.  In one of my only missed calls of the night, Lawler actually won the ensuing fistfight and was able to stay in the broadcast booth.  I had been certain that Lawler would get beaten down so that the announce team could be "fixed" down to two guys.  There has been a lot of criticism that three announcers is too many.  Anyway, I was wrong about that and it doesn't look good for Helms if he can't even get the better of an announcer.

  Next up was a long segment, not entirely aired I don't think, where Maria, who plays a really stupid girl came out and had the camera focus on people.  It was the LOVE-CAM and if you were shown on the screen, you had to kiss.  Some people really got into it, too.  Oh, the funny part was when Maria said that she debuted the cam last week and this week she was going to debut it again!  See, cause she's stupid.  The evil girls came out and put a stop to it.  Then Maria, who is not a wrestler, was forced to face Victoria, the former women's champ.  Victoria was selling a hurt neck from when she wrestled Carlito the week before.  The end came when Maria moved out of the way and Victoria hurt her neck again on the turnbuckle.  Maria rolled her up and got the pin.  This didn't sit well with the evil girls so they stripped her and beat her down.  Maria was saved by Ashley, but then she got beaten down too.  During a commercial, Mr. McMahon came out and told the wounded women that they will be in a bra and panties gauntlet match which means you win by pulling your opponents' clothes off.  The gauntlet part means it will be a series of matches where the winner keeps going until there are only two left.  I know that that announcement was made during a commercial because they immediately showed it again on the screen two minutes after it happened.

  Edge came out and showed a "home video" of Ric Flair's road rage incident, which of course was Edge pretending to be Flair and acting outrageously.  Inevitably, Flair came out and got into a fistfight with Edge.  The crowd loved Flair.  It's fun to say WOOO, if I haven't mentioned that.

  Shelton Benjamin, whose current angle is that he can't win to save his life, lost to The Masterpiece Chris Masters.  Later, there was a backstage segment on the screen where Shelton got scolded by his "mama" for being a loser.  That angle is a million bucks right there!  Well, I hope it at least means that Shelton will start winning again since he is way too talented to be a loser.

  Next came the most surprising moment of the night.  The most hated man in the company, Triple H, came out to a GIGANTIC ovation.  I mean, it was off the charts huge how much everyone loved him.  And you can tell he was surprised himself, in a good way, because he's supposed to be a dangerous, take no prisoners bad ass, yet he was smiling the whole time, almost out of character.  He was really able to feed off the crowd when the big screen aired the wrong footage and he ad libbed that this was live tv and he had to wing it.  That got the biggest laugh of the night.  Big Show, who had his hand broken by Triple H last week, came out with a huge cast on his hand, which he proceeded to use to smash everything in his path.  Chairs, TV monitors and stairs were no match for Big Show's cast.  I said to Sean, "He's got Hulk Hands!"  Sean said, "I wonder if when he hits stuff, the cast says, 'It's clobberin' time!'"

   The main event of the evening was WWE Champion John Cena vs. Kurt Angle in a "first blood" match.  Sean and I discussed this at length on the way home- we cannot remember a champion who has ever had the crowd so split down the middle as Cena does.  Usually a good guy is loved and his detractors are me and a small minority.  But this crowd was so fused (amaingly loudly) by both Cena lovers and Cena haters, that it made it one of the most exciting things to be a part of.  The crowd was so lively and hot for this match that when we watched the recording back at Sean's house, the announcers even mentioned how great the crowd was.  It was just so much fun to be part of deuling chants- "Let's Go Angle!!!  "Let's go Cena!!!"  I've spent my whole wrestling watching life going against the grain and rooting for the bad guys, it felt kind of good to have a few thousand other people rooting for my favoritewrestler too. 

  In the end, Angle wonthe first blood match by making Cena bleed after a chair shot.  It wasn't until he was announced as the winner that we realized this was a non-title match.  Sean and I agreed that we were glad we didn't know that because it would have made us KNOW that Angle would win.  We're wrestling savvy like that.  After the conclusion, which saw every participant of the upcoming pay-per-view's main event get laid out in one way or another, Mr. McMahon came out and stopped the crowd from leaving.  Sean and I knew about the post-show dark match so we felt smart for staying in our seats as everyone else came rushing back, if they could.  Mr. McMahon said that since Angle won, he earned an immediate title match which would also include Triple H.  This was a quick five minutes which saw Big Show come back out to chase Trips away- then Angle got pinned by Cena.  Send 'em home happy, I always say.  Though I wasn't happy.  But I was still excited that my favorite wrestler in the whole wide world got to win on the televised portion of the show and I got to see it live.

  When we got home, we watched the whole thing again to see how the crowd noise translated on TV and what made it to air and what didn't.  Alas, we didn't make it onto TV- probably because we didn't bring a sign, but also because we were in the darkened portion of the arena.  You can really only see yourself if you're down really, really close and are in the bright lights that light up the ring.  Overall, I really enjoyed myself and would definitely go again if given the oppurtunity. 

  I forgot to mention the personal funniest part for me.  During a commercial break, the redneck cowboy wrestler Trevor Murdoch came on the screen and talked about how his first sexual experience was with an old lady.  He said, don't judge me because if she came at you with that look in her eye and her teeth out, what would you do?  We were chuckling, but then the old security guy who was posted right next to us said, "Don't knock it til you've tried it, guys."  That put us in hysterics. 

  WOOOO, thiswas a long one!  If you'll excuse me, I've got an episode of Arrested Development to catch up on.