Monday, November 27, 2006

The Best of 2006- #34

 #34 is Shine a Light by Wolf Parade.

This upload seems to have not worked at all, so here is the myspace link:

I can barely understand the lyrics, but sometimes that doesn't matter.  :)


  I knew this would become a trend as the television landscape changes more and more.  I am talking about the "fall finale."  Mini-seasons are not just for cable anymore.  This week Desperate Housewives, Prison Break, and Jericho go away for the rest of the calendar year and The Nine has been yanked with no specifics on a return.  The networks have been patted on the back for being patient this year, yet some great stuff has still been given no chance.  I've given up on Kidnapped since only the current episode is available online.  If I didn't know that the series had become online only until two weeks in, how am I supposed to get caught up?  I will wait for the DVD and hope it is a big seller.  Man-crush on The Sisto aside, Kidnapped is really good and yes, Jeremy is one of the main reasons why.  It's only crime was starting too slowly.  Things really picked up once the show was already dead in the water. 


It amazes me that an entire 3 hours of a football game can be decided on just one play.  Mathias Kiwanuka not finishing his game-clinching sack of Vince Young, literally cost the Giants the game.  If he makes sure the guy is on his butt instead of inexplicably letting go and immediatly turning his back on his opponent in midplay, the Giants win instead of lose.  It was the most mind-boggling thing I have ever seen and I've seen the Giants blow games before.  That play was just surreal.

As for picking the games, I am slowly climbing out of my season-long slump.  I have climbed up the standings in my cousin's pool and while I am still 14 games out of first, I am just six games out of 5th place, which is the first spot to get prize money at the end of the season.  Still no hope for the family pool as shaving 6 games off my sister-in-law's lead still puts me 17 behind.  Kudos to my wife though, who has eliminated a 13 game lead in just three weeks.  If the Packers win tonight, she will pull into a tie for the lead.  The lesson, of course is, it's better to not know anything about football and just guess than it is to overanalyze everything.  

The Best of 2006- #35

 #35 is Crooked Teeth by Death Cab For Cutie.

I've been looking over my whole list, and DCFC is one of the only bands to have a song on both the 2005 and 2006 lists.  Just goes to show how many great bands are out there and how many new great bands keep popping up. 

In other news, I am getting tired of my uploads not playing the whole song.  I don't know how to fix it.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Best of 2006- #36

 #36 is Hang Me Up To Dry by Cold War Kids.  Of course the upload didn't work properly again, so here's a link:

Since this is my current favorite song, I thought I'd do an impromptu Top Ten List.  I usually don't keep a list during my yearly countdown, but I can do whatever I want.  It's my prerogative as Bobby Brown and then Britney Spears said.

1. Hang Me Up To Dry- Cold War Kids

2. Naive- The Kooks

3. Wildcat- Ratatat

4. The Pick of Destiny- Tenacious D

5. Small Parts- The Oolahs

6. Just Stay- Kevin Devine

7.  O Valencia!- The Decemberists

8. Let Me Go- Wired All Wrong

9. Enough To Get Away- Joseph Arthur

10. Between the Moon and the Ocean- Bon Savants

The Best of 2006- #37

 #37 is Living Proof by Cat Power.


It's not your FACE!








"Don't hate the player, hate the game." - Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Best of 2006- #38 (HAPPY THANKSGIVING BTW)

 #38 is Conceived by Beth Orton.    


I don't know if the whole thing will play.  I've been having problems with this lately.    The song is also on her myspace page:

Happy Thanksgiving!  Save some food for me.  I have to work.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Best of 2006- #39

#39 is Let Me Go by Wired All Wrong.  I couldn't get a copy of the song for the journal, but I did make it my profile song on myspace:

It wasn't working when I added it, but maybe it will work for you.  As we get into the 30s, we're starting to get to the songs I liked from the very first time I heard them.  The first time I heard this, we were leaving the parking lot at Pizza Hut and I thought, "Oh, this sounds cool.  I will like this song."  I hope you get to hear it play because this song is cool and I like it.






The Best of 2006- #40


#40 is This Isn't Farm Life by The Essex Green.

The Essex Green Website

Good news is there is lots of work to do at work so I got some overtime yesterday.  Bad news is that there will be no work to do on Thursday, so I will lose the overtime by going home early.  Also, Wal-mart is not giving us turkeys this year.  Losers!  They've ruined Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Best of 2006- #41


  #41 is Dress Up In You by Belle and Sebastian.

This song is off of the very good album The Life Pursuit.  I have it in contention for album of the year, but if my favorite song off of it can only reach 41, I'm not sure I can justify that.  Anyway, check out that whole album, or buy a T-shirt of it here:  Belle & Sebastian

*EDIT*  For some reason, the journal is not playing the whole song.  Here's a live version of the song on Youtube:  YouTube - Belle & Sebastian - Dress Up in You (live)      (Wow, it's not just their website that's boring!  These guys are all [indie rock nerd] business!)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Best of 2006- #42


  #42 is Get Myself Into It by The Rapture.

  I thought of another way to hear only one song at a time in here.  Click on View Archives and then you can see each entry one at a time instead of the last ten.

Also, I'm not sure if I downloaded the explicit version or the edited version of this song.  I guess we'll find out...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Best of 2006- #43

 #43 is Bullets by Editors

I got a comment on Myspace from my cousin's GF, Frances telling me about how awful it is that I will miss Thanksgiving because they have the LOST role playing game.  I agree.  I have never missed Thanksgiving!  Stupid work!  Plus, they've already told us that there will be no work but they won't schedule anyone off. 

  Here is my official reply to Frances' comment:

  I've never had to work on Thanksgiving before. It's going to stink! BTW, the new Entertainment Weekly with James Bond on the cover has an ad in it for the 2007 World Series of Pop Culture. It will be in New York on the weekend of Jan 12. Sean and I have to do it! We need a third person and I was leaning toward my brother, but I don't know. I might feel better if we can find some old broken down derelict who was once a proud champion and we have to whip him back into shape and remind him of his former glory and that it's never too late to give up on your dreams. I picture a montage where we dust him off and at first he's terrible at the questions, but then we clean him up, get him a haircut, give him a shave and then finally he gets that twinkle back in his eye when he overhears two people talking in the background and one of them clearly has the character's name wrong. Then he corrects them, repeating the right name over and over like some strange mantra, ("Garth's last name was Algar!"), his former life beckoning to him from the past, and the broken down bum starts dancing in the streets, grabbing us by the shoulders and smiling, still screaming the answer like it has saved his life and, in a way, it has, because at last he is inspired to join our team and help us win the 2007 World Series of Pop Culture. This could happen.

The Best of 2006- #44


  So yeah, I missed a day.  It's hard to post every day!  I've been really sick and didn't get off the couch hardly at all yesterday.  Shrek 2 for the Playstation was the babysitter as I drifted in and out of consciousness.  Three times I collapsed to the ground because I was too dizzy once I stood up.  I also had a strange dream in which I was Jim from The Office.

 #44 is Conventional Wisdom by Built to Spill.





  BUFFER- that's a funny word!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Best of 2006- #45


#45 is Phenomena by Yeah Yeah Yeahs.  I thought over the course of the year that the band would score three songs in the top twenty, but as usual, there's just too much good stuff so their first song off the Show Your Bones album falls all the way to 45.  Oh well.  :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Best of 2006- #46 ...and other stuff

 CAUTION: Today's song contains vulgar language.  Hit Esc to turn off the music.

  #46 is The Pick of Destiny by Tenacious D.  You can visit the "greatest rock band in the world" here: Tenacious D

  I've liked Tenacious D for a long time.  Jack Black and Kyle Gass are so sincere in their silliness that it twists what should be terrible music and turns it into some fun, good stuff.  The D takes the cheesiness up a notch with this new offering because, hey, they've got a new movie to promote.  The blatant self-promotion is what makes this song even funnier than what we've heard before.  The movie is "better than Citizen Kane!"  I should go see it, right? 

By the way, this is not the last the countdown has seen of catchy songs blatantly promoting a film :)...


  Remember the Seinfeld episode where George starts doing the opposite of what his instincts tell  him to and starts to turn his life around?  Funny, right?  Well, it worked for me!  (As far as gambling goes, that is.)  First, I picked all the teams I thought would win or at least cover the spread.  Then when I entered them into my cousin's pool, I took the other team.  I even picked against the Giants for the first time ever.  Result: I am now 250 dollars richer.


  Last night at work I realized I had forgotten to put my belt on when my pants almost fell down.  They fell right off my waist.  Back in June, I was upset because I had to buy a 40 waist and now a 35 is too much to wear without a belt.  The funny thing is that I have even gone jogging in over two weeks.  I think I must have sped my metabolism up because last time I checked, I had lost three pounds without even trying.  I'm awesome.


  TV Thoughts: 

Prison Break:   How intense was T-Bag?  Biting his hand off to escape just like a trapped animal!  And I don't think he's ever looked scarier than when he came to get his money back.  Oh Michael, you should feel guilty for what you've released into the world.   The funniest part of the show was Geary using the money to act on some sexual deviances.  "A Cleveland what?" said the prostitute.  LOL  I don't think Sara will be killed.  If Kellerman could go through with killing her, he would have already done it.  He has shown no hesitation in the past.

 Heroes: The last episode was just filler until next week's big "save the cheerleader" episode, but it was still good.  I like the Charlie character and I don't think she will be dead for good.  (Go Hiro!)  It may not be a dynamic world-saving superpower, but remembering everything could be quite useful and I would take that ability before I would take flying or mind-reading.

Studio 60:  The number one complaint I've read about this show is that the bottom line is that it's about whether or not rich people can put on a television show and it's hard to invest in that.  I answer that by saying that it's the damn premise of the show.  If a show takes place behind the scenes of a TV show, then that's what I expect to see.  I don't get distracted or find it hard to care about someone because of how much money someone makes on a doctor or lawyer show so why should a change of venue make a difference.  It's been nice to have at least one show where you know no one is going to die.

Veronica Mars: The self-contained mystery was a little ho-hum.  Even Veronica herself was disinterested at first.  I'm sure the mystery of the kid that ended up in the drunk tank with no memory could have been eventually solved by the police without VM tracking cell phones and credit card transactions.  But the bigger stories were that Keith dumped his married girlfriend because he had lost his daughter's respect, which means more to him than romance.  Secondly, Veronica was almost the next rape victim!  Sure, she fits the profile anyway, but I'm sure the rapist must know she is on the case and getting close so he tried to stop himself from being the next checkmark on her undefeated track record.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Best of 2006- #47


#47 is Star Witness by Neko Case.

I have to get to work, so that will have to do it for today's entry.  :-)










Monday, November 13, 2006

The Best of 2006- #48


#48 is A Pillar of Salt by The Thermals.

The band's website is currently under construction, so here is their myspace page:

I like this song.  That is my brilliant analysis.  I don't want to burn myself out this year.








This is a buffer zone.  I am trying to help you not get overlapping music.  :-)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Best of 2006- #49


Remember, you can hit Esc to turn off the music.  You might want to do this if you scroll too much and two songs start playing at once.  Plus, this next one is an acquired taste.

#49 is The Other Side of Mt. Heart Attack by Liars

It sounds like it might be the saddest song ever, but it's actually a very sweet song about loyalty.




Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Best of 2006- #50

 It's the third annual countdown of my favorite songs of the year.  And this year I will try not to lose focus or be in too much pain from the carpal tunnel syndrome to finish.  I am particularly excited about this year's countdown since I can actually play the music for you. 

# 50 is Pushover by the Long Winters

You can visit the official band website here: The Long Winters | Seattle, WA

  I find this to be a very difficult song to get stuck in your head.  It's hard to sing the overlapping vocals.  But still, I like it a lot.  It fits my melancholy musical taste perfectly.  I hope you like it too.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm Back

  Did you miss me?  Don't be shy.  You know you did.  We just moved into an apartment and the cable company wouldn't come to hook us up for a whole week.  What a terrible thing to happen during a sweeps month!  Fortunately, this TV season is unlike any other in history, as now you can watch almost anything for free on the internet.  I've caught up with LOST, Desperate Housewives and I just watched the director's cut of The Office.  It will take some time but I think we can get through this and get caught up.  Except for Veronica Mars.  Get on board with the wave of the future CW!  Offer your shows online!


  In my little spare time these last couple of weeks, I've been doing something I look forward to all year.  Compiling my list of favorite songs of the year.  Each year seems to get tougher and tougher, but overall I am pleased with my list and I think if I had to do it over again without referencing the final product, it would probably come out about the same.  The Top 50 starts tomorrow so today I'm going to blow out #'s 150-51.  This entry is going to be long.  To the one or two people who will read it: Enjoy!

150. When the Sun Goes Down- Arctic Monkeys

149. New Years- Asobi Seksu

148. Out Here All Night- Damone

147. Adventure Rocket Ship- Robyn Hitchcock

146. Cruel- Calexico

145. To Go Home- M. Ward

144. Lonesome Valley- Magnolia Electric Co.

143. End of the Line- Mohair

142. AM Slow Golden Hit- Hotel Lights

141. Wolf Like Me- TV on the Radio

140. Tricycle- Psapp

139. We Share Our Mother's Health- The Knife

138. Don't Listen to the Radio- The Vines

137. Just Drums- Tapes 'n' Tapes

136. An Old Familiar Scene- Elf Power

135. Louisiana- The Walkmen

134. Jekyll n Hyde- Ella Rouge

133. Situation- Irving

132. Standing in the Way of Control- Gossip

131. Key of C- Jim Noir

130. Shot Down- Nine Black Alps

129. When You Were Young- The Killers

128. Enemies Like This- Radio 4

127. Boys Wanna Be Her- Peaches

126. Consolation Prizes- Phoenix

125. The Compromise- The Format

124. Stuck Between Stations- The Hold Steady

123. Sing- The Dresden Dolls

122. Suddenly I See- KT Tunstall

121. Plan of the Man- The M's

120. Meds- Placebo

119. Eanie Meany- Jim Noir

118. Paralyzed- Rock Kills Kid

117. Thursday- Asobi Seksu

116. Suzie- Boy Kill Boy

115. I Need Some Fine Wine and You Need To Be Nicer- The Cardigans

114. I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor- Arctic Monkeys

113. Enough To Get Away- Joseph Arthur

112. Absolutely Nothing- Lily Allen

111. Bad Education- Tilly and the Whale

110. I Will Follow You Into the Dark- Death Cab for Cutie

109. Lazy Eye- Silversun Pickups

108. Love is Stronger Than Witchcraft- Robert Pollard

107. Love You in the Fall- Paul Westerberg

106. Hate (I Really Don't Like You)- Plain White T's

105. Steady, As She Goes- The Raconteurs

104. Miss Murder- AFI

103. The Big Guns- Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins

102. Oh My- Mellowdrone

101. This Time- DJ Shadow

100. Naive- The Kooks

99. Hard to Beat- Hard-Fi

98. Let the Sirens Rest- Now It's Overhead

97. Idecide- What Made Milwaukee Famous

96. Quiet as a Mouse- Margot & The Nuclear So and So's

95. Half Dead- The Mountain Goats

94. Your Eyes- Aloha

93. Gone Daddy Gone

92. Skip to the End- Futureheads

91. Well Thought Out Twinkles- Silversun Pickups

90. MakeDamnSure- Taking Back Sunday

89. Is It Any Wonder?- Keane

88. February- The Appleseed Cast

87. There Is No Ending- The Arab Strap

86. Ooh La La- Goldfrapp

85. The Blues Are Still Blue- Belle & Sebastian

84. Chips Ahoy!- The Hold Steady

83. I Don't Feel Like Dancin'- Scissor Sisters

82. Exeter, Rhode Island- Jennifer O'Connor

81. In The Morning- Razorlight

80. Mr. Tough- Yo La Tengo

79. Postcards From Italy- Beirut

78. I've Been Stalking You On Myspace- John B

77. Sister Twisted- Kinky

76. Breaking The Ice- Mojave 3

75. Fishnets and Cigarettes- New York Dolls

74. Breath Me- Sia

73. Saying Sorry- Hawthorne Heights

72. Hey! Is That a Ninja Up There?- Minus the Bear

71. No Key, No Plan- Okkervil River

70. If You Talk Too Much (My Head Will Explode)- People in Planes

69. Your Touch- The Black Keys

68. I Want You So Hard- Eagles of Death Metal

67. Happy- Snowglobe

66. O Valencia- The Decemberists

65. Wicked Light Sleeper- The Joggers

64. Not Going Home- The Elected

63. Dream Sequence- The Arab Strap

62. With a Gun- The Minus 5 

61. God is Going to Get Sick of Me- Aberdeen City

60. Dancing on the Lip of a Volcano- New York Dolls

59. Snakes in the Grass- Essex Green

58. Monster Hospital- Metric

57. Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken- Camera Obscura

56. Be Gentle With Me- The Boy Least Likely To

55. Treasure- Papercranes

54. You Have Killed Me- Morrissey

53. Bang Bang, You're Dead- Dirty Pretty Things

52. Elevate Myself- Grandaddy

51. Penny on the Train Track- Ben Kweller

Saturday, November 4, 2006

LOST- Episode 53: The Cost of Living

  Previously on LOST: Sun killed Colleen, Jack saw some X-rays, and Eko found his dead brother on the downed prop plane.

  We begin in flashback land as young Eko breaks the lock off of a storage shed so that young Yemi can have some food.  Unfortunately, before they can dig in too much, a stern looking nun busts them and takes them into the church.  She orders young Eko to confess his sin, but he is reluctant.  Is acting on the survival instinct really a sin?  According to this nun's God, it is. 

  In the present, Eko is still unconscious.  Sayid, who is suddenly back, tries to wake him to no avail.  Hurley tells him to let Locke know that he is back.  They leave Eko alone with his mind, which is racing through his first flashback episode.  When he gets to the end, he wakes up to see Yemi by his side.  "It is time to be judged," Yemi tells his older brother.  

  Outside, Sayid, Charlie and Hurley see that the tent they just left is now on fire.  They put it out with dirt and drag Mr. Eko to safety.  Eko grabs Charlie's leg and mutters "My brother," a few times.  Locke comes to check on the fire and when Charlie tries to show him where they left Eko, Eko is no longer there.  This sudden disappearance cues the creepy LOST title screen.

  In his cell, Jack is keeping in shape by doing pull-ups on the pipe, when Ben enters the room dressed in a dressy tunic.  He asks Jack to come for a walk with him and gives him his own tunic to wear.  As Ben leaves to wait outside, Jack asks him if his neck hurts from the tumor.  Ben says he doesn't know what Jack is talking about, but his eyes tell a different story. 

  Jack is led, unrestrained, to the beach where the Others are having a Viking funeral for Colleen.  Juliet approaches him and says she hates funerals- something she has in common with Jack if you can remember all the way back to the first half of the first season.  As the funeral progresses, Ben pulls Juliet aside and asks her why she showed Jack his X-rays. 

  The next day at their own beach, Locke tells Sayid and Desmond that he thinks he knows a way to find their captured friends.  Desmond tells Sayid about the communication capabilitiesof the computer in the Swan station, so Locke thinks they should head back to the Pearl to try its computer out.  Hurley and Charlie report back with the news that they can't find Eko's trail.  When Locke hears that Eko was mumbling about his brother, Locke tells them that they will catch up to him because they are going to the same place. 

  Mr. Eko, meanwhile is stumbling through the jungle in a daze.  As he collapses to the ground, he flashes back to his return to Yemi's church, still being mistaken for a priest.  Since he fooled the military men, he figures he might as well keep this thing going by fooling the whole town.  Never mind that they've, you know, seen him before in his other confrontations with Yemi.  He enters the church and finds his brother's bible bookmarked with a photo of the two brothers from their younger days.  He is disturbed by a woman and her son.  He tells them that he is replacing Yemi, who was called away and she asks if Father Yemi is still going to London. 

  In the present, Eko wakes up suddenly and begins stumbling around again.  He doesn't notice a little piece of Smoky the Monster zip past behind him.  Before he can make it very far, Eko is attacked by some mean looking dudes, who almost nail him in the head with a machete.  He pulls the machete out of the tree it got wedged in and goes on the offensive.  Except that it looks like the damage has been done already, as his attackers are bloody and missing limbs.  One begs for mercy as Eko holds the machete over his head.  Then the begging guy turns into the altar boy Eko just met in his most recent flashback.  The boy tells Eko to Shh and then disappears.  Mr. Eko is very confused.

  Elsewhere, Locke changes things up by telling everyone exactly what is going on, what he plans to do and inviting everyone to come along.  Hurley thinks this a nice change of pace from Jack's leadership by secret mission approach.  Locke's style leads to the recruitment of Nikki, which leads to Paolo reluctantly coming too.  She tells him that he is always complaining about not being included and this is their chance.  Desmond pulls Locke aside and asks him if they are really going for the computer or if they are going after Eko.  Locke tells him that Yemi's plane crashed on the hatch they are going to.  Desmond is impressed by this coincidence, so Locke tells him not to mistake coincidence for fate.

  Meanwhile, Eko makes it to a stream and begins drinking.  He flashes back to the church.  The altar boy tells him not to wash his hands in the holy water, but Eko tells him he is washing away his sins.  They hear gunfire outside, so Eko strolls outside to see what is happening.  It seems Yemi had made some kind of deal with the local thugs for "protection" in exchange for vaccines from the Red Cross, which the bad guys would sell.  I say "it seems" because I'm not entirely sure that's right, but my limit of watching the same scene consecutively is three.  :)  The leader of the bad guys wants to know if Eko will continue to honor Yemi's arrangement, but Eko says he is not afraid of them.  So the bad guy shoots a woman dead and tells Eko to comply by Friday or he will have more blood on his hands. 

  In the present, Eko continues drinking and tending to his polar bear wounds, when he sees Smoky's reflection in the water.  He turns around to face it and Smoky retreats into the jungle with its Smoky tail between its Smoky legs.  Then Locke and company show up to say hello.

  Elsewhere, Juliet enters Jack's cell with a covered plate of mystery lunch.  Jack says he's not big on mysteries.  Juliet lifts the lid to show Jack his cheeseburger, which thoroughly impresses the good doctor.  Ben interrupts their flirty banter to tell Juliet that he needs to speak to Jack alone.  Jack says he is fine with Juliet there, but Ben says it's a matter of doctor-patient confidentiality.  When Juliet leaves, Ben starts going on about the wonderful plan they had to break Jack and convince him that they weren't his enemies.  He says that Juliet resembles Jack's ex-wife and she was the means to get Jack "invested".  Of course, the whole plan was shot to sunshine when Jack saw the X-rays and figured out Ben was dying.  Ben is reduced to simply asking Jack to think about performing the operation.  He says that two days after he was diagnosed with a tumor on his spine, a spinal surgeon fell from the sky.  Proof of God is what that is in Ben's mind.

  Meanwhile, Eko has joined Locke's expedition so Locke begins to talk to him, asking him if he is looking for Yemi.  Eko pushes him against a tree and holds the machete to his throat, demanding that he never say that name.  Locke asks him what he is so afraid of, which triggers a flashback.  Father Eko questions the altar boy's mom about the vaccine arrangement with the militia.  She says the vaccines fetch a high price on the black market but if he is thinking about crossing those men, he had better not.  They owe what little they get to Father Yemi's efforts.  Later, Eko puts his drug dealer hat back on and tries to make his own vaccine deal with someone else.  Then he is going to leave the country.

  Our gang reaches the Pearl hatch and Locke tells Sayid to take everyone down while he helps Eko.  Paolo and Nikki, Mr. and Mrs. Exposition, remind the viewers that Yemi's body is on the plane by talking about what Eko is doing.  As they remove the rocks blocking the door of the plane, Locke wants to talk monster with Eko, asking him what he saw.  Locke says he saw a beautiful light, but that is not what Eko saw.  No, sir.  When they get the final rock moved, Eko is shocked and dismayed to find that his brother's body is gone.

  Locke takes a commercial break to think about it and decides that Yemi's body burned in the fire or was dragged away by animals.  As a resident of Crazy Island, he should know better than that.  Eko pulls the photo of him and his brother from his pocket and tells Locke that he will wait there and not enter the hatch.  Then Locke returns the cross he found while looking for Eko.  Eko flashes back to Yemi's church one more time.  The bad guys kick the door in and ask Eko if he thought they wouldn't find out about the double cross.  Because he is a priest, they will not kill him, but simply chop his hands off.  Eko doesn't like that deal, so he fights back, gets control of the machete and starts hacking away.  This is the exact scene Eko recently recreated on the island, only this time he brings the machete down on his begging enemy instead of having the guy morph into an altar boy.  After his victory, Eko stumbles out of the church with the bloody machete still in his hand.  The town is shocked and disappointed to see this, particularly altar boy and his mom. 

  In the Pearl Station, Nikki watches the Station Five orientation film while Sayid inspects the computer.  He tells Locke that the wiring is one way and it is a dead end.  Nikki asks what the other TVs are for, pointing out that the Dharma dude mentions more than one project on the island.  Sayid goes back to work, trying to patch into any other feeds that might be available.  Paolo emerges from another room to report that the toilet works.  After some fiddling, Sayid manages to get a picture on one of the monitors.  They see a computer room and to their surprise, a dude with an eye patch appears right in front of them.  Then he reaches for the camera and the picture goes dead.  "I guess he'll be expecting us," Locke says.

  Back in Jack's cell, Juliet enters the room on the other side of the glass and pops a movie into the VCR.  Jack says pass, but Juliet insists he watch it, even if the sound is turned down.  She begins to apologize, but as she speaks, Jack notices that the movie playing is not To Kill A Mockingbird, but a home video of Juliet herself holding up large flashcards like that old Bob Dylan video.  The first one says, "Ignore everything I'm saying."

As she goes on and on about how desperate they are to save Ben and how great he is, her signs tell a different story.

"Ben is a liar."

"And he is very dangerous."

"Some of us want a change."

"But it has to look like an accident."

"It has to look like we tried to save him."

"And that's up to you.  Jack"

"It's a complicated surgery.  No one would ever Know"

"And I would protect you"

"Now tell me to turn off the movie"

  Jack does as the video instructs and Juliet leaves him with this new wrinkle to think about.

  In flashback land, Eko has packed up and tells altar boy that he is going to London.  AB asks Eko if he is a bad man and Eko replies that only God knows.  Outside, the altar boy's mother is not grateful that Eko killed the bad men because they will just be replaced.  Eko sees the townspeople boarding up the church and AB's mom informs him that it can no longer be used because of what Eko did in there.  She tells him that he owes Yemi one church.

  In the present, Yemi appears before Eko, but doesn't answer his brother's cries as he stalks off into the jungle.  After a few more moments of shouting and frantic searching, Eko finds his brother waiting for him in a field.  Eko says he is ready and begins his confession.  "I ask for no forgiveness, Father, for I have not sinned.  I have only done what I needed to do to survive.  A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man.  If I could answer him now, I would tell him that when I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother's life.  I am not sorry for this.  I am proud of this."  Eko drops to his knees with his arms extended.  "I did not ask for this life I have been given but it was given nonetheless and with it, I did my best."  With spite in his eyes, Yemi tells Eko that he speaks to him as if he were his brother.  Eko stands, confused now.  "Yemi" disappears into the jungle and Smoky the Monster emerges to take his place.  Eko is ready to fight and is not afraid, but you can't win a fight with Smoky when he's in a fighting mood.  Smoky grabs Eko by the waist and whips him violently into nearby tree trunks over and over again.  Locke and company hear the violence above and come rushing to help, but it is too late.  All they find when they get up there is Eko lying bloody and beaten on the ground.  Eko whispers something in Locke's ear, goes to his happy place, which is hanging out with his younger brother in their youth, and then dies.  Sayid asks what was said and Locke solemnly answers.  "We're next."

  Next time on the "Fall Finale" of LOST:  Jack wants to get off the island and Kate and Sawyer get it on.