#31 is She Wants To Move by N.E.R.D. She wants to move because she's hearing this song. Good one, Captain! LOL
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
The Best of 2004- #32
#32 is Ride by The Vines. Closing in on halfway- the songs are getting really good now :-)
Sunday, November 28, 2004
LOST Primer- Parts 2 & 3
Okay, last time I covered exactly who everyone stuck on the island is. That can be found here: LOST Primer PART 1
This time we're going to cover some important stuff you need to know and even more importantly, the major questions that we do not know the answers to yet- this is the part that makes the show really fun.
Part 2: The Mysteries of the Island
-At least 48 people survived the plane crash. How is that possible?
-Jack, Kate and Charlie ventured off to find the cockpit in the jungle. When they found the pilot he was alive, but not for long. He was sucked out the window and killed by a giant creature of some kind. What exactly was that thing?
-Kate, Sayid, Charlie, Boone, Shannon and Sawyer sought higher ground to broadcast a distress signal. Instead, they picked up the transmission of a French woman. (later revealed to be Danielle, alive on the island) The broadcast has been playing on an endless loop for 16 years. Where is it getting its power source from? Does it have anything to do with the giant cable Sayid found? How does Danielle have all the stuff she has? What does she mean when she says "it killed them all"? Who and where is Alex, her child? Who are the whisperers she claims to hear? The French woman angle has easily raised the most questions with many possible explanations.
-While seeking higher ground, the group was attacked by a polar bear. How on Earth did that get there?
-Jack was able to see his father walking around the jungle. Was he really there or was it all in his head?
-How did Locke survive his encounter with, presumably, the same monster that killed the pilot?
-Jack, Kate, Locke and Charlie stumbled on two skeletons laid to rest in a cave. Who put them there? And why was one of them carrying black and white stones?
-Does the island really give you what you want, if you give it something first? Locke seems to think so...as soon as he made Charlie give up the drugs, Charlie looked in the trees and found his beloved guitar.
The Mysteries of the Survivors:
Jack: Jack's mother told him he was obligated to find his father because of what Jack did. What did he do? Where is Dad's body since we know he wasn't in the coffin? Is he really walking around the island?
Kate: What crime did she commit and why did the Marshall insist that she was so dangerous and not to be trusted?
Locke: How is he able to walk all of a sudden? Was it island magic? What exactly happened when he saw the monster? What does he know about the island? He claims that he has looked into the eye of the island and what he saw was beautiful. And, basically, what is his deal, anyway? He genuinely helped Jack and Charlie but why did he encourage Sayid to confront Sawyer by giving him a knife? And why has he seemingly agreed to teach Walt how to hunt when he knows his father doesn't approve?
Sawyer: What is his real name? Why was he on the plane?
Sayid: Who whacked him over the head just when he was about to locate the source of the distress signal? It almost certainly wasn't Danielle. How did Sayid get out of the military and end up on a plane bound for LA from Australia? And is Nadia still alive?
Jin: What exactly does Sun's father make him do for a living to come home covered in blood that is not his own? What is the significance of his father-in-law's watch which he seems hellbent on protecting?
Part 3: The Relationship Chart:
Finally, I know if I was going to try and get into a show after missing some of it, I would want to know what every character has to do with another. The first scene I ever saw in Six Feet Under was David being bailed out of jail by Keith. I had no idea what their relationship was until I went back and saw the first few episodes. I don't want that to happen to you. Here is a complete Relationship Breakdown for LOST.
Jack-Kate: Jack and Kate were fast friends after she stitched up his wounds and they ran off to find the cockpit together. Kate is definitely attracted to him, but how he feels is unclear. Right now he has been much more concerned with everyone's safety and survival than with flirting.
Jack-Charlie: Charlie has been one of the ones deferring to Jack as the leader. They reached a more level relationship when Charlie rescued Jack from the collapsed cave. Jack is one of the only ones who knows about Charlie's addiction and covers for him.
Jack-Locke: Locke recognized how everyone treats Jack and encouraged him to find what he was looking for in the jungle of mystery. They don't interact much but there is mutual respect there.
Jack-Sawyer: They are definitely at odds. Jack's Dudley Do-Right personality clashes with Sawyer's bad boy attitude. When Jack was saving his life, Sawyer admitted that, roles reversed, he would want Jack to die.
Jack-Sayid: More subtlety to their rivalry here. Sayid obviously resents Jack being treated like the leader, and Jack for his part has been careful to not step on his toes too badly. The tension does not keep them from working together, as evidenced in the torture sequence.
Jack-Claire: Claire obviously needs the services of a doctor. They are friendly, though Jack had to tell her to back off when she originally wanted him to lead the memorial service.
Jack- Sun: Sun has been seen assisting Jack as he tends to the others.
Jack-Jin: No interaction that I can remember.
Jack-Hurley: Hurley has been Jack's assistant on more than one occassion either willingly or unwillingly. Hurley was the one who managed to get Jack to lighten up when he created the golf course.
Jack-Rose: Jack has been the only one to communicate with Rose. They have a doctor-patient bond if nothing else.
Jack-Boone: Boone is also resentful of Jack's leadership, but seems to have accepted it.
Jack-Shannon: Jack helped Shannon control her breathing during severe asthma attacks. Again, more of a doctor-patient thing.
Jack-Michael: Mutual respect.
Jack-Walt: Gee, I don't know if they've even met. I can't remember them ever speaking to one another.
Kate-Charlie: Charlie has voiced displeasure with her attraction to Jack and was hurt when the three of them were in danger but she only called out for the doctor. Other than that, they've gotten along.
Kate-Locke: They've spoken as leader-types, but have no viable relationship yet.
Kate-Sawyer: A love-hate thing going on here. Both of them like the other more than they want to. Kate has gotten into Sawyer's head more than anyone else and is the closest thing to a friend he has on the island.
Kate-Sayid: Could be another in the mix for Kate's heart. They have each other's respect as leaders- Kate is the one Sayid told when he was leaving.
Kate-Claire: There has been some girl bonding. Claire offered to do Kate's astrological chart, but she declined.
Kate-Sun: Can't remember seeing them together. I think Sun watched Kate bathe once. Sounds hotter in print.
Kate-Jin: Nothing here. Kate questioned where Jin got his water from but that didn't lead anywhere.
Kate-Hurley: Not much of a relationship here, but as Jack's right hand man, Hurley knows Kate is a criminal. Not sure if she knows he knows...
Kate-Rose: None
Kate-Boone: None
Kate-Shannon: None.
Kate-Michael: Mutual respect as leader-types.
Kate-Walt: None.
Charlie-Locke: Locke helped Charlie overcome his addiction and find his guitar. Locke was almost fatherly in this role.
Charlie-Sawyer: They don't speak much, but Charlie did know him well enough to trust him with bringing Kate information about Jack's peril. Maybe he doesn't really know him after all!
Charlie-Sayid: Not much here. Charlie knows who the leaders are and has obeyed when Sayid has told him to do something.
Charlie-Claire: Possible romance here. Charlie has been very protective of her and they have bonded a lot. Almost all of Claire's scenes have been with Charlie since she is not on the show too much.
Charlie-Sun: None
Charlie-Jin: None
Charlie-Hurley: These two are the tag team champions of comic relief. Whenever they are on screen together, don't expect any serious drama. Well, except for the time Charlie accidentally offended Hurley about his weight.
Charlie-Rose: Has a talk show on PBS, I think.
Charlie-Boone: Got into a tussle when Charlie discovered that Boone was the one who swiped the water supply.
Charlie-Shannon: Charlie is definitely beguiled by her feminine charm. He has made it clear that he would bend over backwards to impress this pretty face.
Charlie-Michael: They've spoken, but I wouldn't call it a relationship.
Charlie-Walt: None
Locke-Sawyer: None, but Locke has thrown a knife at him and suggested to Sayid that Sawyer was the one who hit him.
Locke-Sayid: Mutual respect, though Sayid was suspicious of Locke after the whacking incident. Locke eased his mind by providing a hunting knife.
Locke-Claire: None
Locke-Sun: None
Locke-Jin: None
Locke-Hurley: Very little, but perhaps Locke recognizes Hurley as a domestic leader since he brought the bags he found in the jungle to him for sorting.
Locke-Rose: None
Locke-Boone: None
Locke-Shannon: None
Locke-Michael: Locke has been sensitive to Walt's looking up to him more than his own father. When he retrieved Walt's dog from the jungle by carving a whistle, he was sure to let Dad get the credit for the rescue.
Locke-Walt: Walt definitely looks up to Locke, and Locke may or may not have told him about his miracle. Walt has shown repeated desire to hang out with Locke instead of Dad, and was finally able to after Michael became too distracted by the golf course.
Sawyer-Sayid: These two have hated each other from first contact. Sawyer automatically assumed Sayid was a terrorist who brought the plane down. Sayid used all his torture skill to try and get the inhalers out of Sawyer and ended up almost killing him when he did not succeed.
Sawyer-Claire: None
Sawyer-Sun: None
Sawyer-Jin: They made at least one friendly trade off camera: a fish for bottled water.
Sawyer-Hurley: Hurley was angry that Sawyer was keeping the last of the food to himself and they almost came to blows. Hurley has admitted to leaving camp to get away from him.
Sawyer-Rose: None
Sawyer-Boone: Sawyer beat Boone up when Boone was digging through his stash, trying to find Shannon's inhalers.
Sawyer-Shannon: They have bartered over suntan lotion and bug spray. Sawyer has made a few lewd comments, of course.
Sawyer-Michael: None
Sawyer-Walt: None
Sayid-Claire: Claire was the one who found Sayid's photo of Nadia and returned it to him. They are friendly.
Sayid-Sun: None
Sayid-Jin: Jin did not win any points with Sayid by attacking Michael for what seemed like no reason. For a communications expert, he got surprisingly frustrated with the inability to communicate.
Sayid-Hurley: Not a relationship, but I assume they are friendly since they introduced themselves in the pilot.
Sayid-Rose: None
Sayid-Boone: Friendly, but not extraordinary. Boone has been included in a couple of Sayid's transmission plans.
Sayid-Shannon: None
Sayid-Michael: Mutual respect. There was the slightest of tension when Michael could not provide a reason for Jin attacking him.
Sayid-Walt: None
Claire-Sun: None
Claire-Jin: Upon eating Jin's fish, Claire's baby started kicking again. She made him feel her stomach and he didn't seem too pleased about it.
Claire-Hurley: Friendly. Hurley recognized Claire's special needs by giving her an extra portion of the remaining airline food.
Claire-Rose: None
Claire-Boone: None
Claire-Shannon: They had a conversation in the beginning but it's not like they were fast friends or anything.
Claire-Michael: None that I can remember.
Claire-Walt: Walt has occassionally been a Claire-sitter off camera. He was the one who told Kate that she fell down and once referred to being left alone at the caves with her.
Sun-Jin: Married, though not as happily as they used to be. Sun almost left him before getting on the plane with him at the last minute. Jin has been controlling, telling Sun that they don't need anyone else's help. He has also told her to cover up more than once, but she has often defied him. Jin does not know that Sun can actually speak English.
Sun-Hurley: None
Sun-Rose: None
Sun-Boone: None
Sun-Shannon: Sun used eucalyptus leaves to help soothe Shannon's asthma.
Sun-Michael: Potential for forbidden love here. Michael trusted her to watch Walt while he was hunting and Sun chose to reveal to Michael that she can speak English. She also asked him for help.
Sun-Walt: Friendly- Sun has babysat Walt and taught him how to brush his teeth with a leaf or something.
Jin-Hurley: Jin tried to get Hurley to eat something he caught in the sea but Hurley literally wouldn't bite.
Jin-Rose: None
Jin-Boone: None
Jin-Shannon: None
Jin-Michael: Tense. Jin, I think kind of knows what's going on with Michael and Sun and obviously doesn't like it. He viciously attacked him for what later turned out to be a misunderstanding over a watch Michael found.
Jin-Walt: None
Hurley-Rose: None
Hurley-Boone: None that I can remember.
Hurley-Shannon: Ditto
Hurley-Michael: Friendly. Michael was one of the first to embrace Hurley's golf course.
Hurley-Walt: Friendly
Rose-Boone: Boone tried to perform CPR but wasn't doing it right. He later expressed concern to Jack over Rose's catatonic state.
Rose-Shannon: None
Rose-Michael: None
Rose-Walt: None that I can remember.
Boone-Shannon: A volatile pair of siblings. Boone has been openly critical of Shannon's lifestyle and reaction to their plight. Shannon resents her brother's superior attitude. The love is there deep down though since Boone did anything he could to help her with her asthma.
Boone-Michael: Mutual respect
Boone-Walt: None that I can remember
Shannon-Michael: None
Shannon-Walt: None
Michael-Walt: Father and son forced on each other by mom's death. They have had their bonding moments but are taking baby steps in the process of getting to know one another.
Well, that's it, then. No more excuses. Watch LOST this Wednesday on ABC and I hope the information I have provided was enough to help you get caught up.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
The Best of 2004-#34
#34 is Staring at the Sun by Simple Kid. I instantly liked this song and it only made it to 34- that's how much good stuff there was this year...
Friday, November 26, 2004
LOST Primer PART 1
Are you "lost" at the water cooler Thursday morning because you didn't get into LOST on the ground floor? Have no fear, for it is not too late! The first season is not even halfway over and you can still get on board. Here is everything you need to know to join in on the fun. But please don't slip up anymore. LOST returns from its one week hiatus this Wednesday at 8pm eastern on ABC. Make sure you are there...
A plane on route from Australia to Los Angeles breaks apart in mid-air and crash lands on a strange tropical island in the South Pacific. Incredibly, 48 people survived. This is their story...
Part 1: The Characters:
1) Dr. Jack Shepherd- Jack was the first character we met. He is a spinal surgeon by trade and due to his ability to help the injured immediately after the crash, he has become the de facto leader of the survivors. Unfortunately, Jack was not very prepared for this role because he has a lot of "daddy issues".
Backstory: Growing up, Jack's desire to play the hero was shot down repeatedly by his father, who was also a doctor. Dad encouraged Jack to disregard his desire to "save everybody" because a doctor cannot possibly succeed all the time and Jack was showing little ability to cope with this. More recently, Jack's father's personal demons brought him to Australia where he drank himself to death. Jack was returning the body to the States when the plane went down.
On the island: Jack is looked up to by almost everyone, even if he doesn't have all the answers. The pressure has caused him to lose a lot of sleep and even see his father walking around the island. But it may not have been a hallucination- while chasing his father through the jungle, Jack came across a much-neeeded waterfall and discovered Dad's coffin in the wreckage- completely empty...
Defining moment: Returning from chasing the image of his father, Jack gives a rallying speech about how everyone has to work together, solidifying himself as the leader.
2) Kate: Kate is not just a pretty face- she has a huge secret. She is a prisoner who was being escorted back to the U.S by a federal marshall at the time of the crash.
Backstory: Kate was hiding out in Australia when she was captured by the marshall. The farmer who had hired her turned her in for the reward. Kate didn't hold a grudge though. When she purposfully crashed the man's truck, she pulled him from the flaming wreckage, which was why she was caught. Even though Jack has asked, Kate has not told anyone what her crime was.
On the island: Kate has shown a take charge attitude and little ability to sit still... she has gone on almost every expedition into the mysterious jungle. She seems to be attracted to both Jack and Sayid and has a love-hate relationship with Sawyer.
Defining moment: Kate can be sweet but she is also one tough cookie. When forced to kiss Sawyer, she really made it worth his while, but when she found out he didn't have what she was after, she wasted no time belting him in the mouth.
3) Charlie: Charlie plays bass for an English band called Driveshaft. He has a drug problem, but when his spirits are up he has been quite eager to please.
Backstory: Charlie was once a very religious straight arrow, but his love of music led him down the wrong road. He was in Australia to try and convince his brother Liam to get the band back together. Liam, who had cleaned himself up at this point, declined the invitation but couldn't get Charlie to hang around for his own rehab.
On the island: Charlie battled his drug problems early on, risking his life in the jungle just to get his stash out of its hiding place in the bathroom near the cockpit. Though he tried to remain secretive about it, Mr. Locke recognized the addiction and helped Charlie overcome it. Charlie also likes the ladies- he spent an episode capturing a fish for the alluring Shannon and has shown repeated interest in Claire despite the fact that she is very pregnant.
Defining moment: Charlie crawled through a narrow tunnel to rescue Jack from a collapsed cave. Then he had to dig his own way out. Saving the day and feeling useful was enough of an inspiration for Charlie to throw the last of his drugs into the campfire.
4) Mr. Locke: Easily the most mysterious of the survivors, Mr. Locke has provided most of the food and spiritual guidance to anyone he has crossed paths with.
Backstory: Locke was an office schmo confined to a wheelchair but that didn't stop him from dreaming. He boned up on all things nature and booked himself on a "walkabout"- a safari in Australia. The only reason he was on the plane home was because the tour guide didn't share in Locke's confidence in his abilities. Once the plane crashed, Locke was stunned to discover that his legs worked once again and he could go hunting after all.
On the island: Now that he can walk again, Locke has wasted no time opening up his trunk full of hunting knives and gone on the prowl. He has stopped occasionally to help Jack sort through his leadership problems and even more notably, helped Charlie fight his drug addiction. More than anyone else, Locke seems to know more than he is letting on about the strange powers and presences felt on the island.
Defining moment: Locke is the only one who has come face to face with the unseen giant monster inhabiting the island. He lived through this experience and perhaps not coincidentally, the monster has not returned since.
5) "Sawyer": Sawyer is the resident bad boy of the group. His motives are almost always selfish and he has made no attempt to interact with anyone in a positive manner. If you need a snide remark or an offensive nickname, he's your man.
Backstory: Sawyer's name is in quotations above because it has been learned that this is not his real name. He has spent a good part of his life pursuing the con man who tore his family apart by sleeping with his mother. He even carries the letter he wrote to the man with him at all times. However, on his life's path, Sawyer has resorted to conning dumb women with dumber husbands himself. He realizes what he has become and has taken the name of the man who started it all: Sawyer.
On the island: Sawyer was one of the only ones brave enough to crawl through the wreckage and salvage what he could. Unfortunately, he hid everything he found and uses it to barter with for his own personal gain. He has gone on several of the expeditions but adds little to the group, other than the time he shot a polar bear. When asked to hand over Shannon's inhalers, he allowed himself to be tortured rather than admit that he didn't even have them.
Defining moment: Once the torture was over, Sawyer contemplated burning the letter he has carried with him so long, but he just couldn't do it.
6) Sayid: Sayid is a former Iraqi soldier who speaks flawless English and is quite handy with all things electronic. He has worked tirelessly to try and get a distress call out over the raido retrieved from the cockpit.
Backstory: Part of Sayid's job as a communications expert was to torture prisoners. When he was ordered to kill an uncooperative victim, who just happened to be a childhood female friend who Sayid shared an affection with, Sayid chose to kill his superior officer, shoot himself and let the woman (Nadia) escape.
On the island: Sayid has tried to be the leader and has been frustrated by Jack assuming this role. After taking an active part in the torturing of Sawyer, Sayid chose to remove himself from the group and wander off to map the island. It was then that he encountered Danielle, a French scientist who has been stranded on the island for sixteen years. She provided more questions than answers before they parted ways. Sayid was last seen in the heart of the jungle, hearing voices and looking panicked.
Defining moment: Sayid swore he would never torture anyone again. When his knife almost accidentally killed Sawyer, Sayid knew he could not yet trust himself around people he didn't get along with.
7) The Others: Though we have not met all 48 survivors yet, there are quite a few more characters who have or will play important roles in the future.
Michael: Michael is a hard working construction worker, who was in Australia to claim custody of the ten year old son he hardly knows. The boy's mother has died, forcing the two of them into this new position which is not quite hostile, but not quite lovey-dovey either.
Walt: Walt is Michael's young son. He has been resistant to embrace his father, showing more of an interest in Mr. Locke.
Hurley: Hurley may be overweight, but that has not stopped him from playing an important role. He was the first to realize that everyone needed to relax instead of worrying all the time, so he created a small golf course, which soon became the talk of the island. In the role of comic relief, Hurley has gotten most of the best lines on the show.
Sun and Jin: A Korean couple who do not speak English. Well, actually, Sun does but has only revealed this to Michael because her husband is an overbearing control freak who Sun almost walked out on right before take-off. The lack of communication has not stopped Sun from helping, though. She knows a lot about plants and has helped ease Shannon's asthma and taught everyone how to brush their teeth island-style.
Boone and Shannon: This brother and sister duo do little more than bicker. Boone has tried his best to be helpful, but almost drowned himself while trying to rescue someone from drowning, couldn't properly perform CPR at the crash site and tried to ration the drinking water by stealing it all. Shannon, on the other hand has tried her best to NOT be helpful. She patiently waits for the rescue team that is obviously not coming while working on her tan on a daily basis.
Claire: Claire is so pregnant, she is about to burst. She has not been seen much but she has taken a liking to Charlie in most of her scenes. Her best moments came when she took the initiative to gather information about the deceased and presided over a memorial service.
Rose: Rose is one of the older survivors. Jack saved her from dying at the crash site and now she spends most of her time staring out at the ocean and thinking about her husband who she refuses to believe is dead.
Ethan: Not much is known about this guy. In the last episode he was introduced as a man with hunting experience who has been joining Mr. Locke in the jungle.
Joanna: Joanna's love of swimming cost her her life. She drowned despite Jack and Boone's best efforts to save her. She was never introduced as an actual character, she only served to prove to Jack that he can't save everyone.
The pilot: The pilot ironically enough died in the pilot. Just when he had been found alive, he was sucked out of the cockpit by what I like to call GIM- the Giant Invisible Monster.
Rash Guy: Pretty sure this guy hasn't been given an official name yet. He was seen in the last episode being treated by Jack for a rash. Jack called him a hypochondriac. Later, Rash Guy asked if he could play golf too.
Steve and Scott: Two extras who helped dig Jack out from the collapsed cave. They are so interchangeable that Michael got their names mixed up.
The marshall: The marshall was escorting Kate back to the U.S., but his injuries were too great from the crash for him to survive. Sawyer tried to shoot him out of his miserybecause his moaning was disturbing everyone, but he only made things worse. Jack had to suck it up and finish the job himself.
Danielle: Danielle is a French scientist who was not on the plane. She was in a shipwreck sixteen years ago and has been broadcasting a distress call on an endless loop. "It", whatever that is, killed everyone else in her party and she has been alone for a very long time. She somehow has electricity and other things she has no business having, but Sayid did not get much info out of her while she was torturing him, asking him where Alex was.
GIM: Giant Invisible Monster, sometimes called "it" or "that thing" is the strangest part of the LOST tale. He has never been seen on camera and only Locke knows for sure what it looks like. I think. Whatever GIM is, he is huge, he pushes trees effortlessly aside and can apparently make it rain. He sucked the pilot right outof the cockpit but only killed him. Instead of eating him, he deposited him in a nearby tree.
Okay, I think I got everyone....probably left someone really important out. Coming soon: Part 2- everything that has happened so far plotwise.
The Best of 2004- #35
#35 is Breakin' by The Music. Would have been higher if it had come out earlier. One catchy tune. And AOL finally has the video:
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
The Amazing Race Report
The Players: After only two episodes, it has become quite apparent that this is the most combustible group of racers the Amazing Race producers have ever assembled. Jonathan the entrepreneur is such an unmitigated jerk, I really want to believe it's all an act. Even the old couple got in each other's faces last night. Mary Jean declared she was pissed at least twice. The wrestlers, who looked to be the biggest hotheads last week were almost tame compared to everyone else.
And then the sobbing apologies aftwerward! I am convinced that when they were casting this version, they highlighted anyone who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and automatically put them on the show. The second requirement must have been inability to read a map. I can't remember any past Race incarnation where every single team got lost or went the wrong way at some point in the same episode.
The Challenges: Riding a zipline down a ski jump? Why couldn't they just ski jump? Anyway, I never get too excited about the first ten to twenty minutes because you know they are all going to race like hell to end up all on the same flight or waiting for the next challenge to open. It happens in every episode. This time it was even worse because they incorporated a stupid multi-team race, so you know they had to wait for everyone to get there to make the teams even. Good news for the best friends, Meredith and Maria, who fell way behind because they couldn't drive a stick shift. The bad news was that they were playing the sad, "we've just got to be eliminated" music during the FIRST challenge when you still knew they would catch up! In other words, don't get too attached to them.
The Locals: It's never much fun when everyone gets the help they need because everyone speaks English, but at least the sisters, Lena & Kristy, got that kid to admit that he wouldn't have tagged along to help if they had been big hairy men.
The Finish: 1. Kris & Jon (long distance dating) 2. Jonathan & Victoria (control freak and doormat) 3. Gus & Hera (father/daughter) 4. Hayden & Aaron (dating actors) 5. Lori & Bolo (wrestlers) 6. Adam & Rebecca (formerly dating) 7. Don & Mary Jean (old people) 8. Freddy & Kendra (models who call each other Baby)<----really came in 6th but had to wait out a 30 minute penalty for taking two clues. 9. Lena & Kristy (sisters) Eliminated: Meredith & Maria (best friends)
Line of the Night: From Adam (aka Hellboy)- "If you ever tell me to take glasses off again, I'm never going to talk to you in my- the rest of my life."
-A wildly psychotic reaction to losing his sunglasses during the boat race. Moments later he would be begging for Rebecca to not dump him. The exact moment I came up with my schizophrenia theory.
Overall: The challenges weren't anything original, but it just doesn't matter. These players are a wild bunch- you never know who is going to snap next. Plus, with the editing techniques- the end is almost always exciting. This show can't miss. A+
The Best of 2004- #37
#37 is The Outsider by A Perfect Circle. For the video I only have two words: Bikini Bandits!
This Week's Top 10
1. Slow Hands- Interpol-MTV.com: Media Player
2. Breakin'- The Music- AOL Music: The Music: 'Breakin' '
3. I'm Not Okay (I Promise)- My Chemical Romance- AOL Music: My Chemical Romance: 'I'm Not Okay...
4. Buried a Lie- Senses Fail- AOL Music: Senses Fail: 'Burried a Lie'
5. I Love You Cause I Have To- Dogs Die in Hot Cars- AOL Music: Dogs Die in Hot Cars: 'I Love You ...
6. Coin-Operated Boy- The Dresden Dolls- LAUNCH: Music Video Player
7. Somewhere Only We Know- Keane- LAUNCH: Music Video Player
8. Boulevard of Broken Dreams- Green Day- AOL Music: Green Day: 'Boulevard of Broken Dre...
9. Mr. Brightside- The Killers- AOL Music: The Killers: 'Mr. Brightside'
10. Here I Am- The Explosion-AOL Music: The Explosion: 'Here I Am'
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Review- The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
I really want to like Spongebob. My four year old likes him. The rest of the world likes him. And all things considered, wacky, nonsensical humor is right up my alley. But for some reason Spongebob just doesn't click with me and I have yet to put my finger on the reason why. His TV show is hit or miss at best and his movie, unfortunately is almost all miss.
The plot is nothing that could not have been covered in a special two part episode of the show. It involves Spongebob's boss, Mr. Krabs being framed for the theft of King Neptune's crown and Spongebob and Patrick's heroic effort to retrieve it. The fact that Spongebob has been totally depressed and hates his boss because Krabs just denied him a huge promotion doesn't seem to play into Bob's decision to undertake the quest. Why on Earth would he want to do anything for his boss, who is not nice even on days when Bob likes his job? The movie does not explain the motivation, but it doesn't have to. The thin plot is only a tool for Spongebob and Patrick to act like idiot man-children for an hour and a half. Some of it is funny. Most is not.
I'm sure if you eat up everything Spongebob does, like most children do, this movie would be brilliant no matter what it was. If you're trying to catch up on what all the fuss is about by watching this movie, you will leave the theater scratching your head. While most of Nickelodeon's programs have a moral center, every time Spongebob leans toward teaching a life lesson or even having a point, it veers off course with a fake out and/or a wild joke that makes no sense. As I said before, I like zany humor a lot, but when you make zaniness the actual way that Spongebob saves the day, my rational mind is left wanting more.
1.5 stars
The Best of 2004- #38
# 38 is Year of the Rat by Badly Drawn Boy. One of the sweeter entries on the list. Kasey likes the video because it's a cartoon. Give someone a hug today.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Sunday, November 21, 2004
The Best of 2004- #40
Saturday, November 20, 2004
The Best of 2004- #41
#41 Is Amerika by Rammstein. I feel like I'm probably an ignorant American who likes a song that bashes America but since I don't speak German and can't find any lyric translations, I can't be sure. It's a catchy tune either way and I haven't met anyone who doesn't like it.
Friday, November 19, 2004
The Best of 2004-#42
#42 is Getting Away With Murder by Papa Roach. The radio station at work likes this one which in turn makes you like it because it gets beaten into your head. :-)
Thursday, November 18, 2004
DVR Disaster!!!
Well, it seems my DVR and I had a little disagreement last night. I asked it to record LOST and it decided not to. I have been praising this thing up and down to anyone who will listen, but if it's going to screw up, I may have to tone it down! Anyway, the long and short of it is, I can't do my favorite entry- the LOST recap- this week. I tried to use my memory and the ABC recap as a reference but they just left too much stuff out and I don't know exactly where my memories fall into the blanks. I apologize to everyone who looks forward to it.
Since it will be two weeks until a new show, I was thinking I might make an entire series or character recap as a special entry sometime next week, so look for that. :-)
The Best of 2004- #43
#43 is Mad World by Gary Jules. I don't know why the video link says Michael Andrews and I'm not going to investigate either! The video is pretty neat though so check it out.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
This Week's Top 10
It finally happened. Modest Mouse is off my list for the first time since I first heard Float On in, I don't know, May or June I think. To add to this sad day was the fact that I was underwhelmed by their performance on SNL. They screwed up a couple of times and looked like they didn't want to be there. My wife leaned over to me and said, "These guys can't sing!" I wouldn't go that far, but maybe their music just didn't translate onto that stage or with that crowd that may or may not have heard of them. Or maybe it's like Ben Folds said- some producer with computers fixes all my sh*tty tracks...
1. Breakin'- The Music- AOL Music: The Music: 'Breakin' '
2. I'm Not Okay (I Promise)- My Chemical Romance- AOL Music: My Chemical Romance: 'I'm Not Okay...
3. Buried A Lie- Senses Fail- AOL Music: Senses Fail: 'Burried a Lie'
4. Slow Hands- Interpol- MTV.com: Media Player
5. Boulevard of Broken Dreams- Green Day- AOL Music: Green Day: 'Boulevard of Broken Dre...
6. I Love You Cause I Have To- Dogs Die in Hot Cars- AOL Music: Dogs Die in Hot Cars: 'I Love You ...
7. Here I Am- The Explosion- AOL Music: The Explosion: 'Here I Am'
8. Misfit- Elefant- AOL Music: Elefant: 'Misfit'
9. Golden Touch- Razorlight- AOL Music: Razorlight: 'Golden Touch'
10. Mr. Brightside- The Killers- AOL Music: The Killers: 'Mr. Brightside'
The Best of 2004- #44
#44 is Here I Am by The Explosion. The first victim of coming out too late for me to justify putting it ahead of a cluster of songs I've liked for most of the year.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
The Best of 2004- #45
#45 is What's Your Number? by Cypress Hill. Any rapper can score, but Cypress Hill teaches us that sometimes they have to work a little bit.
Monday, November 15, 2004
The Best of 2004- #46
#46 is Who's Gonna Save Us? by The Living End. Right now I need to be saved from a serious head cold!
Sunday, November 14, 2004
The Best of 2004- #47
#47 is My Coco by Stellastarr. I have to admit it took me a long time to give this one a chance since it starts out so slow. It definitely picks up, though, which is surprising since the lyrics are actually kind of sad.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
The Best of 2004- #48
#48 is Spitting Games by Snow Patrol. This is one of those songs where I liked it much much better once I looked up the lyrics. I can't stand it when I like a song but the chorus or something sounds like gibberish. Thank God for the Internet. :-)
Friday, November 12, 2004
The Streak
It had to end eventually. My streak of going to the movies and posting a review comes to an end today at four weeks. I had the chance to go but my parents were out of free movie passes and there was nothing out there that grabbed me enough to want to spend money on it. The Grudge? Eh. After the Sunset? I wouldn't receive money to see that! And as much as I like horror movies, I think you have to be brain dead before they even let you in to see Chucky. Hopefully, I will be able to start a new streak next week.
Here are some letter grades for DVDs I've watched recently. I don't have time to fully review them. :(
Saved- Movie: A, Extras: B (The bloopers are good)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)- Movie: B+, Extras: B+ (Good original footage made just for the DVD)
Shrek 2- Movie: B, Extras: D (only ten trivia questions in a ten question game and no real insight on any of the "making of" crap. Far Far Away Idol is lame)
The Best of 2004- #49
#49 is Silhouettes by Smile Empty Soul, a band that seems to specialize almost exclusively in songs about how parents mess up kids. This one is a lot more mellow than Nowhere Kids and choosing between the two, I like this one better. Lead Sean Danielson is not saying his parents did a bad job, just that he doesn't want to embrace the same life choices they made. Anyone who has ever been dragged to church can relate to that.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
The Best of 2004- #50
Since EW.com already put up their end of the year Best Of poll, I don't feel as bad about eagerly anticipating the end of the year myself. I have already compiled my Top Fifty Favorite Songs of the Year and will be counting them down one day at a time.
First up at # 50 is Step Up by Drowning Pool. This one just pumps you up. The boss threatened to turn the radio off for good because we had this one cranked so high. Not to mention that the video has a lot of girls and even some blurred nudity.
LOST- Episode 8: Confidence Man
Previously on LOST- Jin attacked Michael, Michael found out Sun speaks English and Sayid got cracked on the coconut.
No opening eyeball this week- instead we get Kate walking alone on the beach with a bunch of bananas. She comes across some discarded clothes and the book Sawyer has been reading. Our resident bad boy is taking a little dip but when he spots Kate, he gets out to let her spot him. This is not NYPD Blue, so the camera stays above the waist- sorry, ladies. Kate dismisses his crude come-on which makes Sawyer think back to a bedroom romp with a woman who didn't think he was a total pig. He tells her he loves her, but the good times don't last when she points out that he is going to be late for his meeting. In his haste, he drops his briefcase, which pops open and dumps out a whole lotta cash. "You weren't exactly supposed to see that," Sawyer tells his girl.
Back to reality, Sawyer is walking through the jungle when he hears some ominous rustling. He breaks into a run and catches Boone rummaging through the secret stash of stuff Sawyer has been so careful to hide from everyone. Obviously, not careful enough. Elsewhere, Jack is tending to Sayid's wounds and asks what happened to him. Sayid recounts last week's happenings almost as well as I could have. The only new information we get is that the transceiver has been destroyed as well. Jack advises against making hasty accusations, but Sayid promises no such thing. Their conversation ends when Shannon drags her injured brother into the camp. Boone's one word answer to what happened to him: Sawyer. Cue creepy LOST title screen.
At the beach, Charlie, who is looking much healthier now that he is not the focus of the episode, brings a bottle of water to Claire, who is making her triumphant return to television. Seriously, this woman was written out of the show for so long, my wife thought she really had a baby. Charlie confesses that he worries about her out in the sun and tries to convince her to switch to Team Cave. She insists she is staying put until they get rescued.
Over at the cave, Boone tells Jack that Shannon has asthma and her inhaler is empty. There were more inhalers in their luggage, which Sawyer has, evidenced by Sawyer's reading of the book Boone packed. Cut to the beach, where Jack has teleported over to take immediate action against Sawyer. They argue the merits of the Finders-Keepers policy and are about to come to blows when Kate interrupts them. In case he might accidentally impress the woman who has a thing for him, Jack chickens out and walks away.
Sawyer flashes back to the bedroom where he tries to quickly explain the reason he is carrying all that cash. It's all the money he has, $140,000, and he is investing in an oil mining operation. You could triple your money, but one share costs 300 thou. He has an investor to cover the rest, but his girlfriend helpfully offers to get the rest of the money from, who else but, her husband.
In the present, Kate goes after Jack who tells her he would really like to kill Sawyer- the only thing stopping him is that they are not savages- yet. Kate offers to talk to the man instead, since Sawyer seems to think they have some kind of connection.
Kate finds Sawyer chopping wood and asks him what he wants for the inhalers. A kiss oughta do it. Kate tells him that she doesn't buy his act. She really gets his attention when she says she has seen him reading the precious piece of paper he keeps in his pocket. The care with which he protects it tells her that there is a real person in there. Sawyer is offended that she thinks she knows him and forces her to read the letter from his pocket, out loud, thank goodness:
To: MrSawyer@aol.com
From: HauntingBackstory@yahoo.com
Subject: You ruined my life!
You don't know who I am, but I know who you are and I know what you've done. You had sex with my mother and then you stole my dad's money all away. So he got angry and killed my mother. And then he killed himself too. All I know is your name, but one of these days I'm going to find you and I'm going to give you this letter so you remember what you've done to me. You killed my parents, Mr. Sawyer.
Well, how convenient- a commercial for the asthma medicine, Advair. I get it- if you're ever stranded on anisland and someone steals your inhalers, wouldn't you wish you had a pill to take instead? Brilliant!
Sayid begins his investigation with Locke, who seems most likely to not want to leave the island. Locke steers the investigation away from himself and on to Sawyer by suggesting a cigarette could be used to delay a fuse. He then hands over one of his knives- for next time.
That night, Shannon's breathing is getting worse so when Sawyer stops by to fill his water bottle, Jack demands the inhalers and he is not kidding around. He punches Sawyer twice but gets nothing but taunts in return. Sawyer doesn't fight back because he is too busy having a flashback to the time when he got his girlfriend's husband in on the oil investment. He uses reverse psychology by trying to back out. When he tries to walk away and is stopped, he smiles a very snake-like smile to himself.
Back at the beach, Charlie and Claire discuss what they miss about the real world. Charlie strikes a deal with her that if he can find some peanut butter, she will move to the caves. Elsewhere, Shannon has taken another turn for the worse, but Dr. Jack helps her through it. Afterward, Jack agrees to let Sayid perform torture methods he learned in the Iraqi military to make Sawyer give up the inhalers.
Walking through the jungle, Charlie pushes the wrong button on Hurley in the quest for peanut butter. Fatty likes food, so he must have some tucked away somewhere. He does not and is mightily insulted. For Charlie's information, Hurley is down a notch in his belt. Elsewhere, Sun sneaks up to Michael and reveals that she can help Shannon but will have to do it through him since she's not supposed to understand what's happening.
Jack and Sayid abduct Sawyer while he's asleep and begin to threaten and torture him. Sawyer does not back down but after getting some horrible fingernail torture and thereatened with losing an eye, he finally gives in. His original stipulation holds, however, and Kate must kiss him. In another flashback, Sawyer assures his partner in a sleazy pool hall that the scam definitely worked and they will have their mark's money in no time. The man still seems unsure and demands his own money back plus fifty percent by the next day...or else.
Kate comes to Sawyer and fulfills his request quite nicely. She definitely went above and beyond the call of duty in my opinion- perhaps she can't resist his bad boy charm after all. Unfortunately for Kate and Shannon, Sawyer doesn't even have the inhalers- Boone's book washed up on the beach. Sayid doesn't believe it, pulls out his shiny new knife and heads over to do God knows what. Sawyer frees himself just in time and they brawl a little and fall to the ground, causing the knife to cut Sawyer's arm, severing an artery. Jack does all he can to stop the bleeding and sends Sayid back for his medical bag.
Michael brings Sun the plants she asked for but Jin comes from behind and is very angry. It is possible he just caught her speaking English, but I don't know for sure since I can't speak Korean. Michael tells the man to back off.
Sawyer struggles to tell Kate and Jack that he doesn't even want to live and if the tables were turned he would want Jack to die. Sawyer flashes back to the time he finally sealed the oil deal with his girlfriend's husband. Or almost sealed, that is. When he realizes that they have a little boy, he backs out, drops the money and walks away without looking back.
Sawyer wakes up all bandaged up with Kate watching over him. She has been reading his letter over and over, trying to figure out why he would pretend to have Boone's bag just to play the bad guy. The seal on the envelope is from the bicentennial, written by Sawyer himself when he was just a kid. Sawyer is not even his real name, it is the name of the man who was indirectly responsible for his parents' deaths. Growing up, "Sawyer" became a "confidence man" himself, preying on pretty women with dumb husbands. He had become the man he was pursuing and thus, took his name.
Back at the cave, Jack finds Sun using a mixture she made from eucalyptus leaves to soothe Shannon's asthma. Meanwhile at the beach, Charlie brings Claire an empty jar of peanut butter and they pretend to eat it. Kate catches Sayid with his bags packed and heading off down the beach. He is ashamed of what he almost did to Sawyer so he is banishing himself from camp and going to map the island on his own. Team Beach was supposed to be the optimists, but Sayid kind of blows that when he says, "I hope we meet again."
Now it's time for the bi-weekly musical montage: Defeated on a lame technicality, Claire and Charlie are seen carrying Claire's stuff off the beach. Shannon smiles at her brother when he brings her some water and the Con-Artist Formerly Known as Sawyer can't quite bring himself to burn that childhood letter. The last shot is from the distance- Sayid walking alone as the music says, "I shall not walk alone."
Well, with Shannon, Boone, and Claire switching sides and Sayid leaving, it looks like Team Beach has been decimated. Probably planned by the writers that the optimists would be the first ones to break up...
Next week on LOST: Hurley and Locke find something that fell out of the plane so shocking, it causes Hurley to mutter, "Dude..." Also, Sayid is captured by a mysterious woman who has syringes and electricity.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
This Week's Top 10
I'll be sure to set my DVR this week to record Saturday Night Live with musical guest Modest Mouse! I'm sure they will be performing both of their songs that hit #1 on my chart, Float On and Ocean Breathes Salty. My love for them did not keep Ocean from almost dropping off, however. There's a lot of good music this year:
1. Buried A Lie- Senses Fail- AOL Music: Senses Fail: 'Burried a Lie'
2. I'm Not Okay (I Promise)- My Chemical Romance- AOL Music: My Chemical Romance: 'I'm Not Okay...
3. Golden Touch- Razorlight- AOL Music: Razorlight: 'Golden Touch'
4. I Love You Cause I Have To- Dogs Die In Hot Cars- AOL Music: Dogs Die in Hot Cars: 'I Love You ...
5. Slow Hands- Interpol- MTV.com: Media Player
6. Somewhere Only We Know- Keane- LAUNCH: Music Video Player
7. Breakin'- The Music-AOL Music: The Music: 'Breakin' '
8. Here I Am- The Explosion- AOL Music: The Explosion: 'Here I Am'
9. Ocean Breathes Salty- Modest Mouse- AOL Music: Modest Mouse: 'Ocean Breathes Salty'
10. Misfit- Elefant- AOL Music: Elefant: 'Misfit'
Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Week 10 NFL Preview
At 53-74, I'm really not okay (I promise). I don't know why anyone would listen to me at this point, but I will carry on with this pointless feature!
Take the Ravens -1.5 The Jets proved last week in Buffalo that their offense cannot handle a top notch defense. Now they run into the best of the best.
Take the Jets +1.5 Home underdogs are usually attractive. The Ravens offense is terrible so if the Jets can score just a little, it might be enough.
Take the Steelers -4 They just defeated the last two unbeaten teams and didn't even sweat doing it. They are the new top dog.
Take the Browns +4 1) The Browns have been a very different team when playing at home- almost good! 2) The Steelers I'm sure needed a lot of emotional energy to win their last two big games. Going on the road now could be a letdown.
Take the Colts -9.5 The Colts have the best passing offense in the league and the Texans are one of the worst defenses against the pass. They have already been smoked by Brees, Culpepper, and Plummer. Now they get Manning.
Take the Texans +9.5 The Texans have been competitive in most of their games. They might be scrappy enough to cover the big spread.
Take the Titans -7 The Titans know they can't afford to lose any more games, they should be able to get up for this one after a bye week to prepare. They have lost enough home games already- time to repair that record.
Take the Bears +7 The Bears are playing inspired defense right now and quietly have a winning streak going. They will not be a pushover. They covered a huge spread last week by winning outright.
Take the Falcons -3.5 The Falcons finally, finally! turned Vick loose in their last game and were rewarded with victory. I think the rest of the league is in trouble now.
Take the Buccaneers +3.5 The Bucs are another team with a very quiet winning streak after a bad start. If they don't get this one, the Falcons will have an insurmountable 4 game lead in the division. The Bucs should be ready at home.
Take the Jags -3 They may have lost their quarterback but they still have that awesome defense. Lions' QB Joey Harrington has looked shaky and could very easily struggle on the road.
Take the Lions +3 The Lions have actually been better on the road than at home. 3-1 compared to 1-3. The Jags will struggle to score with their backup quarterback. Take the underdog in a low scoring game.
Take the Rams -1 Both of these teams have struggled more than expected. Go with the home team.
Take the Seahawks +1 The Seahawks have not been the same team since they were exposed by the Rams during that big comeback a few weeks ago. This has revenge game potential.
Take the Chiefs -4.5 The Saints are dismal. They have clearly given up on their coach and are already playing out the stretch. The Chiefs know they can't afford any more hiccups or the division will be lost for good.
Take the Saints +4.5 The one thing the Saints have is offensive potential and even the lowly Bucs offense put up 34 against the terrible Chiefs D.
Take the Redskins -3 The Skins have been playing close games lately and with so many bad teams in the NFC, they are not nearly out of it. The Bengals have been awful on the road and could give up a lot on the ground to Portis.
Take the Bengals +3 The Bengals have won two of the last three and could be coming around as they did last year at this time. Chad Johnson will give the Skins D fits.
Take the Packers -4 It's becoming an annual tradition- Packers start slow and the Vikings start fast, then collapse and watch the Packers overtake them. The Packers are going to blow them away.
Take the Vikings +4 The Pack have won three games in a row, but ran into that momentum killing bye. The Vikings coming off two stinging losses will be more ready to play. It wasn't that long ago that Green Bay was 1-4. They're not that good.
Take the Giants -2.5 Coach Coughlin has yet to lose two in a row with the Giants. You know they heard it from him about that second consecutive unforgivable home loss. They have been a better road team this year.
Take the Cardinals +2.5 Even when they were in the same division, the Cards game was no gimmee. It's hard to get up to play in a half empty stadium. The Giants have fallen into the Arizona trap many times in my lifetime and I could see it happening again.
Take the 49ers -1 Two teams going nowhere. The Panthers are so decimated by injuries, I don't know if they can ever field a competitive team again this season. Go with the home team in this stinker.
Take the Panthers +1 The 49ers are the worst team in the league. Even the Panthers back ups can probably beat them.
Take the Patriots -8.5 The champions proved last week that they can still do whatever it takes to win- wide receivers playing flawless cornerback out of necessity! They are very much a force to be reckoned with and the Bills don't have the offense to keep up.
Take the Bills +8.5 This is the season for the Bills. They have put together a modest winning streak and have positioned themselves to be officially back in it if they can win at Foxboro. Also, the line is pretty huge for a team with such a good defense.
Take the Eagles -6.5 Could be a bounce back week for Philly. TO and McNabb will want to prove that everything is fine in paradise. The Cowboys, meanwhile are falling apart, only scoring 3 points against the Bengals (worst defense in the league)
Take the Cowboys +6.5 Hard to pick against the Boys at home on a national stage, especially with a fairly big line. Parcells will have his team ready.
Here's Lookin' at Me, Kids
Monday, November 8, 2004
Video Review- "Misfit"
No high concept here- just the band playing and some pretty girls. I'm really getting lazy on my video reviews. :-)
Grade: C
Friday, November 5, 2004
Review- The Incredibles
It's always a fun gag to humanize super heroes because of the irony. Heroes with mighty powers are created to do the things we cannot do in real life. Faster than a speeding bullet and so on.. The first half of The Incredibles gives us a rather humorous set-up- the domestication of the super hero.
Mr. Incredible is a defeated man. He has not lost to any arch-rival villain, but rather he has been beaten down by life in the real world. There are just too many lawsuits waiting to happen when you use your super-human strength to repeatedly save the day. Incredible has been forced to settle down to a boring life of marriage and insurance claims. The only kicks he gets are from reliving the good old days as a vigilante who hides from his wife in the car, listening to the police scanner.
Business does eventually pick up again when Mr. Incredible is contacted by a secret agency that has need for his unique abilities. This is the set-up for the second half of the movie and is unfortunately the point where things get bogged down. A classic case of the need for a plot interfering with an ingenius premise. Of course we know that Mr. Incredible and his equally super wife, Elastigirl, will officially return to action, but in doing so, all oppurtunities for satire become lost.
The movie never loses its sense of fun, just its sense of humor. The only time I remember laughing in the second half is when Elastigirl fights her way out of a compromising situation as only she can. All action, no laughs is not what I have come to expect from Pixar. That, coupled with my four year old's need to look away periodically, reminded me that Pixar is trying to break away from Disney. They definitely do it here with children in danger and even a reference to a drinking game. This is definitely not Toy Story. (The Incredibles is rated PG, not G like all previous Pixar gems.)
The computer graphics are top notch as usual- it's a credit to Pixar that they have set such a standard that it is almost not worth mentioning how great they are. The super suits really glisten and there is a scene in the ocean where the characters almost look real.
I wanted to and was ready to love this movie but I just couldn't. The two halves are such stark contrasts. I wish they could have run the spoof out for ninety minutes. Fun, but not fun enough.
2.5 stars
Thursday, November 4, 2004
LOST- Episode 7: The Moth
We start things off with Charlie today- he looks to be in bad shape from his withdrawal. The ever helpful Locke suggests that they go for a walk.
Over at the beach, Jack is rounding up the rest of his stuff and gives Kate her own mugshot. She can use it to start conversations at parties, I suppose. They argue a little bit more about where they should live until Sawyer interrupts by moving into Jack's now abandoned tent.
Back over to Charlie, who is stumbling around the jungle looking for Mr. Locke. He doesn't find him but he does find an angry boar. In the midst of running for his life, Charlie flashes back to his last church confession. Being in a band can lead to many temptations and the bass player for Driveshaft has been a very bad boy behind the bedroom door. Charlie leaves the confessional and finds his bandmate waiting for him in a pew with good news. Turns out, Driveshaft has been signed to a major record label.
Back to reality, Charlie is still running for his life, but fortunately, this was part of Locke's plan. Charlie was merely making himself useful by luring the boar toward a trap. Locke tells him he makes good bait, but Charlie is not amused- he angrily demands his drugs back. Locke doesn't answer before the title screen comes up.
After commercials, Locke strikes a deal with Charlie- on the third time he asks for his drugs back, he'll give them to him. I say strange because why wouldn't Charlie just ask three straight times immediately? Any four year old could figure that out. That's television for ya!
Over at Team Beach, Sayid, Kate and Boone (making his triumphant return to television) arrange a plan to find the power source of the French lady's distress signal. It involves setting up three antennae at remote locations and communicating with fireworks. Just like the Indians. In order for the transceiver to work again, Sayid needs more power, like say, from a laptop. Kate manages to get one from Sawyer, but not before she tells him how much she pities him and speculates that he doesn't want to leave the island because he has no one waiting for him at home.
At the waterfall, Jack returns with the stuff he took off the beach. Charlie tries to help, but spills a bag full of medicine. Jack basically tells him to get lost, but says it more nicely than that. Charlie stews a little about feeling useless and thinks back to the time when his bandmate, aka, his big brother Liam talked him in to taking Driveshaft to the big time. Charlie is cautious but agrees to do it only if Liam promises they can walk away if things get too crazy for Charlie's super-religious tastes.
In the present, Jin tends to his wounds from last week and tells his wife to cover herself up. Sun defies him, saying that it is too hot (to be modest). Elsewhere, Hurley brings Charlie his guitar case which Charlie uses as an opening to talk about his songwriting career. Unfortunately, Hurley doesn't want to hear it and was just telling him that Jack wanted the case moved out of the way. This sets Charlie off, so he storms into a cave after Jack to tell him what's what. Before any blows can be exchanged, the cave begins to crumble and collapse. Charlie makes it out, but Jack doesn't...
The soundless commercial for Extreme Deaf Makeover makes me realize how loudly I have the television turned up. (all the buzzing) After that, Hurley sends Charlie to the beach to get some more man power. "And make sure you tell Kate!" he calls after him.
Speaking of Kate, she and Sayid are walking through the woods, carrying out their antennae plan. Sayid puts a voice to the one thing that all the critics of the show have pointed out. That is, there's no possible way they could have survived the plane crash. Kate tells him that lots of things happen with no rhyme or reason to them.
Charlie makes it to the beach and rounds up Michael, Boone and even some extras, who are actually given names! Scott and Steve, welcome to LOST. Potential Mistake # 1- Boone decides to help Jack and leaves Shannon in charge of setting off the firework and turning on the antenna at the right time. Potential Mistake # 2- Charlie leaves Sawyer in charge of going off to tell Kate about the cave-in.
Flashback to Driveshaft performing their biggest hit, You All Everybody. Liam steals all of Charlie's thunder by singing the entire song- we all know from Episode 1 that Charlie sings the chorus to that song! Charlie seeks a confrontation backstage, but Liam blows him off for the sex and drugs part of sex, drugs and rock n' roll.
Michael shows up to put a stop to the rescue effort. We learn that he has spent eight years in construction and can figure out where to dig without putting everyone in more danger.
Sawyer catches up to Kate and Sayid and gets so insulted by his cold greeting, that he bites his tongue about Jack's peril and decides to simply tag along with them. Meanwhile, Charlie finds Locke skinning a boar and tells him about Jack. Locke knows that that is not the reason Charlie came to see him, so Charlie wastes no more time and asks for his stash again. In response, Locke plays Nature Show Host and shows Charlie a moth cocoon. He uses it to make an analogy. He could help the moth get out of the cocoon, but it would be too weak to survive. Struggling is what makes it stronger. Get it? Get it?
Over at the cave, Michael is able to dig out a small hole into the cave and they learn that Jack is alive but pinned. They try to decide who should go in and Charlie bravely volunteers because he is alone on the island compared to everyone else.
At Antenna Site Number 2, Sawyer compares himself to Jack and lets it slip that Jack is in trouble, so Kate goes running off to help.
Charlie slithers his way into the cave, thinking back to the time when he finally called out his brother and ended Driveshaft's wild ride. Liam responds with anger and tells Charlie that he is nothing but a bass player. Low blow! After Liam storms out, Charlie sits down for a cry and a bit of drugs. In the cave, things start collapsing again. Charlie makes it in, but he won't be able to go back the way he came.
Commerical for a drug that helps acid reflux disease. How long before they sign Ashlee Simpson as spokesperson? Anyway, Kate arrives to help dig. Actually, to be the only one to dig since everyone else apparently gave up when the tunnel collapsed. Inside, Charlie gets Jack loose and pops his shoulder back into place.
Charlie's final flashback is vastly different from the previous ones. Liam has cleaned himself up and is living in Sydney with a wife and child. He even has glasses now. Only rock stars can afford contacts, you know. This time it's Charlie that brings the good news of a comeback tour, but Liam wants no part of it. Angry that his brother has not, and never really did look out for him, Charlie storms off. He even turns down the generous offer to crash there and receive drug rehab. He has somewhere else to crash- after all, he has a plane to catch...
In the cave, Jack reveals that he has figured out Charlie's secret about the drug withdrawal. You can't hide anything from a spinal surgeon. Things are looking bleak since they are running out of oxygen, but luckily Charlie spots this week's title character- The Moth. The Moth leads Charlie to a new place to dig, where he eventually is able to poke his hand all the way to the outside world. The two make it out and are reunited with their friends. Jack gives Charlie all the credit, which he deserves anyway, and there are hugs all around. Charlie realizes he can be useful and is appreciated after all.
At five that evening, Sayid sets Team Beach's plan into motion by setting off his firework. Shannon comes through and lights hers- and so does Sawyer, though we only see his firework in the distance, not him actually doing it. This is because we need suspects for this week's cliffhanger mystery: Who whacked Sayid in the back of the head with a stick just when he was about to go off and find the source of the French lady's signal?
Around the campfire that night, Jack covers for Charlie's withdrawals by telling Hurley that the rocker has the flu. Walt asks Dad if they can switch teams and move into the caves. Michael exchanges a meaningful look with Sun, which I guess means yes. Kate brings Jack a sling and teases him about the safety of the caves. Not to worry though, because Michael checked the rest of them out and gave them the thumbs up.
For the epic final scene, Charlie asks Locke for his stash back for the third time. Locke hands them over, no questions asked, and Charlie throws them into the fire. Locke is proud. So am I, even if that was totally predictable. Charlie looks up to see the real hero of this episode- Mr. Moth, who I think it's safe to assume is also proud of Charlie.
Next week: Sawyer cranks his jerk factor up to eleven by not immediately handing over Shannon's asthma medicine. And don't worry Sayid fans- he looks to be okay and will even help to beat Sawyer up.
Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Week 9 NFL Preview
I've just spent approximately 20 hours watching election coverage, so I may not be able to get enough adrenaline going to make this post as long as it could be:
Take the Jets -3 Abraham is having a defensive MVP type season. The Bills are the only team I've watched where I could predict when they would get sacked. I would have given away more than 3 points here.
Take the Bills +3 Like I said last week, the Bills are not as bad as their record. Being at home for the second straight week, they could jump at this chance to possibly get back in the mix.
Take the Eagles -1.5 I think we see a Steelers let down this week. No team, when faced with playing two consecutive teams of 6-0 or better has ever won both games. Plus, the Eagles have T.O, who has been the ultimate difference maker for Philly.
Take the Steelers +1.5 The Steelers are a lot more physical than people realize since every one is talking about Big Ben. The Steelers have already taken down Parcells and Belichick- that's impressive- there may be no one who can outcoach them. I can't believe I would say that about a Cowher team.
Take the Lions -3.5 I personally witnesssed the Lions two weeks ago and if they can do all the same things they did to the Giants, they have a pretty good chance, especially at home finally. The Redskins and Gibbs realize they are going nowhere this year and have a budding QB controversy and an unhappy RB to deal with.
Take the Redskins +3.5 The Lions have not fared well at home and they are pretty decimated on offense. The Redskins feel they were robbed last week by the officials and will be more ready to play than a Lions team coming off a dismantling by the Cowboys.
Take the Cowboys -1.5 The Cowboys are in the only easy part of their schedule. They have to get this game if they want to contend. Cincinnati's defense is terrible and Testaverde looked almost young last week. He could pick them apart.
Take the Bengals +1.5 Both of these teams are underachieving, but the Bengals played pretty well at home last time out against the Broncos. Chad Johnson is a real deal receiver and if he shows up, it gives the offense a chance to offset the bad defense.
Take the Panthers -6.5 The Raiders are a team that has already given up on the season while the Panthers have not. Both teams have bad records but Carolina's defeats have been a lot closer. I think they are the better team here.
Take the Raiders +6.5 The battle of the ultimate Super Bowl Hangovers. I'm still waiting for that break-out game where Kerry Collins proves why he is still in the league. Could be this week against a former team of his.
Take the Dolphins -3 Last Monday notwithstanding, the Dolphins defense is pretty good. Meanwhile, the Cardinals have been doing their best to match the Lions record for road futility.
Take the Cardinals +3 One coach has his team playing well and on the verge of overachieving. The other is going to be the first one fired at the end of the season. Who do you think the players are going to play for?
Take the Chiefs -3 101 points in two games. The Chiefs are back.
Take the Buccaneers +3 The Chiefs scored those 101 points at home. They haven't been nearly as good on the road. The Bucs defense is still respectable and they have had a week to prepare.
Take the Giants -9 The Giants proved that the loss to the Lions was all because of me being there live. The defense is playing way over their heads and creating more turnovers than any other team. They made an MVP candidate look like a joke. What will they do to a rookie making his second start?
Take the Bears +9 I can't remember a single game in my football watching lifetime where the Giants have covered a huge spread. It just doesn't happen. The Bears have a decent enough defense to potentially hang around in this game. The Giants sure looked sloppy in the last home game they were "supposed to win."
Take the Seahawks -6.5 The 49ers proved on Sunday night that they are the worst team in the league. Seattle, meanwhile proved that they were back to their winning ways.
Take the 49ers +6.5 The Seahawks have proven in their last two road games that they are just not that good away from home. They could slack off just like they did in Arizona.
Take the Chargers -6 The Chargers are for real. They are the highest scoring team in the league!
Take the Saints +6 The Saints are getting healthy. Plus, they still have that enigma thing going. If the Chargers were still bad I would be more worried. Now that the Chargers are good, I feel more confident that New Orleans can win this one.
Take the Patriots -3 It even happened to the Pats. As soon as you lose one single game, all the experts want to write you off. They were overdue for one stinker and now all of a sudden, people have the Jets taking the division. They are still well-coached. They are still the Patriots.
Take the Rams +3 One thing you like from the Rams side- both starting corners are out for New England and the Rams are loaded at wide receiver. It could be a long day for the suddenly vulnerable Pats defense.
Take the Broncos -6 Jake Plummer put up huge passing numbers last week and the Texans pass defense is their weak point. They gave up a lot of long bombs to Culpepper and the Vikings a few weeks ago.
Take the Texans +6 I think this is the joke of the week from Vegas. Just proves again that they love their Broncos. They are on a two game losing streak where they were not competitive in either game. The Texans are riding high in the meantime. Whatever, Vegas betting line!
Take the Ravens -6 REVENGE game of the week. The Browns stunned Baltimore in Week 1. Ray Lewis is steamed over his war of words with T.O. and will be looking to hit any receiver that takes the field. Plus, the triumphant return of Jamal Lewis who was more than halfway to a thousand yard season in just the two Browns games last year.
Take the Browns +6 The Browns won in Week 1 because they stacked up to stop Jamal Lewis. Why wouldn't they do it again? Kyle Boller at QB scares no one. 6 is a lot of points in what will probably be a low scoring game.
Take the Colts -6 Finally a good game on Monday night for once. The Vikings defense is bad as the Giants proved. Manning should light them up. Plus, it looks like Moss will be out- the Vikings proved they really do miss him. It will be hard for them to keep up.
Take the Vikings +6 Now that they know they don't have Moss, they will be able to prepare properly and use all the other weapons all the experts have been talking about. The Giants simply get into Culpepper's head for whatever reason. He should be back to normal Monday night.
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
This Week's Top 10
Mood: Angry- because my post just got erased while I was maneuvering through the links I was creating. Sometimes the journal disappears on me and it makes me mad! Anyway, I will do football when the election is over and I can concentrate on inconsequential things like the NFL. Right now I'm too worried about having to live in Kerry's America. Anyway, the Top 10 is much easier to compile so that goes here today:
1. Buried a Lie- Senses Fail- AOL Music: Senses Fail: 'Burried a Lie'
2. I'm Not Okay (I Promise)- My Chemical Romance- AOL Music: My Chemical Romance: 'I'm Not Okay...
3. Golden Touch- Razorlight- AOL Music: Razorlight: 'Golden Touch'
4. Somewhere Only We Know- Keane- LAUNCH: Music Video Player
5. I Love You Cause I Have To- Dogs Die in Hot Cars- AOL Music: Dogs Die in Hot Cars: 'I Love You ...
6. Slow Hands- Interpol- MTV.com: Media Player
7. Underwear Goes Inside the Pants- Lazyboy- AOL Music: Lazyboy: 'Underwear Goes Inside the...
8. Ocean Breathes Salty- Modest Mouse- AOL Music: Modest Mouse: 'Ocean Breathes Salty'
9. Amerika- Rammstein- LAUNCH: Music Video Player
10. Breakin'- The Music- AOL Music: The Music: 'Breakin' '
Monday, November 1, 2004
Video Review- No Phone
It looks like reality TV strikes in videos now, too. Real people dancing really stupidly! Watch for the girl doing her best Janet Jackson impression. ;-)
Stupid, but strangely captivating. Grade: B