Okay, last time I covered exactly who everyone stuck on the island is. That can be found here: LOST Primer PART 1
This time we're going to cover some important stuff you need to know and even more importantly, the major questions that we do not know the answers to yet- this is the part that makes the show really fun.
Part 2: The Mysteries of the Island
-At least 48 people survived the plane crash. How is that possible?
-Jack, Kate and Charlie ventured off to find the cockpit in the jungle. When they found the pilot he was alive, but not for long. He was sucked out the window and killed by a giant creature of some kind. What exactly was that thing?
-Kate, Sayid, Charlie, Boone, Shannon and Sawyer sought higher ground to broadcast a distress signal. Instead, they picked up the transmission of a French woman. (later revealed to be Danielle, alive on the island) The broadcast has been playing on an endless loop for 16 years. Where is it getting its power source from? Does it have anything to do with the giant cable Sayid found? How does Danielle have all the stuff she has? What does she mean when she says "it killed them all"? Who and where is Alex, her child? Who are the whisperers she claims to hear? The French woman angle has easily raised the most questions with many possible explanations.
-While seeking higher ground, the group was attacked by a polar bear. How on Earth did that get there?
-Jack was able to see his father walking around the jungle. Was he really there or was it all in his head?
-How did Locke survive his encounter with, presumably, the same monster that killed the pilot?
-Jack, Kate, Locke and Charlie stumbled on two skeletons laid to rest in a cave. Who put them there? And why was one of them carrying black and white stones?
-Does the island really give you what you want, if you give it something first? Locke seems to think so...as soon as he made Charlie give up the drugs, Charlie looked in the trees and found his beloved guitar.
The Mysteries of the Survivors:
Jack: Jack's mother told him he was obligated to find his father because of what Jack did. What did he do? Where is Dad's body since we know he wasn't in the coffin? Is he really walking around the island?
Kate: What crime did she commit and why did the Marshall insist that she was so dangerous and not to be trusted?
Locke: How is he able to walk all of a sudden? Was it island magic? What exactly happened when he saw the monster? What does he know about the island? He claims that he has looked into the eye of the island and what he saw was beautiful. And, basically, what is his deal, anyway? He genuinely helped Jack and Charlie but why did he encourage Sayid to confront Sawyer by giving him a knife? And why has he seemingly agreed to teach Walt how to hunt when he knows his father doesn't approve?
Sawyer: What is his real name? Why was he on the plane?
Sayid: Who whacked him over the head just when he was about to locate the source of the distress signal? It almost certainly wasn't Danielle. How did Sayid get out of the military and end up on a plane bound for LA from Australia? And is Nadia still alive?
Jin: What exactly does Sun's father make him do for a living to come home covered in blood that is not his own? What is the significance of his father-in-law's watch which he seems hellbent on protecting?
Part 3: The Relationship Chart:
Finally, I know if I was going to try and get into a show after missing some of it, I would want to know what every character has to do with another. The first scene I ever saw in Six Feet Under was David being bailed out of jail by Keith. I had no idea what their relationship was until I went back and saw the first few episodes. I don't want that to happen to you. Here is a complete Relationship Breakdown for LOST.
Jack-Kate: Jack and Kate were fast friends after she stitched up his wounds and they ran off to find the cockpit together. Kate is definitely attracted to him, but how he feels is unclear. Right now he has been much more concerned with everyone's safety and survival than with flirting.
Jack-Charlie: Charlie has been one of the ones deferring to Jack as the leader. They reached a more level relationship when Charlie rescued Jack from the collapsed cave. Jack is one of the only ones who knows about Charlie's addiction and covers for him.
Jack-Locke: Locke recognized how everyone treats Jack and encouraged him to find what he was looking for in the jungle of mystery. They don't interact much but there is mutual respect there.
Jack-Sawyer: They are definitely at odds. Jack's Dudley Do-Right personality clashes with Sawyer's bad boy attitude. When Jack was saving his life, Sawyer admitted that, roles reversed, he would want Jack to die.
Jack-Sayid: More subtlety to their rivalry here. Sayid obviously resents Jack being treated like the leader, and Jack for his part has been careful to not step on his toes too badly. The tension does not keep them from working together, as evidenced in the torture sequence.
Jack-Claire: Claire obviously needs the services of a doctor. They are friendly, though Jack had to tell her to back off when she originally wanted him to lead the memorial service.
Jack- Sun: Sun has been seen assisting Jack as he tends to the others.
Jack-Jin: No interaction that I can remember.
Jack-Hurley: Hurley has been Jack's assistant on more than one occassion either willingly or unwillingly. Hurley was the one who managed to get Jack to lighten up when he created the golf course.
Jack-Rose: Jack has been the only one to communicate with Rose. They have a doctor-patient bond if nothing else.
Jack-Boone: Boone is also resentful of Jack's leadership, but seems to have accepted it.
Jack-Shannon: Jack helped Shannon control her breathing during severe asthma attacks. Again, more of a doctor-patient thing.
Jack-Michael: Mutual respect.
Jack-Walt: Gee, I don't know if they've even met. I can't remember them ever speaking to one another.
Kate-Charlie: Charlie has voiced displeasure with her attraction to Jack and was hurt when the three of them were in danger but she only called out for the doctor. Other than that, they've gotten along.
Kate-Locke: They've spoken as leader-types, but have no viable relationship yet.
Kate-Sawyer: A love-hate thing going on here. Both of them like the other more than they want to. Kate has gotten into Sawyer's head more than anyone else and is the closest thing to a friend he has on the island.
Kate-Sayid: Could be another in the mix for Kate's heart. They have each other's respect as leaders- Kate is the one Sayid told when he was leaving.
Kate-Claire: There has been some girl bonding. Claire offered to do Kate's astrological chart, but she declined.
Kate-Sun: Can't remember seeing them together. I think Sun watched Kate bathe once. Sounds hotter in print.
Kate-Jin: Nothing here. Kate questioned where Jin got his water from but that didn't lead anywhere.
Kate-Hurley: Not much of a relationship here, but as Jack's right hand man, Hurley knows Kate is a criminal. Not sure if she knows he knows...
Kate-Rose: None
Kate-Boone: None
Kate-Shannon: None.
Kate-Michael: Mutual respect as leader-types.
Kate-Walt: None.
Charlie-Locke: Locke helped Charlie overcome his addiction and find his guitar. Locke was almost fatherly in this role.
Charlie-Sawyer: They don't speak much, but Charlie did know him well enough to trust him with bringing Kate information about Jack's peril. Maybe he doesn't really know him after all!
Charlie-Sayid: Not much here. Charlie knows who the leaders are and has obeyed when Sayid has told him to do something.
Charlie-Claire: Possible romance here. Charlie has been very protective of her and they have bonded a lot. Almost all of Claire's scenes have been with Charlie since she is not on the show too much.
Charlie-Sun: None
Charlie-Jin: None
Charlie-Hurley: These two are the tag team champions of comic relief. Whenever they are on screen together, don't expect any serious drama. Well, except for the time Charlie accidentally offended Hurley about his weight.
Charlie-Rose: Has a talk show on PBS, I think.
Charlie-Boone: Got into a tussle when Charlie discovered that Boone was the one who swiped the water supply.
Charlie-Shannon: Charlie is definitely beguiled by her feminine charm. He has made it clear that he would bend over backwards to impress this pretty face.
Charlie-Michael: They've spoken, but I wouldn't call it a relationship.
Charlie-Walt: None
Locke-Sawyer: None, but Locke has thrown a knife at him and suggested to Sayid that Sawyer was the one who hit him.
Locke-Sayid: Mutual respect, though Sayid was suspicious of Locke after the whacking incident. Locke eased his mind by providing a hunting knife.
Locke-Claire: None
Locke-Sun: None
Locke-Jin: None
Locke-Hurley: Very little, but perhaps Locke recognizes Hurley as a domestic leader since he brought the bags he found in the jungle to him for sorting.
Locke-Rose: None
Locke-Boone: None
Locke-Shannon: None
Locke-Michael: Locke has been sensitive to Walt's looking up to him more than his own father. When he retrieved Walt's dog from the jungle by carving a whistle, he was sure to let Dad get the credit for the rescue.
Locke-Walt: Walt definitely looks up to Locke, and Locke may or may not have told him about his miracle. Walt has shown repeated desire to hang out with Locke instead of Dad, and was finally able to after Michael became too distracted by the golf course.
Sawyer-Sayid: These two have hated each other from first contact. Sawyer automatically assumed Sayid was a terrorist who brought the plane down. Sayid used all his torture skill to try and get the inhalers out of Sawyer and ended up almost killing him when he did not succeed.
Sawyer-Claire: None
Sawyer-Sun: None
Sawyer-Jin: They made at least one friendly trade off camera: a fish for bottled water.
Sawyer-Hurley: Hurley was angry that Sawyer was keeping the last of the food to himself and they almost came to blows. Hurley has admitted to leaving camp to get away from him.
Sawyer-Rose: None
Sawyer-Boone: Sawyer beat Boone up when Boone was digging through his stash, trying to find Shannon's inhalers.
Sawyer-Shannon: They have bartered over suntan lotion and bug spray. Sawyer has made a few lewd comments, of course.
Sawyer-Michael: None
Sawyer-Walt: None
Sayid-Claire: Claire was the one who found Sayid's photo of Nadia and returned it to him. They are friendly.
Sayid-Sun: None
Sayid-Jin: Jin did not win any points with Sayid by attacking Michael for what seemed like no reason. For a communications expert, he got surprisingly frustrated with the inability to communicate.
Sayid-Hurley: Not a relationship, but I assume they are friendly since they introduced themselves in the pilot.
Sayid-Rose: None
Sayid-Boone: Friendly, but not extraordinary. Boone has been included in a couple of Sayid's transmission plans.
Sayid-Shannon: None
Sayid-Michael: Mutual respect. There was the slightest of tension when Michael could not provide a reason for Jin attacking him.
Sayid-Walt: None
Claire-Sun: None
Claire-Jin: Upon eating Jin's fish, Claire's baby started kicking again. She made him feel her stomach and he didn't seem too pleased about it.
Claire-Hurley: Friendly. Hurley recognized Claire's special needs by giving her an extra portion of the remaining airline food.
Claire-Rose: None
Claire-Boone: None
Claire-Shannon: They had a conversation in the beginning but it's not like they were fast friends or anything.
Claire-Michael: None that I can remember.
Claire-Walt: Walt has occassionally been a Claire-sitter off camera. He was the one who told Kate that she fell down and once referred to being left alone at the caves with her.
Sun-Jin: Married, though not as happily as they used to be. Sun almost left him before getting on the plane with him at the last minute. Jin has been controlling, telling Sun that they don't need anyone else's help. He has also told her to cover up more than once, but she has often defied him. Jin does not know that Sun can actually speak English.
Sun-Hurley: None
Sun-Rose: None
Sun-Boone: None
Sun-Shannon: Sun used eucalyptus leaves to help soothe Shannon's asthma.
Sun-Michael: Potential for forbidden love here. Michael trusted her to watch Walt while he was hunting and Sun chose to reveal to Michael that she can speak English. She also asked him for help.
Sun-Walt: Friendly- Sun has babysat Walt and taught him how to brush his teeth with a leaf or something.
Jin-Hurley: Jin tried to get Hurley to eat something he caught in the sea but Hurley literally wouldn't bite.
Jin-Rose: None
Jin-Boone: None
Jin-Shannon: None
Jin-Michael: Tense. Jin, I think kind of knows what's going on with Michael and Sun and obviously doesn't like it. He viciously attacked him for what later turned out to be a misunderstanding over a watch Michael found.
Jin-Walt: None
Hurley-Rose: None
Hurley-Boone: None that I can remember.
Hurley-Shannon: Ditto
Hurley-Michael: Friendly. Michael was one of the first to embrace Hurley's golf course.
Hurley-Walt: Friendly
Rose-Boone: Boone tried to perform CPR but wasn't doing it right. He later expressed concern to Jack over Rose's catatonic state.
Rose-Shannon: None
Rose-Michael: None
Rose-Walt: None that I can remember.
Boone-Shannon: A volatile pair of siblings. Boone has been openly critical of Shannon's lifestyle and reaction to their plight. Shannon resents her brother's superior attitude. The love is there deep down though since Boone did anything he could to help her with her asthma.
Boone-Michael: Mutual respect
Boone-Walt: None that I can remember
Shannon-Michael: None
Shannon-Walt: None
Michael-Walt: Father and son forced on each other by mom's death. They have had their bonding moments but are taking baby steps in the process of getting to know one another.
Well, that's it, then. No more excuses. Watch LOST this Wednesday on ABC and I hope the information I have provided was enough to help you get caught up.
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