Thursday, January 6, 2005

LOST- Episode 12: Whatever the Case May Be

 This week, LOST makes its triumphant return to television, well, with new episodes anyway, and I make my triumphant return to my journal since I finally just finished my photomosaic puzzle.  Word to the wise- if someone ever gives you a 1,000 piece puzzle where the picture is composed of a million tiny pictures that look like a big picture from far away- THROW IT BACK AT THEM.  Throw it back at them and tell them to stick it somewhere.  Use expletives if you have to.

  On to the show- sorry about that tangent, it's been a while and I have to get used to focusing again.  No opening eyeball this week- instead the camera is panning through the jungle searching for something.  It finds Kate up in a tree collecting fruit.  She climbs down, takes a swig of water and then heightens her senses when she hears some ominous piano music.  You know, the pianist hits just the highest note a few times and then the lowest.  Horror movies do it all the time.  It creates a mood.  Anyway, Kate obviously doesn't hear the piano, she hears something moving a few feet away from her.  She throws a rock and hits Golden Globe nominee for Best Red Herring- Sawyer.  She hit him right in the knee, which according to Quentin Tarantino, is very painful.  Sawyer limps appropriately and finds out that Kate was alllll the way out here because every other tree has been picked clean by hungry people.  For her part, Kate learns that Sawyer wasn't stalking her, but trying to protect her.  How sweet.

  They walk a little further and find a gorgeous waterfall.  Sawyer strips down and invites Kate for a swim.  This not being HBO, they strip only half way.  Sawyer even kept his jeans on.  The scene starts to take on a playful romantic quality until the writers remember what show they're working on and have to throw in the dead bodies under the water part.  Cue creepy LOST title screen.

  Sawyer asks Kate if she is all right- an odd question since these were plane crash victims and not Jason Voorhees waiting to grab his next teenager from the bottom of a lake.  Sawyer goes down to see what the bodies have on them.  Kate is initially disgusted by this, but then starts helping him.  She seems especially interested in a metal briefcase underneath the seat.  They pull it up, but it is pretty useless to them since they don't have the key.  Still, Kate seems to want it pretty badly, but she plays it cool and lets Sawyer have it.

  It's unfortunate after the tsunami tragedy that the next scene shows the survivors on the beach fleeing from large waves, but I'm sure shallow Americans would have been more upset if LOST had been preempted because of sensitivity issues.  Anyway, everyone is trying to save their stuff from getting washed out to sea- Sayid says that the tide rising so quickly is not normal.  After all the crazy nonsense they've been through, the beach eroding too fast is what gets Sayid's attention?  Jack and Sayid resume the beach vs. cave argument- Sayid is still resistant to the idea, especially after Claire's disappearance.  I suppose they've given up looking for her, which seems kind of harsh.  Jack asks Sayid to take him to the French woman to ask about the others, but he doesn't like that idea either.  He insists that the voices he heard was wind playing tricks.  Wind that swept Claire away, I guess.

  Elsewhere, Shannon asks Boone where he has been going with Locke all day everyday- she even asks if he is his new boyfriend.  Now was that a sibling tease or a secret revealed?  Boone tells her that they have been looking for Claire and that she, Shannon, is useless.

  That night, Kate stirs the fire and watches Sawyer walk by with the metal briefcase.  This triggers the evening's first flashback, where Kate is talking to a bank manager in New Mexico about a loan application.  Things are going well until some masked gunmen storm in and hold the place up.  Back to reality- Kate approaches the sleeping Sawyer very carefully and tries to take the case.  The case- hey, this week's episode title is a pun!  Gotta love it.  Sawyer wasn't really sleeping, or at least he is used to being attacked while vulnerable, and manages to fend her off despite her best headbutts.  Kate demands to have it and he, of course, says no.  When she walks away, he looks pretty pleased about having some leverage over her.

  Back at the beach, Shannon is trying to catch some sun before the beach completely erodes and is approached by Sayid just as she removes her top.  This not being HBO, she sits up and covers herself with a towel.  Sayid remembered that she speaks some French and would like some help translating Rousseau's math notations on the papers he swiped from her.  Shannon says she can't do it, but he asks her to at least try.  Elsewhere, Sawyer is trying in vain to pick the lock on the case- Michael and Hurley stop by to laugh at him so that they can have something to do this episode.  Michael suggests he hit it with something hard- like the ax.

  The question of where the ax is segues to Boone in the jungle bringing Locke said ax.  Locke is acting strange this week- he seems a little overly concerned that someone might have seen Boone take it.  

  Back at the beach, Rose makes her triumphant return to television by telling the catatonic Charlie to get his butt in gear and help everyone move the stuff off the beach.  She is having a hard time dragging a crucial piece of large jagged metal by herself. 

  Elsewhere, Saywer takes part in another first for LOST- the quick-cutting montage.  It's a comical moment as he is having a very hard time breaking open that darn case.  Finally, he drops it out of a nearby tree and Kate seizes the oppurtunity to grab it and run off.  Everybody knows that boys run faster than girls so Sawyer is able to get down the tree and catch up to her before the scene even ends.  Kate goes to the headbutt again, but still can't get the case out of his manly grasp.  He offers it up in exchange for the knowledge of what's inside, but Kate doesn't answer.  After he walks off, she flashes back to the bank where the ringleader of the bank robbers is trying to get the manager to open up the vault.  The guy on the floor next to Kate tries to play the hero by jumping one of the robbers.  A gun falls in front of Kate- the hero begs Kate to shoot everyone but she doesn't know how to operate a gun and the day ends up not being saved.  Ringleader pulls Kate angrily into a back room, tells her that playing dumb was a classic move and kisses her with passion.  I, myself, would have been more relieved that the gun hadn't landed in front of someone who wasn't in on it.

  You know the VW commercial where the guy shoves the salesman down in his seat so he can impress an ex?  She watches him drive off so wouldn't she see the dealer plates and know he was BSing her?  These are the things that bother me.  Plus I don't think any of my exes would be impressed if they saw me tooling around in a VW- test drive a Honda or something next time.

  In cavetown, Kate approaches Jack about getting the briefcase back.  She tells him that he is the only one who knows about her.  Hurley knows too, but I guess that's not important.  Plus Sun knows now, because they are speaking in front of her and don't realize that she understands English.  The key problem here (I can make puns too) is that the key is in the marshall's wallet.  Yes, as in the dead and buried marshall.  The contents of the case sound pretty uninteresting (guns and money), so Jack demands to know what else is in there and only agrees to help her if they get to open the case together.

  The evacuation of the beach continues- Charlie wonders why Rose is so happy when there are so many things to be worried about.  Monster, The Others.  Maybe he was just listing his favorite movies.  Out of nowhere, Rose tells him that nobody blames him for what happened to Claire.  Charlie speculates that he should have died.  Rose puts a hand on his shoulder and tells him that he needs to ask for help.

  In case you don't know what Rose was implying just then, the scene jumps to a shot of a wooden cross standing guard over the marshall's burial site.  As the digging begins, Kate thinks back to the bank when she forced her boyfriend to smack her and bloody her up to keep up appearances.  He calls her Maggie- their relationship is obviously built on trust.  They leave the back room and get into character- Kate's life is very seriously threatened until the manager agrees to hand over the key.

  Getting keys and unearthing decomposing bodies are the themes of this week's adventure so we cut to a shot of what's left of the marshall.  Nice work by the make-up crew because I don't even recognize him.  Kate dives in to get the wallet and finds it to be quite maggot-infested.  What a pleasant episode this is.  Jack picks it back up and digs through it to find no key.  He is not fooled, however.  He grabs Kate's wrist and forces her to open her fist and reveal that she hadalready grabbed it- their relationship is obviously built on trust.

  Elsewhere, Shannon is translating the notes but they make little sense in any language.  "The sea of silver sparkles"- Rousseau might be crazy but she sure knows alliteration.  Both get increasingly frustrated- Shannon because the nonsense is just repeating itself and Sayid because he's clearly trying to use a blonde's brain.

  At Sawyer's tent, Jack tells the rat to hand over the case, or else...or else you won't get your meds and I'll have to cut your arm off when the scab gets itchy, yeah that's it.  Sawyer agrees but not before doing the "hold on to the thing a little longer as your rival tries to take it" move.  That move is in the cinematic dictionary, I swear.  Sawyer uses it to give a warning that Kate is a little liar.  I think we all know that by now. 

  Jack brings the case to Kate and she flashes back to the bank vault where things get a little crazy.  The manager pleads to have the girl released, but the ringleader laughs that off and tells him that she is in on it.  He makes to kill the manager but Kate grabs a gun off the other guy and shoots her boyfriend in the leg.  Things really break down and she is forced to shoot all of her accomplices.  She really didn't want the bank's money at all, she just needed to get into safety deposit box 815, which envelope!  Wow!

  Back in the cave, Jack opens the case where he finds the guns, finds the money and envelope!  Wow!  Jack seems a little let down about the whole thing.  The way she was acting, you would think the case had some Get Out of Jail Free cards in it.  But no, it's just an envelope.  But surely, you say, the envelope must have something really important in it!  Like a fifteen dollar check for coming in second in a beauty pageant...but you are wrong again.  It is just a toy airplane.  But surely, you say, the plane must have some significance that Kate would lie, cheat and steal to get her hands on it.  Why yes, it belonged to the man she killed!  Nice to finally know what Kate did, but it's still just a toy plane.  There must be more of this to come... but not today.  Good old sensitive Jack walks away from her as she bawls her eyes out.  He's that disgusted with her!  A toy plane, for God's sake!

  As the sun rises, or sets or something, the beach people move up the beach by moving sideways.  Oh, it was setting because it's night now and Charlie has come to talk to Rose about her husband.  This opens the door for her to spout that crazy "still alive" stuff she likes to go on and on about whenever she sneaks her way into the occassional episode.  Talk about an agenda.  Anyway, she knows he is alive because of faith, not denial.  This brings Charles to tears and mistaking this for another Locke type deal, he asks Rose to help him.  She puts an arm around him, takes his hand and they begin to pray.  Elsewhere, Shannon approaches Sayid to apologize for being blonde and to say she realizes why Rousseau's nonsense seemed so familiar to her.  It is a song, featured in some computer-animated cartoon about fish.  Rousseau must have a DVD player in her shack too since she's been on the island well before Finding Nemo and well before computer-animated cartoons, for that matter.  Shannon begins to sing it in French, which brings us to the more customary slow-cutting montage with a song playing over it.  Boone creepily watches his sister singing, Jack looks over at Kate as he walks by, Kate stares at her recovered toy plane and moves it around between her fingers.  Fade out...

  Next week on LOST: Boone is all like, "Stay away from my sister" and Sayid is all like, "What if I don't" and it all builds to a big climax at the prom.  Plus, the message boards explode with Told You So's from the many Locke is Evil factions when Johnny boy whacks Boone with his knife handle for even suggesting that they tell everyone what they found. 

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