Friday, February 4, 2005

One Sentence Reviews

I know a lot of people just don't have time to read One Minute Reviews in the newspaper so I've sped things up with the first ever (but probably not) One Sentence Reviews.  Of course, these are for the movies I've rented recently because I rent a whole lot more than I actually get to go to the movies...

Cellular is fast paced, exciting and a whole lot better than I expected. (Grade: A)

Collateral weaves a fantastic story through action, drama and character development when you least expect it. (Grade: A)

The Grudge is a stupid retread of the notion that children are scary, which just doesn't work for me. (Grade: C)

The Forgotten has promise in the beginning but the twist is so lame, it just kills the movie dead. (Grade: D)

Alien Vs. Predator is serviceable as a franchise extender- I wasn't expecting much and I was neither disappointed nor overly excited. (Grade: C+)

Without A Paddle has its moments but it is not the raucous comedy the commercials want you to think it is. (Grade: C+)

Anchorman underwhelmed me at first, but before I could get up to turn it off it threw in some good stuff- basically this is a hodgepodge of jokes that either work or don't but Ferrell was going to try them no matter what. (Grade: B)

Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle is definitely rent-worthy- it aims low and delivers exactly what you think it is. (Grade: B)

The Chronicles of Riddick has very little in common with its vastly superior parent, Pitch Black: while PB was a tense and claustrophobic sci-fi monster movie, C of R is a pseudo-political mess that tries to create a mythology around a one-note character. (Grade: C)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to my dearest captain happy,

ok, i HAD to comment on the fact that you are listening to hands down because that is playing as im typing and i must say its pure and utter genius. its fabulous. you have good taste so i ws wondering if you listen to five for fighting. i have a cd, and that man is so freakin talented it scares me. also, since this post was about glad you liked cellular i liked it too, but critics didnt. im the only person i know who DIDNT like the grudge. it was pathetic and lame. and contrary to your opinion, i liked the forgotten. not the best in the world but id have given it a C. but thats just me.

ever so sincerely,
your fellow voyager,
catelyn (ex-captain of the ship Pessimistic)