Thursday, April 14, 2005


  Just a heads up to all my peeps...God I can't pull that off.  ...To all my friends out there, I will not be around at all for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Not that I post much on those days anyway, but this time it is definite that I am going to disappear for a while.  I am heading off to NJ to be my brother's best man.  The whole thing is very sweet and should be a lot of fun, but the evil side of me is thinking somewhere in the back of my head:  No computer at all!  My God, the Lost board will have 1000 posts for you to sift through when you get back.  You will have 25 e-mails and they will all be Journal Entry Alerts.  I might as well call in sick on Monday!  That's why I am asking, for my sake everyone, please go camping or something and don't let my mail box and message boards pile up.  I'll make it worth your while!

Well, wish me luck!  All the pressure is on me this weekend since the poll taken by brides reveals that the best man's speech is always the worst part.  *sweating already!*

How sad was this entry, homies?  Oh, that was even worse!  I just can't be cool.  I've officially become a computer geek.

See ya!  Drive safe?  I will, thanks.

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