Monday, May 9, 2005


I have decided to take time tonight to answer the questions presented to me so far.  If you didn't get to ask one, you can still add to the comments from that entry and I will get to it next time. 

  The first question is from mst2green of Lehigh Acres, Florida.

  Q: I started reading your journals because of your LOST postings. If you were the writer, how would you explain what is going on?

 A: Believe it or not, I haven't given it much thought.  I am just enjoying the ride and hope that the writers are not leading us somewhere stupid.  If they made me the writer, I would go with some kind of experiment going on on this island involving the untapped power of the mind.  (Thank God I'm not the writer)

Question 2 is from my friend Brandi in Groves, Texas:

  Q: My question is ummmm wait let me think... If you had to listen to a "boy band" for 3 days straight would you pick... NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, or O-Town? And why would you choose that group? :D

  A: Hmm...I suppose I would have to go with the Backstreet Boys.  My sister loved them, so I would be familiar with the songs.  I wouldn't like them, but they would be familiar.

  The next question is from my dear mother:

Q: what did you buy your mother for mothers day besides a card....which was very nice?

A: You mean the Pizza Hut coupons weren't in there?

  And now we're down to the last two reporters.  It sounds like the end, but there's fifteen questions between them.  The next five are from Lisbnjvi (Lisa) of CT.

 Q: When did you first realize that you wanted to become an author? Was there a moment in your schooling when you had a revelation that pushed you towards becoming an author? (sort of the same question, but it may have different answers)

  A: I was killing time between classes at college, just walking around, when inspiration struck me from out of nowhere.  I ran to the library, sat down in a little cubicle and hammered out a short story in one sitting- even cutting the class I had been waiting for in order to get it done.  It is a wonderful and indescribable feeling- almost like you have no choice but to be led.  I thought that if I could spend my life trying to recapture that feeling, then that would be the greatest job ever.

Q: Is your hamster, Homer 2 still alive and kicking?

A: I object to it being called "my" hamster, but it is still alive.  That first one was just a dud.

Q: Have you always had the dry sense of humor that you do now? Did people understand it when you were younger? (I am curious because no one seems to understand me STILL!)

A: I remember my mother telling me one of my teachers loved hearing the things I would say almost under my breath that no one around me would even get.  As far as the type of humor, I actually embrace all kinds- you just can't see me pretending to walk into a door on the computer.

 Q:  Were you a shy child, class clown, nerd, jock in school?

 A: I was shy- still am.  I never had many friends and never really fit into a category.  I try to be funny, but I wasn't a clown; I'm smart, but not really a "nerd", etc.

  Q: Is there a certain moment in time that, if you could, you would want to go back and relive just to be able to say or do something different?

  A: I would go back to the writing experience for this answer.  Every time you sit down to write something, you are trying to relive the amazing feeling of being inspired.  That's where writer's block and 'forced' writing comes from.  I want very badly to relive what it feels like to write a novel and I know I will, which is what keeps you going. 

  If I was going to go back in time to do something differently, I would object much more to going to an all boys high school.

  Finally, there's Julie of Manhattan, KS.  She came up with not one, not two, but ten questions.  Here goes nothing...

1. Would you like to eventually become a full-time author or just release something whenever you feel like it (not under contract/pressure)?

  A: Of course I would love it if I could support my family through writing and not have to work at a job that is beneath me anymore.  And I can handle a deadline, so that wouldn't be a problem.

2. Who is your daddy and what does he do?

  A:  My daddy's name is John and he has done a lot of things.  He served in Vietnam, he was a cop, a limo driver, and most recently a dispatcher.  He is retired at the moment.

 3. Why do you hate midgets?

   A: I do not hate midgets.  While writing Monster Midgets, a series of short stories, I did some research and learned a lot.  I set out to write a campy horror and the midgets ended up being sympathetic characters.

4. Have you ever thought of doing a series of books? If so, do you fear it would be hard to come up with ideas under pressure if you have a certain number left to fill for your contract?

  A:  I am lucky that I was able to stretch my first novel out to a respectable novel length.  I don't know if I have it in me to write something on an epic LOTR level.  Unless you consider a couple of short pieces about midgets turning into monsters an epic.

5. Do you LIKE killing hamsters?

  A:  I don't know- I never tried it!  Do you?

  6. Have you ever thought of becoming a prostitute? If so, did you consider costumes?

  A: I already tried being a prostitute but business was bone dry.  Just couldn't get over the hump.

7. Are you really John Locke?

  A:  No.  But then again, John Locke is a liar, so maybe I really am and I'm lying about it.

8. What's in the Hatch?

 A: Since you capitalized Hatch, I'll assume you meant Richard Hatch, the first Survivor winner.  In that case, I would say, his boyfriend.

9. What genre of literature do you like READING the most? Which genre do you like WRITING the most?

  A: I'll read almost anything if it holds my interest from the start. I enjoy thrillers and suspense the most.  I also like to read character driven stories that span someone's life such as She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb.  I enjoy writing suspense the most just because it comes out the best.  I know I'm funny to talk to, but it is very difficult to write a funny book.

 10. Are you having a love affair with an ice cream sandwich?

  A: As often as possible.  Everyone loves ice cream sandwiches.  In fact, if you ever need to escape from prison as part of a magic trick, you can just unplug the ice cream machine so that all the guards will have to eat the ice cream sandwiches before they get melty.  Just make sure you've gotten the key you swallowed out of your intestine first.


Well, that's it.  I enjoyed this and I hope more questions are added to that Press Conference entry...hint hint!  :)



Anonymous said...

I am still laughing out loud about your answer regarding the Hatch!  Thank god no one asked you about where the head is or made comments regarding swabbing the deck.

Did you ever notice that anything can sound like a double entendre if you say it just the right way?  

Keep up the hilarious work.  This stuff is a riot and best of's free!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for answering my questions!  I am sorry that I can't see you pretend to walk into the door, because I have to admit, that gets me EVERY time someone does it!  I always say "Oh, are you okay!".  I will have to think up some more questions for you, but compared to Julie's mine would be so boring!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa