Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I start picking on my sister with a new plan to pick on someone every week- and what do I get for it?  A big dose of karma!  My wife (finally) started to read my novel and what did she find?  A grammatical error!  She woke me up out of a sound sleep to point it out, so I wasn't sure if it really happened, but sure enough, it's there.  'You're' where it should say 'your'.  My biggest grammatical pet peeve and I did it myself.  That hurts!  How could the ten or so people that read it not notice?  How could I not notice?  I am shattered.

There- I just fixed it.  Consider this grammar snob humbled. 


Anonymous said...

ha ha! thats what you get! lol* Only kidding! :) Mel


Anonymous said...

That would have bothered me all night long!!!!  But, hey, at least your wife is actually reading your novel right?!?!  Your, You're, You are, a very lucky man.  LOL!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I noticed it, but I was going to wait until you got it published to point it out.

Anonymous said...

I understand why your upset about that.  (he he)

Anonymous said...

You are nuts. LOL I can't believe that little thing would bother you so much. : )
