NewsChannel 9 WSYR - One Killed After ATV Crash
You would think, having acknowledged in my novel that the death of a young man motivated me to start writing for real, that I would keep what I learned close to heart. That is, to live life to the fullest- appreciate things and stop procrastinating. When I woke up this morning, I intended to think about how I was going to make an entry about how moved I have been by the last few episoded of Six Feet Under. Instead, I am forced to reflect again on my own mortality and focus on things that truly matter.
When I got to work today, we were told that one of the supervisors on the weekend shift had been killed in a 4- wheeler accident. I didn't know him, but I knew who he was, and needless to say, things were a little somber at work today. I suddenly felt really shitty about myself. I spent an hour on the verge of tears while watching a TV show, yet I felt very little for an actual death within the tiny scope of my personal universe. Am I really more attached to a character on television than I am to a person I've said hello to? It made me feel sick and sort of put things in order for me. I don't know when I'll be able to write about our wonderful vacation or even talk about TV shows that I like. Apologies to everyone who wanted to hear about that stuff. :(
Take your time Kevin, I can't wait to hear about the trip and how things are going but if you need time then I am more then willing to wait. You are a great guy with a lot of heart.
Big hugs
Yeah, Captain Happy, it's all right. So you are emotionally manipulated by a medium created for that very purpose and into which have been funnelled millions or billions of dollars and some of the best talent around the planet. Compare that with a work relationship, probably someone you have very little in common with. It actually makes great sense. Not that I myself haven't benefitted from reading your entry and vowing to choose greater involvement with my life in the present and less with the fake world of TV, and all the other fake worlds around. Thanks for the entry. I look forward to hearing about your reactions to SFU, which is my tied-for-favorite show on TV (with LOST, of course). The last couple of episodes were great. I can't believe they are going to end the show. It's one of those things about this world that make no sense. Ah, well. Looking forward to a month (plus) and the beginning of LOST's second season.
I was pretty badly hurt in a 4-wheeling accident a few years back. My friend Kaila was driving and I was behind her. Her dog ran in front of the ATV and so she instinctly turned sharply to avoid the dog and I instinctly put my right foot down since the ATV tipped a little bit. The back right wheel caught my foot and pulled me off and smacked my whole body (FACE FIRST, I might add) into the dirt. I skidded for about 100 feet give or take and when I woke up Kaila and my other two friends were standing over me trying to wake me up. I freaked at first because I thought all my teeth had fallen out but it turned out I just had mud PACKED in my mouth from hitting the ground with my face. lol It's funny NOW, but I was so freaked out back then. I STILL can't turn my neck all the way to the left (like I could before the accident) and my shoulders are still pretty messed up. It was bad, all of my clothes ripped but yet I wasn't naked when I gained back my consciousness. lol I hope you enjoyed that story.
Oh, and I take yo' MAMA for granted.
Peace out, dawg.
In some weird way, it's safer to get emotional over stuff that's not "real" such as a t.v. show, rather than life or death that is going on around you. I understand where you are coming from though. Take your time.
Hugs and lots of love,
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