Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tuesday Night

-Yesterday was my last day at my current job.  Next Tuesday I start work at the Wal-mart grocery distribution center in Johnstown.  Overnights on weekends and in the freezer.  We'll see how long THAT lasts. 

- We got ourselves all hooked up here at my parents' house so now I will be able to sign on as v2 and update the journal much more often.  Hence, this "nothing" entry.

- I don't really watch much television and have gotten comfortable not worrying about what was on over the summer months.  My recording of the Prison Break pilot is three weeks old and I still haven't watched it.  And there are a lot more new shows that look interesting that I will probably never watch.  Like, My Name Is Earl, Threshold and Invasion.  Well, actually I'll probably watch Invasion since it will come on after LOST.  We all know I will be watching THAT.

- If you haven't clicked on any of the links I provided for my music entry, I suggest you do it!  There's a lot of great music this year.  I'm thinking of expanding my year end list to 100 songs.  I figured out a few weeks ago that I could get up to about 75 at the moment.  With three or so months to go, I will have no problem filling up the rest of the slots.

Death Cab for Cutie : Plans : 'Soul Meets Body'

Congratulations to DCFC residing at No. 4 on the album charts.  I'm sure now that they are cracking into mainstream success, they will lose some of their hardcore fans who will see them as sellouts.  That's just the way it is!

-If Kurt Angle doesn't win the WWE championship this Sunday, I will die a little inside.  He is simply the greatest wrestler in the world today.  I am getting the feeling he will lose because of backstage politics.  When the outcomes are scripted, ego and politics play a much bigger part than they should.  Kurt Angle is a legitimate badass who could break your ankle or do anything else he wanted to hurt you and it would all be very real, he could go out and drag (Mr. Punch Punch Punch) John Cena to a 4 star match, and he might still end up losing to the chump because Mr. Future of the Business, Vince McMahon's son-in-law Triple H wants to come back and be the one to take the title from Cena.  Trust me, this could all happen and it would be a shame.  Especially at this time in our nation's history when we could use an American Olympic hero like Kurt Angle to raise our spirits.

- The NY Giants won last Sunday- I know it was only the lowly Cardinals, but the Giants have lost to them before and a win is a win.  Only 5 more to go to match last year's total.  Also, I was 10-6 on my picks this week.  After two straight years of 100+ losses, I am hoping this means I am back.


     <---Best Big Brother player ever.


-Finally, for the first time ever, I got an answer from one of the DJ's at Sirius.  

My message:  LOC is my very favorite station.  If you had been elminated by the upcoming cuts, I would have led the revolt!  Keep up the good work, Reno- but why are there no pictures of you on the site?


  I can't tell you how much I appreciate that e-mail you left me -- made my evening!  You're the best!

Why are there no pictures?  I haven't done any interviews yet and haven't had any one-on-one talks with bands, hence no pics.

But soon, fear not, dear Kevin.  It'll come soon.

All the best,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this was a big entry for you!!!  I am impressed!!  Glad you are all hooked up and ready to go in time for the new Lost season to start.  I am already watching "Bones" which is a new series, it was pretty good tonight and I cannot wait for CSI to come on next week.  My t.v. viewing is all set now for the next few months that's for sure!  And, what's up with Janelle's pic??!  God, do I hate that girl!!!  I will say this though, I love Kurt!  He is a TRUE wrestler, meaning he is REAL!  And, I always have a thing for a man with no neck.  LOL!
Hugs and love,