I would like to thank my wife for purchasing and designing my web page. I think she said it's not really done yet, but at least you can see the cover. There's also a message board, but I don't think that has too much stuff on it either. Eventually the site will be my world wide headquarters so take a look at it now so you can say, "I knew you when your website wasn't even done!" And we can laugh about it, oh how we'll laugh... until I release the dogs and tell you to get off my estate.
FX ran a marathon of Prison Break last weekend so I recorded it and finally got on board with that show. It's pretty good, if not as addicting as some other things I watch. The thing I found most refreshing about it was that the warden is actually a nice guy. Most of the prison genre is one big cliche so it's good to see the writers doing what they can to get around that. Of course, as groundbreaking as some of Fox's new stuff is, it doesn't leave much wiggle room for long runs. What do they do once they break out and the one-armed man is captured? And what does Reunion do when the murder is solved?
I almost forgot...when you go to the site, if you click on THE BOOK- you can read Chapter 1 for FREE!
And I was just kidding about the dogs earlier...
1 comment:
I read it and I want to read MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damned credit cards are maxed though! Uggghhh! I am hooked baby, HOOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very proud of you! :)
Hugs and love,
P.S.: Props to the wife, that's a great website so far.
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