Sunday, November 6, 2005


  The Top 50 is done.  I sat in the car on break from work last night and forced myself to do it.  It was quite difficult to cross off 60 songs so I am thinking about listing honorable mentions or something.  I simply could not believe how much good crap had to face the cruel cut.  I felt like a reality show contestant backstabbing my alliance.  Anyway, once I got down to 50, the rest of the compiling was easier than I thought.  It simply becomes a game of 'which one of these songs would I want to hear the least?'.  I am pleased with the results even if there was no clear cut #1 this year.  Just because there was no stand-out doesn't mean there was no good music this year.  Quite the contrary- the song I have at #12 I contemplated putting at #1- if anything, there was TOO MUCH great stuff out there. 


  I'm not posting the football picks this week.  I have had two consecutive bad weeks and am losing my grip on first place, so I have to change the routine.  You understand.  Oh stop, the tears aren't necessary.


  I think I made it over the hump (quiet Julie) at work.  I pulled a 105% on production last night and if I can get it up another 5, I will start earning bonuses.  Last night I thought to myself, hey these sacks of potatoes are lighter than they used to be.  Than I realized it's more likely that I am getting stronger.  I think I will stick this job out- paid to get a work-out.  Of course, my book will be here any day now and then I will be a famous writer.  A double threat!  Brains and brawn.


  I noticed the other day that my Yankees poster for the 1999 championship has the Twin Towers in the background.  I should take that down.  Also, this Giants poster has Jason Sehorn on it with the label BONE CRUSHERS.  That one should definitely come down.  Or at least be changed to 'overrated pretty boys'.  :)


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your list of songs :) But what will you do if a good song comes out between now and Dec. 31??

Anonymous said...

WOO-HOO on the 105% production!!  You are right,  you are getting paid to work out, added bonus!  I have no comment about the songs since I have no clue who you are talking about 99% of the time and also no comment about football since I could care less.  ;)
Hugs and love,