Monday, January 16, 2006

The carpal tunnel excuse

  Okay, so here's the thing:  I didn't want to make an entry until I got my LOST recap up.  A recap of a show that was on LAST Wednesday.  But it's just that I have to write it by hand first and that really, really hurts.  Knowing that it is going to hurt leaves me feeling entirely unmotivated to do it.  So, sadly I have to announce that there will probably not be any world famous recaps until I get better.  Send complaints to

  I've also been doing a lot of thinking about what I should write next.  If things ever take off for me, I'm going to need a second novel.  No more fooling around.  Writing a novel is a little more important than having a 77 game Freecell winning streak, but for whatever reason, my brain doesn't seem to think so sometimes.  I am asking for your help.  Please hound me mercilessly about what I'm going to write and when.  I need a kick sometimes.

  My dad met someone who writes for the NY Times and he sent her a copy of my book.  Is that exciting or what?  It will be interesting to see what, if anything, a professional, unbiased writer thinks of my work.  And what if she likes it?  What might happen then?


Anonymous said...

I think you should take your family up to a haunted hotel on top of a mountain for the winter.  Maybe you could care for the hotel and do some typing on an old typewriter while you're there for the whole winter.  Does you wife like dragging you around by your ankles and locking you in the cooler?  Huh?  What?

Anonymous said...

Did you watch the Golden Globes last night? Lost one for best drama! I was so excited!