Thursday, May 18, 2006

LOST- Episode 46: Three Minutes

  Previously on LOST: Jack and Kate found Michael, Michael found the Others, and then he came back and killed Ana-Lucia and Libby.

  13 days ago Michael came to Locke in the armory and asked to borrow a gun.  He "accidentally" dropped some bullets on the floor and when Locke stooped down to get them, Michael knocked him out.  Next he ran to the computer and tried to contact Walt.  After a tense minute, Walt responded that there is no time and Dad must come soon.  He instructed him to head north to the big rocks with a hole in the middle.  Michael heard Jack coming and pointed the gun at him.  He told him that he is going after his son and locked him in the armory.

  In the present, Michael is outside Station Three staring at a piece of paper.  He takes a lighter to it and burns it away.  Jack opens the door and invites Michael in for a talk.  Inside is a strategy session.  Sawyer informs the gang that they only have 11 guns.  Michael wants the five people there to head out immediately, but Jack is reluctant.  He wants to bring an army.  Michael says that if there are too many people, they will be heard approaching.  Hurley finally shoots down the 'leave right now' plan once and for all by reminding everyone that there are two dead bodies that haven't even been buried yet.  Jack's final decree is to have a funeral that night and then figure out what's next from there.  As everyone else leaves, Michael is left alone to stare at the puddle of blood on the floor.  This somber moment cues up the creepy LOST title screen.

  13 days ago, Michael ran through the jungle following his compass north.  If I recall correctly, compasses don't work properly on this island, but that's no matter.  Soon Michael came across a man peeing and ordered him to put his hands up at gunpoint.  Good thing the dude had time to zip.  The man surprised Michael by recognizing him as Walt's father.  Before things could be resolved, Beardo showed up behind Michael and forced the rifle out of his hands.  Michael escaped and ran off.  He exchanged shots with the Others, but Beardo reminded his younger charge that they need Michael alive.  He then lassoed Michael by the leg and told the other Others to tie him up quick because his friends are coming.

  In present day Station Three, Michael is mopping up the blood when Mr. Eko shows up, back from his journey.  They get to talking and Michael asks him about hell.  Eko tells the story of a young boy in his church who confessed to killing his dog to save his sister.  The boy was not afraid of going to hell, but was rather concerned that when he got there, the dog would be waiting for him.

  This gives Michael something to think about, so he heads out into the jungle to puke his guts out.  Jack finds him, so Michael uses this chance to emphasize how much he wants his son back and how much he wants to do things his own way.  He wants to take just the people who know already and keep everyone else out of danger.  Jack reluctantly agrees that since it's Michael's son, Micheal gets to decide how the rescue is done.

  At the beach, Charlie tries to break the ice with Claire and Aaron but she is still pretty cool to him.  He shows her what he took from the supply drop- a Dharma medical kit that is full of vaccine.  He doesn't know what it's for, but somehow he knows that this is exactly what Claire wanted.  Charlie tells her he tried it on himself to make sure it was safe, but he doesn't feel any different.  After she thanks him, he tries to talk his way back into her heart but barely gets a word out before she is reacting to the sight of Michael approaching. 

  Everyone is happy to see that Michael is back- Claire, Sun, Jin, you know, all the people who are hardly ever on the show.  The mood darkens, however, when Sun notices the blankets concealing two dead bodies and Kate and Hurley digging graves.  Michael explains that Ana-Lucia and Libby were murdered.  Hey, he ain't lying.

  13 days ago, Michael was led to a campfire with a bag over his head on the night after his capture.  Beardo removed the bag and got spit in his face in response to his friendly greeting.  Another Other brought in the Kate he found and captured, so Beardo warned Michael to be quiet while he delivered a message.  Michael overheard the confrontation between Jack and Beardo so Alex told him that everything is going to be okay.  Alex got called to bring Kate out but refused to do it.  Once somebody else did it, she asked Michael if Claire was okay and if the baby had been born.  When Beardo returned, the guns were divvied up and Alex apologized before knocking Michael out.

  In the present, Sawyer and Jack are collecting the guns they have left while Sawyer quizzes the doctor about what happened in the jungle with Kate.  Jack says there is nothing to tell-they took so long because they were caught in a net.  Sawyer grins and doesn't buy it.  When they exit the tent, they are met by Sayid and they confirm the news that Henry is gone.  Sawyer adds that they are taking the guns out to finish this thing, so Sayid asks when they leave.  Jack tries to explain about Michael calling the shots.  Sawyer sees the inherent flaw in taking Hurley over Sayid so he hands Sayid a gun and welcomes him aboard.

  Back in Station Three, Eko notices his cross being pulled by the magnetic hallway and then rushes over to enter the numbers when he hears the alarm.  Charlie finds him there, so Eko asks him to bring him his stuff.  Charlie is surprised that Eko no longer feels the need to build the church and is so upset that he tells the priest to get his own darn stuff.

  Back at the beach, Sawyer gives Michael the good news that Sayid is in and they are leaving in the morning.  Michael is upset by this but when he realizes that his overreaction is suspicious, he tells Sawyer that it is okay that he told Sayid.

  11 days ago, Michael and the Others ended their two day hike to Other Town.  Michael saw the rock his son mentioned and got a glimpse of how the Other side lives.  There are tents, and shoddy clothes and a hatch guarded by two men with guns.  Beardo instructed Alex to "tell her we're here".  Another guy came up and drew some blood from Michael.  Then a black woman came to see him and introduced herself as Miss Klugh (why yes, I did look up the spelling).  She began to ask about Walt's childhood such as if he ever appeared in a place he wasn't supposed to be.  Michael was confused and couldn't answer most of the questions, a fact Miss Klugh found interesting.  "For someone who wants his son back so badly, you don't seem to know much about him, Michael."

  In the present, Michael breaks the bad news to Sayid that he is not coming.  He again insists on doing things his way.  Sayid says "of course" and shakes Michael's good hand. 

  Elsewhere, Charlie is having a hard time building the church by himself.  Then Vincent brings him a Mary statue.  An incredulous Charlie follows the dog back to Sawyer's tent where he finds the entire heroin stash.  He takes the statues to the edge of the ocean and one by one tosses them all into the water.  When he is done, he notices that Locke was watching him from afar. 

  Down in Station Three, Jack confronts Eko about not coming back right away.  In typical Eko fashion, he answers without answering.  Jack tells him about the funeral but Eko has decided to mourn them in his own way.  Frustrated, Jack walks away.  He and Sawyer start loading up the guns and talking about Ana-Lucia.  Mistaking this for a boys' locker room, Sawyer admits that he screwed her.  'Got caught in a net', if you will.  Jack asks why he is being told so Sawyer admits that Jack is the closest thing he has to a friend.  All together now-Awww.

  No one else has noticed that Kate and Hurley are digging alone, so one-armed Michael comes over to help.  He tells them they are leaving in the morning.  Kate agrees, but Hurley says he doesn't want to go.  As a pep talk, Michael reminds him that Libby was killed.  Hurley says he is sorry about Walt, but he is not going.  Michael tries to protest, but Kate gets him to back off.  They continue digging in silence.

  3 days ago, Michael was tied to a post in a shack and asked Miss Klugh when he was going to be killed.  He was tired of answering questions he doesn't know the answers to.  Miss Klugh told him about the Henry situation and said that he and Walt can go free if Michael frees Henry.  Before agreeing to anything, Michael demanded to see his son, which finally was allowed to happen.  Walt was shown in and assured his dad that he was okay.  They just make him take tests.  Miss Klugh told him not to talk about it, so Walt asked about Vincent.  Walt tried to pull free and warned his dad that They are not who they say they are.  This angered Miss Klugh, who cut short the three minute visit.  Walt broke free and hugged his father, begging him not to leave him.  As Walt was carried away, father and son shouted I love yous.  Michael sobbed and told Miss Klugh that he would do whatever she wanted.  She handed him a list and told him that he has to bring them the four people on it and only them.  The list read:  Jack Shepherd, Kate Austen, Hugo Reyes, James Ford.  After he clarified who James Ford was (Sawyer), Michael's final demand was to get the boat.

  At sunset in the present, the funeral for Ana-Lucia and Libby is about to begin.  Locke does not attend, but instead cuts off his leg support and walks away.  As they walk toward the site, Jack tells Sayid about his dead father.  Sayid sympathizes, but moves right on to his suspicion that Michael has ulterior motives.  Sayid believes that Michael freed Henry and wants to lead his friends into a trap.  Jack is skeptical but Sayid reminds him that he was right about Henry being an Other.  They decide on a course of action- let things continue with Michael thinking he is in control until they can create an advantage.  The only problem is that they don't know how to get the advantage yet.

  Jack struggles to say a few words about Ana-Lucia, but not as badly as Hurley struggles to talk about Libby.  He powers through it with the help of Kate, then turns to Michael and tells him he is going to go after all.  It should be noted that Claire took Charlie's hand during the ceremony.  Things end abruptly when Sun notices a boat approaching.  A boat!  I don't think a sail boat can fit 40-odd people, but it's a start!

Next time:  We are promised some answers by voiceover man- What happens when the counter hits 0?  How did Flight 815 crash?  And has salvation arrived?   

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