Saturday, July 15, 2006

Kiss My BMI

 Here's my problem with the BMI (body mass index).  You punch in a height and a weight and that's it.  It doesn't factor anything else in.  Like muscle mass or body type.  In order to be "normal" I'd have to lose at least another fifty pounds.  As it is, I am currently "obese". 

The bright side is that I am in good company:

  Former WWE champion, John Cena is listed on the WWE website as 6'1" and 240 pounds.  That's a BMI of 31 = Obese.  Look at that slob.  Doesn't it make you want to scream, "Lay off the donuts, fatty!  Life doesn't really run on Dunkin'!"


The Office "webisodes" have finally started on  They're actually too short to really build on anything tremendously funny, but it's free and it's more than any other show is giving us at the moment.  Go to to see them.


  Janelle Watch '06:  After one week, she has won two challenges and is still in the house.   Best BB contestant ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch BB yet!  Now i don't want to!!!  AAAGGHHHH!  And, by the way, I am also considered "obese" on those stupid charts!  I went for a physical the other day and told my doc that and she said "Screw the charts!", so there ya' have it!  LOL!
Hugs and love,