Previously on LOST: Jack, Sawyer and Kate were captured by the Others.
The show opens with the glass ballerina of the title tumbling to the floor and shattering. A little Asian girl runs away in horror at what she has just done. Later, when she is done practicing the piano, her father walks in holding a trash bag of broken glass. He questions L'il Sun about what happened and she says the maid did it. She sticks to her guns even after Dad tells her the maid will have to be fired.
In the present, Sun is on Desmond's boat suffering from some morning sickness. Jin calls her above deck to translate. He wants her to tell Sayid it's time to go home because Jack is clearly not coming. Sayid thinks Jack can't see the smoke because of a mountain and wants to head north to light a new signal fire. Sun agrees with Sayid which angers Jin. He is going to sail them home because he is the only one who can sail, but Sun tells Sayid that is not true.
In Jack's aquatic cell, Juliet brings him some soup, but he is being particularly non-responsive, probably lost in some more flashbacks we are not privy to. Outside the cell, Juliet knocks on a door and Ben emerges from a surveillance room. He comments that Juliet never made soup for him. AnOther woman comes down the ladder to alert them of a situation. The "Iraqi" found the decoy village and he has a sail boat. Ben thinks for a moment before commanding Colleen to put a team together. "I want that boat," he says coldly. Cue creepy LOST title screen.
At the zoo, Sawyer wins another fish biscuit, just cause he can, but his celebration is ended by the Others leading him and Kate out of their cages at gunpoint.
Over on the boat, Sun apologizes to her husband for disagreeing with him in front of Sayid, but he thinks she shouldn't have disagreed, period. Sun flashes back to being in bed with Jae, the hotel heir/English teacher and instantly everything we think we know about Sun changes. Forget all that stuff last season about her being true to Jin and the island making a baby by magic- turns out Sun is just a sociopathic liar. Jae wants to run away with Sun and presents her with a pearl necklace ( um, the kind you can show on network television). Unfortunately, they are interrupted by a knock on the door. Sun's Daddy is here and is none too pleased with Sun's betrayal.
Kate and Sawyer are led to a labor camp and instructed to start digging rocks out of the ground and haul them away. The leader appears particularly grumpy and warns them not to do anything to piss him off. Kate demands to see Jack, which earns Sawyer a shock from the stun gun.
Back in the past, Sun's Daddy calls Jin into his office and shows him a picture of Jae. "This man has been stealing from me," he says. Dad wants the situation taken care of and warning will not suffice. Jin doesn't like the implication and is forced to resign. Dad plays a different card at that point and calls Jin his son. He urges him to restore the family honor by avenging the shame that has been brought on them.
On the boat, Sayid and friends reach the dock where their friends were taken and Michael went home from. Sayid decided this would be a good place to start the new fire.
At the labor camp, Kate is distracted by a young girl calling to her from a hiding place in the bushes. It is Alex Rousseau and she wants to know if Kate has seen Carl in her cage. Kate has not, which disappoints Alex. She tells Kate that she is wearing her dress but she can keep it. And with that, she is gone.
Sayid and Sun begin to build a bonfire and Sun reveals that she knows Sayid has been lying about his plans. Sayid confesses that he believes Jack's team has been captured and he wants to lure the Others into a trap to question and/or kill them.
Sun flashes back to dinner with her husband. He tells her about his day and about the meeting with her father. Sun is just as tired of Dad's antics as Jin is and suggests that they run away. Jin thinks Dad has the resources to find them no matter where they go. They argue about the sacrifices it takes to be married before Jin stalks off to "deliver the message".
In the present, Jin approaches Sayid and asks for a gun. Sayid plays dumb, so Sun comes over to translate. Apparently, Jin knows what is really going on because he can understand more English than they thought. He also casually mentions that he knows Sun betrayed him. Sayid hands over a gun, but before he can instruct Jin on how to use it, Jin has the thing locked and loaded like a pro. Sayid then tells Sun she will be safer on the boat and reveals where the last gun is hidden on board.
At the work camp, Juliet tosses Sawyer a canteen, but he just dumps in on the ground with a smirk. Still feeling rebellious, he marches over to Kate and starts frenching her. The Others come over to break it up, but Sawyer wins the fight and gains control of a rifle. Before he can make any more moves, Juliet appears at Kate's side with a gun pointed at her. Forgetting momentarily that Kate is a known bad-ass who might be able to fight out of the situation, Sawyer immediately surrenders meekly. Then he gets the hell shocked out of him.
Night has fallen on the jungle as Sayid and Jin lay in wait. Inside the boat, Sun hears ominous footsteps coming from above deck.
In the past, Jin sees his target and beats the holy hell out of Jae inside a hotel room. Jin points a gun at Jae's head but can't go through with this deadly sin. He angrily commands Jae to leave the country and cease to exist. Outside, Jin gets into his car just as Jae crashes onto it in an apparent suicide. In his hand, he is clutching the pearls he bought for Sun.
The Others are on board Desmond's boat now and Colleen climbs down into the kitchen to find Sun pointing a gun at her. She claims to know all about Sun and that she is not a killer, but her fatal mistake is to not stop stepping forward. Sun shoots her right in the gut and tries to make an escape. The fire fight alerts Sayid and Jin to what is going on. They go racing toward the boat as it starts to pull away from the dock. Sun rolls into the water as bullets fly at her and a horrified Jin dives in after her. The Others escape with the boat, but that doesn't matter at the moment as husband and wife find each other in the water and embrace with relief.
Sun flashes back to when she attended Jae's funeral from afar. Her Dad sees her and tells her to go home to her husband. (He was there because he did business with Jae's father) Sun asks if he will ever tell Jin and he angrily responds that it is not his place. In the present, Jin and Sun dry off and Jin tells her that he doesn't know what he would do without her or the baby. Sayid apologizes for not listening to Jin in the first place. Now they have a long walk home.
Safely back in their zoo cages, Sawyer and Kate have a discussion about how scared most of the Others looked when Sawyer took control of the rifle. Most of them have seen no real action, though Sawyer is convinced that the woman we know as Juliet would have killed Kate without blinking. They make a plan to wait for a mistake and jump on it.
Unfortunately, they just made a mistake themselves because Ben is watching them from his surveillance room and he even has audio. He then mosies into Jack's cell and pulls up a chair. He is amused that a week ago he and Jack were in opposite positions but Jack is still too catatonic to find the humor. Ben explains why he had to lie about who he was, which finally stirs Jack enough to ask what the man wants. Ben says he wants to change Jack's perspective. He extends his hand and introduces himself as Benjamin Linus, lifelong island resident, but Jack refuses to shake.
As Ben asks for something to be brought in, Jack asks about Kate and Sawyer. "Now why Kate and Sawyer and not Sawyer and Kate?" Ben asks. Just kidding. He says they are fine and close. A television of all things is wheeled into the room at that point and Ben says that if Jack cooperates, he can go home. Jack chuckles with disbelief at the very notion of going home, as if he doesn't even believe that's where Michael and Walt went. He wants to know why the Others would even be there if they could leave at any point. To prove that he has contact with the outside world, Ben tells Jack that George Bush was re-elected, Christopher Reeve died and the Red Sox won the World Series. Jack, remembering his father's old saying, really laughs at that last nonsensical notion. That is until Ben shows him a videotape of Fox's coverage of the Red Sox actually capturing the championship. You know, you don't have to watch LOST right now, you could be watching Fox's stellar coverage of the baseball playoffs. As Jack is stunned into silence by what he is watching, Ben tells him that if he does what he is told when the time is right, he can go home. Think about that, doctor!
Next time on LOST: Locke is alive! And so is the seldom seen security system.
1 comment:
"Forget all that stuff last season about her being true to Jin and the island making a baby by magic- turns out Sun is just a sociopathic liar."
Actual LOL.
"Jae wants to run away with Sun and presents her with a pearl necklace ( um, the kind you can show on network television). "
You're on a roll!
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