CAUTION: Today's song contains vulgar language. Hit Esc to turn off the music.
#46 is The Pick of Destiny by Tenacious D. You can visit the "greatest rock band in the world" here: Tenacious D
I've liked Tenacious D for a long time. Jack Black and Kyle Gass are so sincere in their silliness that it twists what should be terrible music and turns it into some fun, good stuff. The D takes the cheesiness up a notch with this new offering because, hey, they've got a new movie to promote. The blatant self-promotion is what makes this song even funnier than what we've heard before. The movie is "better than Citizen Kane!" I should go see it, right?
By the way, this is not the last the countdown has seen of catchy songs blatantly promoting a film :)...
Remember the Seinfeld episode where George starts doing the opposite of what his instincts tell him to and starts to turn his life around? Funny, right? Well, it worked for me! (As far as gambling goes, that is.) First, I picked all the teams I thought would win or at least cover the spread. Then when I entered them into my cousin's pool, I took the other team. I even picked against the Giants for the first time ever. Result: I am now 250 dollars richer.
Last night at work I realized I had forgotten to put my belt on when my pants almost fell down. They fell right off my waist. Back in June, I was upset because I had to buy a 40 waist and now a 35 is too much to wear without a belt. The funny thing is that I have even gone jogging in over two weeks. I think I must have sped my metabolism up because last time I checked, I had lost three pounds without even trying. I'm awesome.
TV Thoughts:
Prison Break: How intense was T-Bag? Biting his hand off to escape just like a trapped animal! And I don't think he's ever looked scarier than when he came to get his money back. Oh Michael, you should feel guilty for what you've released into the world. The funniest part of the show was Geary using the money to act on some sexual deviances. "A Cleveland what?" said the prostitute. LOL I don't think Sara will be killed. If Kellerman could go through with killing her, he would have already done it. He has shown no hesitation in the past.
Heroes: The last episode was just filler until next week's big "save the cheerleader" episode, but it was still good. I like the Charlie character and I don't think she will be dead for good. (Go Hiro!) It may not be a dynamic world-saving superpower, but remembering everything could be quite useful and I would take that ability before I would take flying or mind-reading.
Studio 60: The number one complaint I've read about this show is that the bottom line is that it's about whether or not rich people can put on a television show and it's hard to invest in that. I answer that by saying that it's the damn premise of the show. If a show takes place behind the scenes of a TV show, then that's what I expect to see. I don't get distracted or find it hard to care about someone because of how much money someone makes on a doctor or lawyer show so why should a change of venue make a difference. It's been nice to have at least one show where you know no one is going to die.
Veronica Mars: The self-contained mystery was a little ho-hum. Even Veronica herself was disinterested at first. I'm sure the mystery of the kid that ended up in the drunk tank with no memory could have been eventually solved by the police without VM tracking cell phones and credit card transactions. But the bigger stories were that Keith dumped his married girlfriend because he had lost his daughter's respect, which means more to him than romance. Secondly, Veronica was almost the next rape victim! Sure, she fits the profile anyway, but I'm sure the rapist must know she is on the case and getting close so he tried to stop himself from being the next checkmark on her undefeated track record.
"A Cleveland what?" said the prostitute. LOL "
I seriously had to rewind the TiVo. Then I was sickened. Also, this is the second time in the last month (on two different shows) that this "move" has been mentioned! Aaaaaa!
I've lost three pounds in the last two weeks or so and I haven't even DONE anything! No exercise, no diet, nothing.
the best part about the VM episode?? VERONICA AND LOGAN seamed like they were "connecting" again.
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