#21 is Cobrastyle by Teddybears.
Three things that annoyed me about The Amazing Race finale last night:
1. The finale was anti-climactic YET AGAIN. It seems almost every season they work so hard to keep things close and bunch everyone up so no team runs away with it. People are having trouble with challenges or directions and getting passed all the time. Yet for the last episode, there is no point where the leaders can get tripped up. How are you supposed to pass someone skydiving? And tailoring a shirt? What was that? The whole thing becomes so frustrating when people win a million dollars because their cab got someplace first. The family edition may have sucked, but at least they had to do that tough puzzle before they could hit the final mat. Last season's flag challenge was good, too. If they had the problem solved, why didn't they stay with it?
2. I'm sure I'm not the only one who forgot about the football game overrun. We need to invent DVRs that know when shows are actually starting and ending instead of relying on pre-determined times. It was some sort of cosmic joke that our recording cut off just as TAR was doing their weekly suspenseful edit as to who would come in first. At least I was able to find out and learn that it was as predictable as I assumed.
3. Finally, I'm mad at myself. I was going to pick the two model guys because two males are almost always the winners. Yet in their opening, they had to go and mention that they were models and formerly addicted to drugs. I thought they were weak. I should have known better. If I had just stuck with my original formula instead of going with my guy, I would have had another successful prediction!
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