Thought I'd give equal time to the other end of the spectrum. I'm just in that kind of mood since I currently don't have a car. Believe me, if you want to feel completely useless, try living without any kind of transportation. My wife is at work tonight and then going out with friends so I am stuck alone all day with a hungry four-year-old and all I have to give her is a box of Cheez-its because we can't go grocery shopping. Ugh! Here are some things I hate, but nothing too deep- I don't think I need to write about my hatred of terrorists or wifebeaters- that should go without saying:
1. Country music- I don't hate country music...I LOATHE it. It just gives me a headache and fuels untapped homicidal urges. I just want to smash something when it comes on, I really do. And what's worse is, no one believes I can hate something this much. They say 'oh just listen to this song' or 'give it a chance'. I have given it a chance, by force, when some guys at work turn it on. Sorry, I'm not going to change. My wife thinks it's funny to turn it on in the car and make me listen to it. I have pulled over and shut the car off. Don't mess with me on this. I HATE COUNTRY MUSIC!
2. Peanut Butter- I can't stand the smell of it, the look of it and of course the taste. This goes for any peanut butter candy too. Reeses' makes me sick. And again, I get 'how can you hate peanut butter?' I just do. Leave me alone about it. And please don't make me make PB&J sandwiches. The fact that I do just proves how much I love my daughter.
3. Writer's Block/Procrastination- I know everything that is going to happen in my second novel. I can see it all very clearly in my head and I think about it all the time. So why am I sitting here writing in a journal and listening to music? Yes, why. Must be some deep psychological fear of success or something. That's all I can think of.
4. Vegetables- Isn't it some kind of cosmic cruel joke that everything that is good for you looks and tastes so bad? I have never eaten my vegetables and I never will. I do like potatoes, but they almost don't count.
5. Local Slang- Here in Utica, everyone says hamburg instead ofhamburger and it secretly drives me crazy. Are we really losing that much time with all our three syllable words that we have to cut them down? You people aren't in that much of a hurry- I've seen you. So what gives? You sound stupid. I'd think of more, but it would only make me hurt a little more on the inside.
Just typing all this has not been therapeutic at all- it's made me angrier in fact! I'm closing out the last three in rapid fire style with no explanation. Then I'm going out to my empty driveway to scream.
6. Will & Grace, 7. Men being portrayed as idiots on TV and commercials- especially if they're a dad. 8. Static electricity.
Seacrest out!
...Oh yeah, him too.
LOL ....I know what you mean...except the peanut butter..I love it! Sorry! But yeah, the other things you listed...also on My Much Hated Things list
Don't you hate pants?!?
LMAO I almost fell off the chair at that one. A classic Simpsons reference! Delicious!
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