Friday, April 8, 2005

Behold the Power of a Man!

  I've been feeling manly lately.  Maybe because spring is in the air, or maybe because of my newly found super-human strength.  I think we've all dreamed of being a super hero at one time or another, but for me, I actually became one. 

  It was time for Kasey to register for kindergarten, but we needed her birth certificate.  Where is her birth certificate?  In a locked safety box that we received for just this kind of important document upon the birth of our child.  Where is the key for this box?  God only knows. 

  That's where I come in.  I set that box on the floor and proceeded to rip it open with my bare hands!  Repeat: my bare hands!  No flimsy aluminum lock was going to come between my daughter and her education.  I'm a man and I had to do what I had to do for the sake of my family.

  But things didn't stop there.  Now confident that I had asserted myself in this household, yesterday I called my wife after she got out of work and demanded she bring me home a turkey sub.  She didn't, but still, I think she knows who the boss is now.  I know she doesn't want to see my manly pout again.

  And the word is spreading about my verility.  Not a day goes by where I don't get an instant message from some poor lass whose man can't satisfy her.  They practically beg me to look at their webcams and visit their porno sites.  I do tell them to leave me alone, but it's still an ego boost.  I've even seen my wife get the same messages...if they can't have me, I guess they want someone close to me.

  In the last eighteen hours alone, I have made my wife's car payment for her, put motor oil in my car and done my own laundry.  Yes, move over world, there's a man coming through.


SURVIVOR:  My wife and I have agreed that the producers changed their mind about a standard ten player merge just to see if one tribe could be completely wiped out.  It's kind of cool and sad at the same time.  Poor Stephanie.

PROJECT GREENLIGHT: The casting director proved last night that she is totally not cool.  She blasts Gulager all this time about not being open-minded and wanting to cast his family too much...then she goes behind everyone's back to get her friend cast in a role no one wanted her for.  It's low and she is the one who came off looking unprofessional last night.  Other than that, not too exciting.  The previews looked good since they finally start shooting the movie.  Can't wait to see Jason Mewes and Henry Rollins trying to work with a director who doesn't know what he's doing.


Anonymous said...

HAHA I love your "manly" escapade story. It's great.

Anonymous said...

OH Lordy!  You almost made me pee my pants from laughing!!!  YOU ARE MAN!  HEAR YOU ROAR!!!!  GROWWWLL!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Dude, you are hilarious!  I am just hoping that you are walking around your house in tights with your underwear on the outside!


Anonymous said...

You should know you don't demand anything from a woman.  We women tend to ignore demands.  We perfer if you ask nicely but don't be obvious about it.  IF you call your wife up for example and say,"Honey,I'm craving a turkey sub so I was wondering if you could bring one home for me,please?" you'd probley have gotten a turkey sub.  Lol.  You know you don't want to call her up and start with the sweetie pie/baby stuff.  Women see through that in a second.  Lol.  -Dawn-