-I deleted the link to my new quiz- my wife informed me that it wasn't working properly. If you really, really want to take it, e-mail me and I will invite you. Special congratulations go to Brandy for getting every single answer wrong. That takes a special kind of bad luck.
- For the second week in a row I've put a quote from the new version of The Office in my banner. I am finding the show quite funny- believe it or not, I work for a boss that is kind of like the one on the show. Just this past weekend he was mocking a co-worker's religion. I mean Jehovah's Witnesses have it coming, but it was really inappropriate! Anyway, I think this show is really fighting an uphill battle 1) because it's in the shaky single camera, Arrested Development style that puts off a lot of people. And 2) any built in audience it has will inevitably judge it against the British version and want to hate it for being inferior. I've only seen the British version once or twice but I've laughed at both shows and I think there is room for both in this world.
- I had a pen explode on me this morning. I can't believe we still have inferior pen quality in this day and age. Damn you, Bic.
-Today is a LOST rerun. I am starting to sympathize with all the complainers. But I'm not complaining, just sympathizing. This will give me an oppurtunity to check out Stacked. I have agreed in principle with Fox that if I watch this show, they will renew Arrested Development. It's an oral agreement that wasn't heard on their end because of the distance, but I'm sure they'll keep their word anyway. *crossing fingers*
-3 days until the wedding of the year. In my family anyway.
- I wanted to finish this entry with a big bang, but I got nothing. Coming later today will be a re-post of Lost's rerun. Whoop de doo!
Meredith......hmmmmmm what rhymes with Meredith?
I think that show is a hoot and hope it sticks around but, don't it will either.
Hi, Captain - I agree with you about The Office, too. I LOVE that show. I never had a boss quite like that one but I have temped in many, many too many offices and so many of the situations and people are all too familiar. I laugh out loud during that show, especially last episode's festive office birthday party. I hope it stays on, but it is so low key I don't know if most people will appreciate it.
I'll probably watch the LOST rerun and use it as a lead-in to Revelations which I hope is good. And as an excuse not to finish up my taxes.
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