Thursday, April 21, 2005

Thursday Afternoon

- I am not going to re-post my recap of last night's LOST repeat.  If you need it, you can find it here: LOST - LOST- Episode 16: Outlaws

- Not much going on, but I figured I should put something in here since I haven't written since Monday night.  Honestly, I've been waiting for more wedding pictures but no one has sent any yet.  I was thinking about posting what I said in my toast, but I would like a picture of me doing it to accompany the entry. 

- Yesterday, as I was mowing my dead lawn, I said to myself, 'We really need some rain- this April has been kind of dry.'  After lunch, it started raining for the rest of the day.  Either I have a direct line to God, or I have powers I am not fully aware of yet.

- We finally watched Closer last night.  I say finally because we have had it rented for a week and a half.  I thought it was a really great movie, but then, I am a sucker for moody character pieces.  I recommend it... with the warning that the language is quite graphic.

- That's all for now.


PS- Jewelsl85 is bad at checkers.


Anonymous said...

You must have wished really hard for that rain since in Connecticut we are expecting it on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday!!!  Ugggghhhh!  But, at least I will be working, so no biggie!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm bad at checkers. WHAT OF IT?!? LOL