Original air date: 2/8/06
Previously on LOST: Charlie kidnapped Aaron and "Zeke" warned Jack about crossing the line. This made Jack want to train an army.
In Station Three of the Dharma Initiative, Locke lets Jack into the armory so he can add the marshal's gun case to their weapons collection. Jack notices the Mary statues and Locke explains that he kept them for possible medicinal purposes but didn't want to break them out of superstition. Who says this show never provides any answers? Jack asks for the lock combination, which Locke, of course, has to make a big deal out of. He assumes it's because something might happen to him and not because of mistrust. "There are a lot of cliffs on this island," Jack deadpans. The combo is 7-33-18. Figure out what that means, obsessed nerds! I'll get you started. Those numbers add up to 58, which is only ten more than the number of survivors in the pilot episode. Ten is the value of the King Hurley had when playing Blackjack. Clearly, this means they are all dead. Anyway, Locke also suggests locking up the medicine. When Jack asks why, the director answers him by switching scenes to Sawyer coming out of the ocean. He smiles and officially welcomes Charlie to the outskirts of the society that Jack built. Charlie shrugs off the teasing and suggests that Sawyer be more concerned with Jack ransacking his tent.
Sawyer rushes over in a huff and finds Jack taking back the medicine Sawyer stole. Sawyer says it was his first, but Jack tells him he doesn't get to have a stash anymore. Jack walks away from Sawyer's thinly veiled threats and gets an evil eye staredown from the con man. This cues the creepy LOST title screen.
Sawyer flashes back to when he was in bed with yet another beautiful woman saying exactly the same things he said in the con run in one of his earlier focal point episodes. This time, however, the woman is too smart and recognizes the situation as the "can't-miss investment" scam. Sawyer admits he is busted and wants to just walk away. The woman tells him he was wasting his time because she didn't get anything in her divorce, but she does have an idea. She wants Sawyer to teach her the ways of the con man.
In the present, Kate brings Sawyer a woman's magazine since he's out of reading material. Since he lost his glasses on the raft, he flirtingly asks her to read it to him. Before she can start, Locke walks by and Sawyer speculates that his interest in Claire is less than virtuous. "Not everyone is like you, Sawyer," Kate answers. Sawyer then mentions Jack and Ana-Lucia's army, which apparently, Kate has been left out of.
Elsewhere, Hurley finds Sayid and tells him about Bernard's radio. He also mentions that Bernard is a dentist, which I find interesting, since the only other thing we've learned about him is that he has a sweet tooth. Anyway, Hurley wants Sayid to use his technical know-how to boost up the radio's power. Sayid thinks it's a waste of time since all he'll get is Rousseau's signal again. Hurley is visibly disappointed, but he would be glad to know that after he left, Sayid took a good long stare at the radio.
In the jungle, Ana-Lucia expresses disbelief that Locke gave Jack the armory combination so willingly. She thinks they can't get anyone to join their army because everyone feels too safe.
That all might change, however, since Sun was just abducted right out of her secret garden. From the beach, Sawyer and Kate hear Sun's muffled cries and go running to help. They find her a few feet into the jungle, bound and lying in the mud unconscious. Sawyer brings her to Jack and tells him what happened. This brings Ana-Lucia to one chilling conclusion. "They're back."
And so the pow-wow begins at the beach. Jack and Ana-Lucia want to take some guns and look around, but Locke thinks they are just as likely to end up shooting each other as they are one of them. (I'm looking at you, Ana.) Jack agrees to let Sun wake up and tell them what happened, but then they are going to do something about it.
Elsewhere, Kate and Sawyer have begun investigating on their own. Sawyer has his doubts about the Others' involvement since Sun got away, but the other day, Kate couldn't. They find the hood that was thrown over Sun's head and Sawyer channels his inner detective to determine that it is not the same style of fabric or design that the Others used on Kate. Sawyer thinks someone was trying to scare the masses into joining an army.
He then flashes back to a fairly simple con he taught to his new apprentice. He puts expensive price tags on junky jewelry and sells them at a "discount" to some guys at a gas station. When Sawyer's friend expresses interest, the targeted guys quickly want in on the action. Easy money.
At the beach, Jack tells Jin that Sun will be fine. He is then met by Kate, who lets her concerns about Ana-Lucia be known. Jack doesn't seem like he wants to hear her theory. He almost puts on his about-to-cry face, but instead just walks away.
Walking along the beach later, Ana-Lucia brings the doctor the good news that more people have been inspired to join the army. This, however, plays right into the seeds of doubt Kate just planted. He asks Ana-Lucia where she was during the attack- an accusation she doesn't look too thrilled with. Before they can throw down, Claire runs up with word that Sun has woken up.
Sun tries to explain what happened, but she doesn't remember much and it's taking twice as long to say it in both English and Korean. Her every word makes Jin more and more angry until he lets Jack know that he has a new word in his vocabulary. "Gun." From afar, Sawyer and Kate watch the goings-on and Kate pieces together that this whole thing has been a ploy by Ana-Lucia to get into the armory. Kate asks Sawyer to head to Station Three of the Dharma Initiative and warn Locke that Jack and his posse are on the way.
This request makes Sawyer think back to a bathroom scene with his partner/lover. She is getting bored and wants to up the ante. Sawyer reluctantly tells her what a long con is. He says it takes a lot of money, which they don't have. She then reveals that she actually got $600,000 in her divorce which makes Sawyer upgrade to an "I'll think about it."
In Station Three of the Dharma Inititative, Sawyer finds Locke alphabetizing the library. Sawyer scoffs at this, but savvy viewers will realize that Locke was probably really looking for more film splices. Sawyer tells Locke about Jack and offers to help because he would love nothing more than to piss Jack off since he took his meds. They agree that Sawyerwill hang around to push the button while Locke moves the guns out of the armory.
In flashback land, Sawyer meets up in the diner where Kate's mom works with his real partner- character actor, Kevin Dunn. Sawyer admits that he has his girl, Cassidy, right where he wants her, but he has fallen for her and won't go through with the con. Kevin Dunn gets pretty mad about this and threatens both Sawyer's and Cassidy's lives. Sawyer walks away anyway.
Back in the present, the beeping alarm wakes Sawyer from his naptime flashback just as Jack and Jin arrive. Jack is, of course, dismayed to find that the armory is now empty and demands to know what is going on. Sawyer plays dumb, which infuriates Jack to the point that Jin has to hold him back.
That night at the beach, Jack confronts Locke about the guns. Locke says he had to do it because Jack was about to break their agreement to consult each other before accessing the armory. Locke doesn't want any more guns in play because he feels guilty about what happened with Michael. Their argument is ended swiftly by the sound of actual gunfire. They turn to see Sawyer approaching with a smoking gun and a smirk. Sawyer tells them that they're both stupid. As everyone looks on in disbelief, he explains how mad he is about people taking his stuff while he was off on the raft. Worse than that, while he was gone, everyone began taking orders from Jack and Locke. Sawyer has the guns now and anyone who wants one will have to come to him. "There's a new sheriff in town, boys," he practically cackles.
Sawyer then thinks back to his return home to Cassidy. He lets her in on what has really been going on- that she is the long con. If he doesn't walk out the door with her money in two minutes, the man in the parked car outside will kill them both. She is mad, but softens when she realizes that Sawyer decided not to go through with it. He hands her a bag full of money and leads her to the back door, promising to meet her in the morning. They exhange proclamations of love and she runs off.
Night has fallen on the island and Kate asks Sawyer how he pulled off the con. He will never tell. Kate is pretty upset about how she played right into his hands, but hey, what are ya gonna do? She knows now that this whole thing was really about Sawyer's need for people to hate him.
Elsewhere, Hurley has found the much talked-about ingenius marketing ploy- a manuscript called 'The Bad Twin'- soon to be a real honest to goodness book in a store near you! Sayid is more interested in showing him that he went ahead and souped up Bernard's radio. They fiddle with it and eventually pick up a crystal clear radio station playing "Moonlight Serenade." Hurley is excited, but Sayid bursts his bubble by babbling some technical mumbo-jumbo about how the signal could be coming from anywhere. "Or any time," Hurley jokes.
On the outskirts of camp, Sawyer meets up with his partner in crime, one Charlie Pace. Charlie was the one who grabbed Sun and followed Locke to the guns' new hiding place. Sawyer offers a reward of a Mary statue, but that is not why Charlie did it. It's because he wanted Locke to feel like a fool. Charlie asks Sawyer how he could ever think of their whole plan.
Before answering, Sawyer finishes up his earlier flashback. After Cassidy left, he went out to the empty car outside, counted some Mississippis, then went back inside. He packed up the real bag of money, turned a picture of him and Cassidy face down and walked out of the house.
In the present, Sawyer answers the question. "I'm not a good person, Charlie. Never done a good thing in my life."
Next time: Rousseau captures a stranger and there's only one thing to do- have Sayid torture him! Also, the Dharma countdown reaches zero.
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