Thursday, March 23, 2006

LOST- Episode 40: The Whole Truth

  Previously on LOST: Rousseau captured Henry Gale and Sun was snatched from her secret garden.

  Welcome back to LOST recaps done in a timely fashion.  Don't get used to it- I go under the knife in April.  Let's have some fun today as Dr. Shepherd said.  Oh wait, that was Derek Shepherd on Grey's Anatomy.  Jack Shepherd says stuff like "What did you do?"  Then he fights back the tears.  I'm losing you already?  All right, let's get to it then.

  As Sun stares into the mirror some time in the past, her husband calls from the other room.  He is shirtless, in bed, and ready for love.  In the middle of some romantic kissing, Jin kills the mood by asking Sun if she took her temperature.  It seems Jin is a little upset because they have been trying to have a baby for a year with no luck.  He thinks they should visit a fertility doctor.  Sun wants to know why a man who is never home cares so much about a baby.  Jin reminds her again that everything he does for her father he does for them.  He hopes that maybe a baby would soften the old man up and make him give Jin a safer, less bloody job.

  In the present, Sun has returned to her garden and is understandably jumpy when she hears a noise in the brush behind her.  Not to worry, though.  This time, it's only Jin.  Unfortunately for her, it's first season Jin and he is being all pushy and controlly- demanding that she return to the beach with him.  He doesn't want her to be alone in the place where The Others attacked and when she won't comply, he destroys her beloved garden.  "Now you have no reason to be out here," he says (in Korean).  This cues the creepy LOST title screen.

  Back at the beach, Ana-Lucia is bolting in a full-on run, but don't be fooled by the tense music, she's just exercising.  She finds Locke waiting for her, and since he has never said two words to her, she naturally wonders what he wants.  Locke gets right to the point and tells her all about Henry Gale.  He feels that since she was a cop and has dealt with The Others, she is best suited to get the truth out of the stranger.

  Elsewhere, Sun is walking off the anger when she doubles over in pain.  She overhears Rose and Bernard having some literal trouble in paradise, but they stop arguing when they notice that Sun is in trouble.  Sun insists that she is okay, but Rose urges her husband to give her some water.  Rose explains that he is grumpy because he forgot her birthday.  Bernard swears he didn't forget, he just can't keep track of what day it is on the island.  Both husband and wife suggest that Sun visit Jack, but she is insistent on doing the opposite.  She walks away from them to have a flashback in private.

  Sun enters a hotel room and puts out the "Do Not Disturb" sign.  Inside waiting for her and smiling is her ex-boyfriend- the bald hotel heir.  He is surprised that she hasn't told Jin about them.  When she asks for some iced tea, he asks her to say it in English and reveals that we have been swerved.  This is not a romantic affair, it's Sun's secret English lessons.  Baldy thinks Jin would be proud of her for learning English, but Sun doesn't see how she can tell him how or why she is learning it.  Sun asks Baldy if he wants to stop the lessons and he says no, perhaps a little too quickly.  He follows up with, "It's good practice for me, too."

  In Station Three of the Dharma Initiative, Jack steps out of the shower and is surprised to find Locke shaving in there.  Locke says that with no shaving cream, he needs the steam to open up his pores.  I wasn't going to include that tedious explanation, but the "Wish I knew how to quit you" jokes are getting to be a little overdone.  John mentions his plans regarding Ana-Lucia and I hope Jack doesn't have a problem with it, because she's already in the armory with Henry.

  Inside the armory, Henry has gotten a little tired of telling his story to everyone he meets, but Ana-Lucia insists after telling him the story of how she threw Nathan in the pit.

  At the beach, Sun asks Sawyer if she can look through his medical supplies.  Sawyer is not one to give up that much control over a situation so he naturally denies her request.  In no position to argue, Sun tells him what she needs- a pregnancy test.

  Back in the armory, Ana-Lucia recaps Henry's story and asks him to draw a map to his balloon.  He is reluctant, drawing suspicion from Ana.  How could a world traveler by balloon not be able to make a map?  Henry says that no matter what he does or says, he will end up dead.  Ana points out that he then has nothingto lose by drawing her a map.

   In the jungle, Sun has snuck off to take her test, but bumps into Hurley who has snuck off to eat a candy bar.  They share an awkward moment, then when the coast is clear, Sun stares at the box in her hands and thinks back...

  ...Back to the Kwan family visit to the fertility clinic to hear their results.  The doctor explains that Sun has too much endometriotic scar tissue and it would be almost impossible for her to conceive.  Jin is angry and accuses his wife of knowing of this all along.  She sarcastically answers that it was her plan to trap the son of a fisherman.  After that low blow, Jin throws some stuff and storms out of the office.

  In the present, Ana-Lucia shows Sayid and Charlie the map that Henry drew for her.  Sayid asks if Jack and Locke know.  Ana replies that they are too worried about each other, which draws a knowing smirk from Charlie.  When Sayid asks why she came to him, she says that she wants to know the truth and judging from Henry's damaged face, so does Sayid.

 After going to the bathroom, fixing a snack, and thinking about some products they might like to buy if they ever get home, the three set off on their journey.  They see a cliff in the distance, which Henry has helpfully included on his map as 'Go around the mountain'.  Even if the map is accurate, Sayid is not convinced that they are heading toward a balloon.  As the trek continues, Ana-Lucia asks Charlie to give his gun to someone who knows how to use it.  He counters that last time she had one, she murdered someone.  He hands it over, but to Sayid.

  At the beach, Sun has recruited Kate to help her with the pregnancy test.  Kate asks the obvious "Who travels with one of these?" and we all share a wink and a laugh with the writers.  Sun is not in a joking mood and asks Kate if she has ever taken one.  "Yeah," she replies.  When the wait is over they learn that Sun is indeed pregnant.

  They take the test result to Jack, who confirms that they are usually pretty accurate.  Sun asks them not to tell anyone, including Jin.  Jack, like most of us, is tired of all the island secrets (even if he is hiding a secret prisoner).  He advises Sun to tell her husband the whole truth.  Hey, that's the name of this episode!  When Jack leaves for another mysterious trip to "the hatch", Kate asks Sun if she is okay.  But Sun is only there in body.

  In mind, she is back in the hotel room.  Baldy asks why she is distracted and she tells him about the bad baby news.  He is sorry for her and Jin but reminds her that she is learning English to run away from her husband to America.  Then he pretty much lays his cards on the table when he tells her she doesn't have to go to America if she leaves Jin.  For a while, they just stare at each other longingly.

  Night has fallen on the island, and neither Ana-Lucia or Sayid can sleep.  Ana uses the quiet time to explain herself and sincerely apologize for killing Shannon.  Sayid does not blame her for protecting her people.  He blames the Others for putting her in that position.  With a sinister glare he says that when they find out Henry is one of them, "something will have to be done."

  The next morning, Sayid hears a storm coming and insists that they get moving.  As the rain falls, they reach their destination and to no one's surprise, they do not see a balloon.  Sayid seems ready to pronounce Henry guilty of being an Other, but Ana-Lucia preaches caution.  They need to be sure.  Sayid reluctantly agrees and they begin to search more thoroughly.

  Over on the sunny side of the island, by the ocean, Jin finds Bernard trying to catch oysters but having no luck.  "No oyster here," he says helpfully, which dashes Bernards plans to give Rose a pearl for her birthday.  Sawyer approaches and congratulates Jin on being a daddy, but of course Jin cannot understand.  As Sawyer and Bernard discuss the good news, we hear what Jin hears, which is gibberish.  This makes him realize something.

  Jin returns to the scene of his crime and begins to repair his wife's garden.  When Sun catches him doing it, he says he is sorry for what he did and confesses that he needs her.  He needs her to help him understand what everyone around him is saying.  The tearful apology makes it easier for Sun to reveal to him that she is pregnant.  She stops his celebration prematurely by saying that she has to tell him something.

  She flashes back to when she was walking her dog and Dr. Kim from the fertility clinic approached her.  He has been doing some soul searching and has decided that she should know the truth.  Jin is actually the one who is shooting blanks and cannot have children.  Dr. Kim explains about Jin's reputation as a strong man for Sun's father and if he told a man like that such bad news, surely he would burn down the practice.  (The subtitles here had a type-o.  "You're father"  instead of "Your".  If you get confused, just expand the contraction to what it's short for.  You are father.  That makes no sense.  Easy, right?)

  While Sun was thinking about this, she was also telling Jin, because upon our return to the present, he drops to his knees in shock.  So naive it's almost cute, he wonders how there can be a baby if he can't make one.  Sun swears that she has been true to him, which can mean only one thing- it's a miracle baby!  As they embrace happily, we see that while Sun's mouth says miracle, her eyes say something else. 

  As they continue to repair the garden, they talk about baby names and who already knows about the pregnancy.  Jin suggests they head back for lunch, but Sun wants to stay.  Proving that the new, second season Jin is back for good, he lets her.  Then he surprises her by kissing her and saying "I love you" in English.

  Over in Station Three, Jack decides to let Henry out of his cell for some breakfast.  Henry marvels at the officially licensed Dharma Initiative cereal and also at how little Jack and Locke know about the place.  He can't believe they're not naturally curious about where all the stuff came from.  When Henry mentions the map he drew, he is again surprised that his two captors were in the dark about it.  He says that they have trust issues.  In a speech amusing only to himself, Henry speculates that if he were an Other, he would draw a map to a trap, have their friends captured by his friends and make a trade.  "I guess it's a good thing I'm not one of them, huh?"  As Jack and Locke stare at him, Henry asks for some milk.

  Next time: Ana-Lucia and friends find the balloon, but since the Others do things like carry around theatrical glue, I'm not sure I'm convinced of Henry's innocence yet.  Also, Station Three goes bonkers and traps Locke and Henry inside.  The voice-over guy promised five shocking events and I promise you that I will be counting.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think is one of the OTHERS. I don't like him.