I get very upset when someone tries to read my writing before I am ready for them to. I think it's because it takes me a long time to convince myself that it is not total crap. Plus, the first stuff I write is just the skeleton-I only want to get the story down-then later I worry about tweaking, adding, changing and decorating. The part I'm doing now is just embarrassing and I get completely mortified when people want to read it.
In other words, I owe my brother an apology for ripping my laptop out of his hands yesterday. :) But that's why.
It's birthday time this Saturday. As if turning thirty isn't depressing enough, I will also be incapacitated by my surgery. Worst birthday ever! Since I will be able to do absolutely nothing for the next month, I would like DVDs for my birthday. Preferably TV shows I haven't seen so I can just watch many hours of episodes all day long.
I was complaining at dinner about getting older, but Kasey put everything in perspective by assuring me that I still have 15 years left.
An entire 15 years left huh?! Well, at least you can plan now! I have lived past those 15 years and am not in a nursing home yet, so I guess I am doing okay. Hee-hee!! Leave it to a child! I wouldn't want anyone to read my writing either before I was ready, so totally understand. But, dammit man, I want a new book and I want it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I expect a cameo too. LOL!
Hugs and love,
Lisa who wants to know which t.v. shows you watch and haven't seen yet. Green Acres maybe? ;)
My first comment in your journal!!! That completely sounds like something my Kasey Jean would say! I just about died when I read that last sentence. What a little nut. I am not sure I would want to live past 45 anyway...I don't dig the idea of wrinkles and menopause...maybe the little one is on to something....
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