Thursday, July 6, 2006

Double Ugh!

That mood up above should be more like FURIOUS, but AOL doesn't give that one as an option.  As the day has gone on, I've just gotten more and more upset over how my visit with the doctor today went.  I won't go into great detail, but basically, he said I was milking my injury and should go back to work since I've already been out longer than average.  Tomorrow morning I am going to call my case worker and see what she says.  I tried to explain that my wrists still feel tight and that my arms are still numb, but all he said was that he never guaranteed I would be 100% better and I probably never will be.  He asked me when I wanted to go back to work and I answered that I wanted it to be after I've seen him for the last time.  So he says, Then this is it.  Get some bicycle gloves and go back to work.  If my case handler agrees with the doctor, then I suppose I will have no choice but to suck it up and go back to work.  GRRR, I'm so angry right now.  I'm not even trying to make this coherent, so sorry.

  I dropped the shampoo in the shower this morning because a shockwave was sent up the nerves in my arm when I grabbed it.  I assure you that I am not milking anything. 


  In other more pleasant news, my cut back on food intake and morning jogging regimen is really getting results.  My stomach is now noticeably smaller and my sister said my face is not as fat.  I started at 237 and after 1 month of this I stand at 222.  I'm so proud of myself that I try to work it in any time I talk to someone.  Hey, I lost 15 pounds.  

Yeah, I'm sure I'm annoying. 


Well that's it for now.  My arms are getting numb from all this typing and pain faking I have to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doctors can be real jerks sometimes.