Previously on LOST- a lot of stuff happened...Charlie wrote LATE on the bandages on his fingers, Claire rubbed her belly, Charlie told Claire he'd take care of her, Sayid warned everyone that they were not alone on the island, Claire was attacked in her sleep, Hurley started a census, Hurley mistook Ethan for Lance, Jack tried to give Claire a sedative and she took off for the beach, Hurley told Jack that one of them wasn't on the plane, and Ethan stared strangely at Charlie and Claire. Phew! I told you a lot happened. Can we get to the show please?
We begin at almost the exact point where last week's show concluded- Hurley tells Jack and Kate that it was Ethan who is the one who wasn't on the plane and he hasn't seen him since yesterday. For the sake of the show only being an hour, Jack immediately jumps to the wild conclusion that since no one has seen Ethan, Charlie or Claire for a while, Ethan must have kidnapped them. Cut to Jack and Locke racing frantically through the woods in pursuit. Locke stops suddenly and begins to find subtle clues that only an experienced tracker could find- like Claire's bag and footprints. Okay, anyone could have seen that, but Locke is still cool. Locke deduces that there was a struggle and that Island Class of 2004's Cutest Couple was dragged off. Jack starts shouting their names, but Locke says, "Shhh..." A creepy Locke moment calls for a creepy LOST title screen.
Tonight, LOST is brought to you by the upcoming motion picture event: Flight of the Phoenix. I'll have to send them a Thank You note. Back to the show: Jack and Locke continue to examine the trail. Jack wants to know how one man could have dragged off two people, Locke thinks it's more important to learn why. Locke agrees with Sayid that there are others on the island, while Jack thinks Sayid is injured and delusional. Locke wants to go back and organize a proper search party, Jack wants to just go NOW. Before they can go on CNN for a live debate, Jack runs off in the direction Locke pointed.
As he is running wildly through the jungle again, Jack flashes back to a time in the operating room when he tried his best to save a patient but failed. Dad is standing in the back of the room, telling Dr. Jack to call the time of death, but Jack continues to fight. He finally is forced to give up and angrily tells Dad to call the T.O.D. himself.
Back in Cavetown, Kate questions the wisdom of letting Jack run off alone, but Locke insists he will catch up. Kate says she is going too, which Locke is not surprised by. Boone ignores his sister's whining and tells Locke that HE wants to go too. He did not add that it's about darn time he did something on the show, but he could have. Walt wants to use Vincent as a tracker, but his dad shoots him down. Micheal wants to join the search party himself, but, you know, four's a crowd. Michael says he'll form a second search party and Locke condescendingly agrees and tells him to head in the opposite direction.
Meanwhile, Jack is still in the jungle, but he is tiring and looking more LOST. He stops to flashback to the aftermath of the failed operation. Dad is mad because Jack had barged into the O.R. and taken over the procedure. Jack counters that one of the nurses came to get him because Dad's hands were shaking so badly. Dad asks why, if Jack is such a better surgeon, did they call him away from lunch if Jack was already in the building. Jack asks how many drinks Dad had at that lunch. Then they do the dramatic stare down thing.
Back in the jungle, Locke catches up to Jack, who has been running in circles. Locke says, Go back, Jack and do it again- I know that makes no sense, I just wanted to go for the Steely Dan joke. He actually wants him to go back to camp because he doesn't want anything to happen to the all-important doctor. No dice, though. Locke gives up and the four set off again. By the way, Locke feels responsible for this incident because he never picked up any bad vibes from Ethan while hunting with him.
Back at camp, Michael is pretty ticked about being left behind and says so to Hurley. Walt sticks up for Locke, telling his dad all the things the guy is capable of. Michael tells his son to stay away from Locke, then leaves Walt with Hurley so he can take his own search team south, out of spite, I guess. Back in the jungle, Jack and Locke are still sniping with each other- Jack doesn't want to lose daylight by resting, but Locke needs to, cause he's like, old. Kate pulls Jack aside and tells him to lay off Locke. Jack admits to his own guilty conscience about what happened because he didn't believe Claire when she told him she was being attacked. They are called quickly back because Locke has found Charlie's "L" finger tape. Jack deduces that Charlie is leaving them a trail to follow.
Soon after that, they find the "A", but the problem is that several feet away, Locke has found footprints leading in the other direction. Faced with two trails to follow, Kate reveals her own novice tracking skills and the four split up. Locke and Boone will follow the footprints, Jack and Kate will follow Charlie's clues, and Shaggy and Scooby will go find the kitchen where the ghost will inevitably show up.
Over at the edge of the beach, Sawyer is getting an update on the situation from Walt of all people- Hurley must not be doing that great a job watching him. Walt mentions how Ethan wasn't on the manifest but Sawyer suggests that maybe he lied about his name. Walt says that that is a pretty stupid thing to lie about. Sawyer quickly changes the subject and asks where Ethan came from. Walt says he was already on the island because Sayid said there were others. The news of Sayid's return piques Sawyer's interest...
Back in the jungle, Boone learns that Locke works for a box company, which Boone finds hard to believe. Elsewhere, Jack asks Kate where she got her tracking skills. Turns out her dad was in the army and he liked to track deer. All this talk about fathers causes Jack to think back to the time when his dad tried to convince him to lie about the circumstances surrounding the patient's death on the operating table. After Dad lays on the sweet talk, tries to justify his harshness in raising his son and promises he will never operate under the influence again, Jack very reluctantly signs the false account.
Over in the caves, Sayid is resting comfortably, but the entrance of Sawyer gets his attention. Sawyer suggests that Sayid's injuries were caused by karma and that no one would blame Sawyer if he took a little measure of revenge. Sayid makes like a pro wrestler and says, "You want a shot, take it, but you will never beat me for the Intercontinental title." Then he wusses out and says that he left the camp out of shame for what he had done and had intended to never return. Sawyer asks the easy follow-up and Sayid responds with the tale of how he was captured by Danielle, who turnedall his loyal shipmates into pigs and killed all the members of her own party because she believed they were sick. Sawyer asks if Sayid believes her story about "the others". Sayid is not sure, but on his way back he heard something surrounding him.
Back at the beach, Walt is playing backgammon with Hurley but Hurley is getting frustrated because Walt continually rolls exactly what he asks the gods of backgammon to roll. A throw-away scene...or is it?
In the jungle, Boone is concerned that they have lost the trail and are just following Locke's gut. Locke changes subject and learns that Boone runs a business- one of the subsidiaries of his mother's wedding empire. Locke says it is going to rain and tries to convince Boone to head back but fails again. Either there are a lot of stubborn men on this island, or Locke is just not very good at the powers of persuasion. Incidentally, as soon as they're done talking, it starts to pour. Elsewhere, Jack finds Charlie's "T" and hears a scream. He grabs a vine and starts to climb a steep hill- Kate wants to know where he is going- she apparently did not hear the scream. Halfway up, Jack slips and falls back to the bottom. Before he can get up, Ethan appears, plants his foot on Jack's chest and threatens to kill one of his captives if Jack doesn't stop following him. Jack grabs Ethan's leg and starts a fight, but loses pretty badly. Ethan kicks him in the face and says, "No more warnings."
After commercial, we are back at the hospital where Jack sees his father talking to someone and finds out that it is the husband of the dead patient threatening to sue. Kate snaps him back to reality and doesn't seem to believe that Ethan was there since Jack bumped his head pretty hard. Kate wants to give up since the rain washed away the trail, but Jack marches off, more determined than ever. As he heads back up the hill, he flashes back to the time in the hospital board room where the case has come up for review. After learning that the woman had been pregnant, Jack revises his statement and rats out his dad, saying that it was dad's intoxication that caused the woman's death. Don't expect a Christmas present, sonny boy.
At the top of the hill, Jack and Kate discover Charlie blindfolded and hung from a tree. Jack grabs his legs and tries to hold him up, while Kate climbs the tree and cuts him down. Jack immediately begins CPR while Kate cries and holds Charlie's hand. Jack's efforts become more and more frantic until Kate pulls him away and says to stop. Jack, however, will not accept defeat yet again and goes back to pounding on the rock star's chest, until finally Charlie coughs and comes around. Good work here- even though I had heard that Dominic Monaghan would never be killed off, I believed the scene, figuring the producers had lied to throw us off. The lessons as always- I'm gullible and Kate gives up too easily.
Exhibit A for all the people who think LOST has more commercials than other shows: ABC RAN OUT of specially produced Flight of the Phoenix promos and had to go with a Wifeswap commercial to kick off the last break. It is night now and Michael returns to camp to find Jack and Kate sitting by the fire nursing Charlie back to health- it seems that though he is alive, he is catatonic and not answering any questions. When Michael asks if they found Claire, Hurley grimly shakes his head no. Jack promises Charlie they will go back out to search in the morning, but he needs any information Charlie can provide. This seems to anger Charlie, who stares straight ahead but does finally say that he didn't see anything and he can't remember anything. He does know that all they wanted was Claire. Closer to the water, Shannon is worried that her brother is not back yet. Kate assures her that they just made their own camp for the night and that there is no one Boone is safer with than Locke.
Speaking of Locke and Boone, they are still following the trail well into the night and Boone suggests that they go back. Locke asks, "Don't you feel it?" Whatever that means. Boone gives up and heads back. Locke tosses him the flashlight and Butterfingers drops it- but it's a good thing he did because it makes a verrry interesting clanking sound when it hits the ground. The two sift away some dirt and discover a large steel panel just below the surface. Locke assures Boone that they will find out what it is...but not until new episodes in January.
Next week on LOST: See it all from the beginning as the pilot is re-aired for the second time. All I can say is Thank God they did not show any previews for the next episode because that would not have made for a very merry holiday season. I would have gone crazy!
Thanks, Cap'n. Great job! I only saw the last 20 minutes....
thanks for your reviews..very entertaining..and stuff.
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