The show opens with an extreme close-up on a closed eye which suddenly opens wide with fear. The camera pulls back to reveal a badly beaten man lying on the jungle floor. He turns his head at the sound of a noise, but it is just a dog. A dog? Yes, things are getting weird already. The man stands up and gives himself a quick check-up (bad cut on his back). He finds a small empty liquor bottle in his pocket which seems to spark his memory so he takes off running through the jungle. After passing a shoe hanging from a tree, he arrives at a clearing where all seems peaceful- until he turns a corner around some brush and sees the horrific aftermath of a plane crash.
The scene is chaotic- one of the plane's engines is still roaring away, people are screaming and running around aimlessly. Some are helping the injured while others are calling out for loved ones. A man is trapped under some wreckage just under the engine and our man runs over to help, instructing others to do the same. They manage to free the man but he has unfortunatley lost a leg. Our man notices a distressed pregnant woman and runs over to help her next. She is only eight months pregnant but is having contractions.
As two men drag away the man who lost a leg, they try to warn another guy to stay away from the engine, but it is too late. The guy is sucked right in, causing a huge explosion. Debris flies everywhere causing even more panic. Our man instructs the woman to stay still and she will be fine. He calls over to a large man and tells him to keep an eye on her and if there's any trouble to call him. The large man asks his name- it is Jack.
Our hero Jack next dashes over to inform a young man that he is performing CPR incorrectly. He takes over the process and when the boy suggests poking a hole in her throat with a pen, Jack doesn't object and sends him off to find one. With the young man out of the way, Jack is able to focus and bring the unconscious woman around. Just then, he looks up and notices the plane's wing hanging precariously over head and about to fall. He makes a mad dash over to the pregnant woman and the large man, yelling for them to move. The three stumble out of the way just as the wing falls to the ground, causing yet another explosion. After making sure they are okay, Jack tells them to stay put and begins to wander around the crash site. He digs through a suitcase and finds a sewing kit on the very first try.
With things settled down for the moment, Jack goes off alone to check on his injury, which looks pretty bad upon closer inspection. A young woman is walking nearby and he calls to her, asking if she has ever used a needle. He asks her to stitch his wound and though she initially seems horrified at the idea, she agrees to do it.
The sun is starting to set and people have begun to process what has happened to them. The pregnant woman stands on the shore quietly. The man who helped Jack rescue the guy under the engine sits on the beach and stares out at the ocean. The large man is stacking some of the airline food together. The young man who found the pens tries his cell phone but can't get a signal. A Middle Eastern man is building a large fire and asks a scruffy young guy for help. His name is Charlie, the Middle Eastern man is Sayid.
Back to Jack, where his new helper informs him that she may throw up on him. He reassures her and she observes that he doesn't seem afraid. He lets her in on his secret. He is a doctor and during his first surgery, he messed up pretty badly and got really scared. He then made a conscious decision to let the fear rule him, but only for five seconds. He even demonstrates how to count to five in case she doesn't know. After that, he explains how he regained control, sewed his patient up and she was fine. The woman says she would have run for the door in his position, but he does not believe her. "You're not running now," he points out.
Night has fallen on the beach. Sayid is sitting with Charlie wondering where the heck their rescue team is. Elsewhere, a young woman is occupying herself by painting her toenails. The young man who couldn't perform CPR sits down and offers her a candy bar, which she scoffs at. They know each other- he calls her Shannon and suggests that she eat something since they might be there for a while. Shannon, however, is insistent that she will eat on the rescue boat. The large man is passing the airline food out to people and checks on the pregnant woman. She is hanging in there. He gives her two helpings of airline food. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. An airline food joke- I'm so witty! Near a fire, a Korean man informs his wife that she is not to leave his side. Follow him wherever he goes. Don't worry about the others. Nice guy!
By flashlight, Jack is tending to a man with a big piece of metal sticking out of his gut. The woman Jack has befriended asks if the man will live. Turns out, the guy was sitting next to her on the plane. Moments later, they are by the fire discussing the crash. Both the nose and the tail of the plane broke off, but they are not on the beach. Jack suggests that if they can find the cockpit, they can send out a signal with the transceiver. They finally introduce themselves (her name is Kate), and they decide to go looking together in the morning. Before they can kiss or anything, a loud rumble from the jungle gets everyone's attention. Whatever is making this horrible, roaring, clanking, gurgling, howling, monstrous sound is tearing down trees as it moves around. Shannon's friend gets up to investigate, so that Shannon can call after him and reveal that his name is Boone. Everyone gathers around to watch the trees being sucked down and look fearful.
After commercial, we are on the plane still in flight, where Jack sweet talks the stewardess into giving him a second tiny bottle of alcohol. He sucks it down and stands up, only to be nearly knocked over by Charlie, who seems to be in a bit of a hurry. The black woman (who is the one Jack saves later with CPR) comments that the man really had to go. Just then they hit some turbulence- the very second that Jack tells her everything will be fine, they reach critical mass and people start hitting the ceiling.
The next morning, Jack stares out at the ocean as people speculate on the nature of the noises they heard the previous night. Someone said it sounded familiar. Kate interrupts Jack's thoughts and asks if he is ready. He tells her that if she is really coming, she needs better shoes. As she removes a pair of boots from the feet of a dead person, she looks up to see the gentleman who helped Jack in the beginning watching her. He smiles to reveal an orange in his mouth. When this classic bit of comedy gets no reaction, he frowns and proceeds to eat the orange. I guess Kate was too absorbed in stealing from the dead to be in the mood for a cheap laugh.
Speculation continues in a small circle of people, most of whom we've seen already. A black man says that whatever the thing was, it wasn't natural. The large man approaches and says that there are a lot of B-O-D-Y-S in the plane. He was trying to avoid saying it in front of a small black boy, but the kid actually corrects his spelling. Sayid agrees with the big guy that they must do something. Shannon, who still thinks someone is coming says to let the rescue team deal with it. Jack comes over and reveals his plan to go to the cockpit and picks up Charlie as a third team member.
As they trek through the jungle, Kate asks Charlie if they have met before. Apparently, she only recognizes him because he is bass player in the band Driveshaft. Before Charlie can fully break into song, Jack tells them they have to keep moving. Maybe he saw the dog creepily watching them again. Abrams is taking film lessons from Homer Simpson now..if you do a close-up of it with shifty eyes, people will start to suspect the dog!
Without warning, it begins to rain quite heavily. As everyone on the beach is running for cover, the strange jungle noises begin again. Jack and company reach their destination and begin a difficult ascent up the crooked front of the plane. Jack breaks open the cockpit door and as they look for the transceiver, the pilot startles them by stirring to life with a cough. He grimly informs them that when their radio went out in the air, they made a detour to Fiji. When they went down, they were a thousand miles off course and therefore all rescue operations are looking for them in the wrong place.
It seems Charlie has disappeared for the moment so Kate looks around and finds him hastily coming out of the bathroom. Before she can question him, the whole plane starts shaking again and the roar of whatever is making the trees fall down are heard coming from right outside. Everyone tries to look out the fogged up windows, but it is the pilot who makes the fatal mistake of crawling through the broken windshield. He is sucked away by an unseen force as the roars grow louder. Blood splatters across the windows and Charlie asks, "What the hell just happened?" As the plane shakes again, our heroes don't stick around to find out- they make a mad dash out of the wreckage and into the jungle. Don't worry, Jack made sure to grab the transceiver first. In the confusion of running for their lives, Kate becomes seperated from the group because Charlie tripped and Jack went back to get him. As the rain continues to pour, Kate cries with fright and begins to count, just like Jack taught her. She's a little slow at it- that must be why Jack had instinctively told her what numbers to say earlier.
Back from break, Kate is still alone and now seems to be hearing voices whisper in the dark and stormy jungle so she ventures forward. Charlie comes up from behind her and after scaring her half to death, tells her that Jack saved him but they became seperated. It stops raining just as suddenly as it started and Kate decides to go back for Jack. All is eerily quiet- Kate steps into a puddle and finds the pilot's winged badge. Jack stumbles out of some brush and says he didn't get a look at whatever the thing was. Charlie looks up and asks how that could have happened- what he is referring to is the mangled and bloody body of the pilot perched in a tree top. Gross!
On the way back to the beach, Jack is playing with his new transceiver toy, but it doesn't seem to be working. Kate finally gets around to asking Charlie what he was doing in the bathroom- he was getting sick. He calls himself a coward, but Kate disagrees. Charlie stops and lets the others walk ahead. See, you can't walk and have a flashback at the same time. On the plane, Charlie seems tense and is doing a lot of nervous fidgeting. He fends off the flight attendant's attempts at assistance, and gets really agitated when he looks back and sees the airline personnel talking and heading his way. He gets up and takes off down the aisle, nearly knocking over Jack. With stewardess in pursuit, Charlie desperately tries to find a bathroom to hide in. When he gets inside one, he removes his shoe and takes out a secret stash of drugs. Turbulence rocks the plane, a man knocks and asks if he is all right. Charlie ingests some of his drug,drops the rest in the toilet and then all hell breaks loose. Charlie hits the ceiling with a thud and stumbles out of the bathroom just in time to see a food cart rolling toward him. He moves out of the way, clamors into a seatbelt and hooks himself up to an oxygen mask.
Back at the beach, Shannon is sunbathing in a bikini. When Boone asks her to help sort out the luggage, she refuses, continuing to insist that their rescuers are on the way. The pregnant woman asks if Boone is her boyfriend but she reveals that he is her brother and they don't get along too well. Shannon aks about the baby, and the woman grimly states that she hasn't felt it kick since yesterday.
As the Korean man fishes in shallow water by hand, his wife is approached by the black man who is looking for his son. The Korean man notices this and motions for her to button up her blouse. Her new friend apologizes and backs off. He walks off shouting for Walt. Walt, meanwhile, is on the edge of the jungle calling our for Vincent. He does not find his dog, but does find a pair of handcuffs on the ground. His dad catches up to him who scolds Walt for running off. Dad takes the handcuffs, looks very frightened and ushers his boy closer to him.
Back at the crash site, Sayid is in a fist fight with one of the other survivors. His opponent uses the dirty "sand to the eye" tactic and gets on top until Jack has had enough and breaks it up. The man accuses Sayid of being the one in the handcuffs and the one who crashed the plane, since he's, you know, probably a terrorist and all. The men holding them back can't seem to calm the boys down, but one shout from Kate does the trick. Once she has everyone's attention, she asks for help with the broken transceiver. Sayid says he can help, which his adversary does not react kindly to. When our heavy friend calls for a little respect amongst everyone, he gets called Lardo for his troubles. When things settle down, Boone asks Jack if there were any other survivors but is told no. Sayid says the battery on the transceiver is good but the radio is dead.
Later, Sayid is fiddling with the transceiver and the heavy guy comes over to tell him that he likes him and doesn't like the other guy. He introduces himself, finally- his name is Hurley. Hurley asks where Sayid learned all the radio stuff and Sayid reveals that he was in communications for the military and fought in the Gulf War... for the Republican Guard. That shuts Hurley up for a minute.
Ooh la la, Kate is stripped down to her underwear, bathing in the ocean. The Korean woman says something to her in Korean and points to something off camera. Kate acknowledges her and nods, cause what else can you do with that language barrier in the way? Apparently, Sayid wanted to speak with her because he tells her some bad news about the life expectancy of the batteries in the transceiver. Their best hope is to seek higher ground so any transmission they make would have a better shot at being picked up. They both look ominously over at the highest available ground, smack dab in the middle of the dangerous jungle.
And now it's time for an unpleasant close-up of the shrapnel injury suffered by the man who was sitting next to Kate. Jack's prognosis is not good and he says the only hope is to remove the metal and try to control the bleeding. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the best of medical supplies to work with. Kate tells him that she is going on a hike to send the signal. Jack doesn't like this news because of what happened to the pilot and asks her to wait for him, but she won't. Defeated, Jack tells her to run if she sees or hears anything. He doesn't tell her to watch out for that evil dog though.
Back from commercial, the Korean man is sorting out his catch of the day and slaps his wife's grabby hand away. Once he leaves, she unbuttons the top of her blouse again. Her husband has gone over to offer some of his catch to Hurley, who refuses with a laugh. Must be some pretty nasty stuff. Elsewhere, Walt is reading a comic book in Spanish. His father offers to get him a new dog when they get home but Walt just looks at him and walks away. Boone finds his sister crying alone. She thinks the guy who wouldn't let them have their seats in first class inadvertantly saved their lives since no one made it from the front of the plane. They get into an argument over how useless Shannon is being so she offers to go on the hike with Kate and Sayid. In talking her way onto the team, she expands it greatly by recruiting Charlie, who seems taken with her, and by forcing her brother to tag along to keep an eye on her. The guy Sayid was in a fight with earlier is sitting on a piece of wreckage sadly reading a piece of loose leaf paper. This inspires him to join the higher ground team. Six people for one hike with one radio? Sounds like a recipe for death!
They grab some roots and make the hard climb toward this fabled higher ground where radios suddenly work and wooden boys become real. Back at the beach, Jack is looking through luggage for a scalpel- good luck! He asks Walt's dad about his son who says that Walt is more worried about his dog. Jack reveals that he has seen the dog alive and well. Elsewhere, Walt has met the bald guy who helped Jack- he is sitting in front of a backgammon board. Walt reveals that he lived with his mom in Australia but she got sick and died. His new friend tells him he is having a bad month. Baldy proceeds to give us the history of backgammon- it's older than Jesus! Then, in a creepy moment, he asks Walt if he would like to know a secret. I hope it has nothing to do with their special places! The pregnant woman is next on the Korean's man list of people to force his fish on. He succeeds and though she looks sick, she forces it down. The food apparently wakes her baby up and she excitedly forces the man to feel her baby alive and kicking again.
Now on level ground, Sayid argues with his nemesis about when to turn the radio on, but they are interrupted by more scary jungle noises heading their way. Everyone screams and runs, except for Sawyer (that's Sayid's enemy- I know this because Kate screams for him to run- I assume they all introduced themselves before setting off on their quest). Sawyer stands his ground and pulls out a gun! He fires at the creature as it approaches and brings it down. Much to everyone's surprise, the thing is a polar bear. Boone speculates that this is what killed the pilot, but Charlie says no way, too small.
Back at the crash site, Jack is just about ready to perform emergency surgery and has recruited Hurley to help hold the guy down if he wakes up. This was a bad choice since Hurley is so squeamish, he passes out at thefirst sight of blood.
Over in the jungle, Shannon very rightly points out that polar bears don't live in the jungle (Good girl! Beautiful and smart to boot!). Kate turns her attention to where Sawyer got the gun from. He says he pulled it off one of the bodies- the body of a U.S. marshall. He deduced that the guy was a marshall because of the clip-on badge, which Sawyer also swiped. Sayid accuses him of being the prisoner in transport- that would be how he knew about the marshall. As they argue, Kate pulls the gun out of Sawyer's pocket and points it at him. Sayid tells her how to disarm it, which she does. She gives it back to Sawyer, and he pulls her close, telling her that he knows her type. She is not so sure.
Kate steps aside and hides behind a tree to have her own flashback to the plane crash. It seems she actually knows the man sitting next to her- the shrapnel guy- he is talking down to her, sarcastically suggesting "they" will believe her story since he does. Kate reaches down to pick up her juice and reveal that she is locked in a pair of handcuffs! Turbulence begins to rock the plane. Kate asks the guy for one favor, but before she can reveal it, things get worse and her friend gets knocked out by a flying suitcase. Kate fights off panic, fishes the key out of the man's pocket and puts oxygen masks on them both.
Jack is still operating when his patient wakes up. He tries to sit up and demands to know where "she" is. He means Kate we can safely assume, but Jack doesn't know that.
Sayid finally decides to try the radio and instead of sending out a message, he receives one. The transmission is coming from on the island but it is in French so they have to rely on Shannon' shaky French for translation. It is a distress signal- I'm alone now- please someone come- the others are dead- it killed them all. If that's not scary enough, Sayid's quick calculation based on the number of the times the message has looped is that it has been playing for sixteen years. Charlie asks the question of the day: "Guys, where are we?" Ominous music, a creepy LOST title screen and fade out!
Next time on LOST: Jack asks Kate what she did and Team higher ground decide to lie about what they have seen and heard.
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