I haven't been posting as much lately (usually just taking two minutes to update by music list)- what can I say, it's the holiday season. I've also been distracted- my second novel is finally brewing in my head and it's going to burst out of me very soon. It will even incorporate some of that little bit I started a few months ago- the few who have read it should be excited about that. Anyway, I have felt like I've been neglecting the journal- of the last ten entries- nine of them were about music. I thought I would take a few minutes to recommend some of the things I've crossed paths with in the last few weeks.
1. LOST- ABC, Wednesdays 8pm EST- OK, well that one was obvious. Seriously, this is the most engaging show I have seen in a long time and it knocks my socks off every week. I wrote a primer on it last week so you can look that up to get caught up, or even better, during the holiday season, ABC will be re-airing every episode two at a time at 8 and 9- this should get everyone who missed the boat up to speed and embiggen the fan base even more. Here's hoping.
2. Arrested Development- LOST is the best drama on television- AD is the best comedy. This one has had a tough time finding an audience and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I gave it one chance and I kept coming back for more. Hopefully the Emmy win will help and Fox is really trying now, putting it on after the Simpsons. I was sore from working even harder than normal all weekend and AD was so funny, it was torturous. The storytelling is somewhat linear, so pick up the first season on DVD and get caught up. (It's on MY Christmas list! hint hint)
3. Elf- My wife groaned when I brought this one home from the video store. She is not a big fan of SNL type humor and all she could see in her mind's eye was Will Ferrell acting like a jackass. That's what I thought it would be too, but this is a family holiday movie all the way. I laughed a lot, my wife laughed a lot and admitted it was much better than she expected and my daughter wants the movie for Christmas. It's really funny and it's for everyone.
4. Super Size Me/Fast Food Nation- Watched the documentary and then read the book, which stemmed from a recommendation on the DVD extras. I don't know how long it will last, but I for the moment, I have definitely been sworn off the fast food. Watch the movie, read the book and have your eyes opened to what the fast food industry has done to the US and the world.
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