#29 on my Best of 2005 collection is Jerk it Out by Caesars. Caesars :Paper Tigers :'Jerk It Out'
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the band's website. My search results came up with Caesar's Palace and Little Caesar's Pizza, but no official band website. :(
The song is off the album Paper Tigers. Jerk it Out is #29 because it's just a fun song. Very catchy.
By the way, the good music coming out this year has been very steady. I already have about ten songs I wish I could have included on this year's list. Next year I may have to actually wait until the end of the year to come up with it. I will definitely make a list of songs that had the misfortune of coming out in December.
Last night's episode of Survivor was pretty good. I like it when the next obvious person to go wins immunity and screws everything up. I know a lot of people didn't like Judd because he was a loud, bully type, but I thought he was pretty funny and enjoyed his work. He definitely should have lasted longer than Lydia, whose continued presence in the game is just inexcusable.
Reunion was excellent as well. They did such a good job making the cop look different, that my wife wasn't sure it was him at first. I also liked how they ditched the format of one of the people telling an elaborate story about the past that had little to do with the murder investigation. We know that the events of the past will lead to the present situation- the writing became a little strained whenever they would try to make the flashbacks into a story being told. Just show the flashbacks and remember that it doesn't all have to tie into a neat bundle with the present. That's what they did last night and it flowed a lot more smoothly.
Here's an idea: Don't cancel this show, please.
Quotes of the Day:
-How far do you want to make it to the final two? -a slightly confused Lydia on Survivor.
- Did anyone tell you about the sales we're having today? Ten dollars off all sweatshirts, selected pants and jackets and I'm sure you don't care about the women's underwear. -Monick, the sales girl at the mall.
- Hey, maybe I do. -Me
1 comment:
Don't you just HATE it when bands have names that bring up all types of links EXCEPT the band page??? I know *I* sure do!
I don't want "Reunion" to be cancelled, either :(
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