#18 on the Countdown is I Predict A Riot by The Kaiser Chiefs. Their website is here: Kaiser Chiefs
But that's not what I want to talk about today. I was reading zap2it yesterday and the TV Gal put up her best TV shows of the year. Since television is another thing I talk about a lot here, I decided I should expand my awards to include television too.
Zap2it - TV tv gal - TV Gal Awards Best in Show
Here's my list:
1. Arrested Development (FOX)- Not just the funniest show on television right now. The funniest show ever. Period. This is the most clever, well-written show and the acting and casting are so perfect that you can sometimes forget that they are actors. What other show can make a running gag out of one word? ("Her?") What other show can reference things that happened in previous episodes so seamlessly without worrying about whether the audience gets it or not? This show doesn't break the rules- it shatters them.
2. The Office (NBC)- I've said it before. The Office is Scottie Pippen to AD's MJ. With AD going off the air soon, more than likely forever, The Office is poised to take over the spot as television's best comedy. What I love about this show is that it is not just clever, absurd and downright hilarious, but it also takes the time to humanize these ridiculous people. Michael Scott may be the world's worst, unfunniest boss, but deep down he is just a lonely man who wants nothing more than to have friends and be one of the boys. He just happens to be a clueless, offensive idiot that has no ability to control his impulses. He is genuinely hurt that his boss wanted nothing more out of their one night stand or when he wasn't invited to Jim's party. I expected to laugh out loud repeatedly when I got hooked to this show, but I never expected to almost be brought to tears by the humanity underneath.
3. LOST (ABC)- I think it is safe to say that this is the best drama on television right now. It is so complex that you can't even begin to describe it to anyone. All you can say is, "watch the first season DVD." What's more is the sense of community it has instilled more than any other show I've ever watched. The spirited debates over every little nuance of the show can be found on dozens of message boards. I have made a lot of friends on AOL's board thanks to a mutual love of LOST.
4. My Name Is Earl (NBC)- I've been a Jason Lee fan since Mallrats, and he drew me to this show, but the supporting cast of this show is equal to if not better than Lee's Earl. You would think that a show about a guy trying to right the wrongs he's done would be a cheesy Touched by an Angel kind of show, but it is so much better than that. Never has a show managed to be so funny while still maintaining a sweetness and an uplifting message that the whole family can enjoy.
5. Project Greenlight (Bravo)- I usually only watch competitive reality shows. To watch a camera following someone around is not my idea of a good show unless the subject is really interesting. And what could be more interesting than making a movie? The first season of this show on Bravo contained some of the most entertaining moments of the past year. I hope John Gulager's Feast does well when it comes out so that Bravo will consider taking us for another ride on the moviemaking roller coaster.
6. Survivor (CBS)- After five years, this is still one of the biggest water cooler shows around. Every season is pretty much the same, even when they try to twist things up, but every season I get sucked in. The debates you could start on the rights and wrongs, pros and cons of every player is almost endless.
7. Grey's Anatomy (ABC)- Slowly and quietly, Grey has become one of the most captivating shows on television. It's broad range of drama and comedy have vaulted this show past the much more hyped Desperate Housewives in terms of quality. The difference is in the characters. I can name at least five characters I like on Grey and not one on DH.
8. Pardon the Interruption (ESPN)- This show revolutionized sports shows and in a way, all of television. How many shows do you watch on other cable networks where they have a little sidebar that tells you what topics are coming up? I've seen at least two, not to mention the Olympics. That idea was PTI's. But what really makes the show great is the interaction between Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon. Their good-natured arguing is as entertaining as the sports they talk about. It's like Siskel and Ebert for the sports world and I can't believe someone didn't think of that sooner.
9. Prison Break (FOX)- I don't care about all the plot holes and all the other kinds of craziness that could never happen in real life. It's called suspension of disbelief and this show works as a straight-up wild-ride television show. It twists and turns at every corner, makes bad guys into good guys, good guys into bad guys and still more bad guys into even badder guys. This show is just a lot of fun to watch.
10. Reunion (FOX)- Was hooked when I read what the premise was. A murder mystery told over the course of twenty years. Done right, how could that miss? Well apparently it did, because it's order has been reduced. Still, I like this show a lot and enoy the twists and turns. For every obvious one you can see a mile away, there is at least one you had no idea was coming. I hope this show is given a proper chance to tie everything together before it gets the hook.
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