Friday, December 30, 2005

My land of the dead

  My dreams have been extra vivid lately and two nights in a row now I've dreamt about the thing I dream about the most-


  I can't remember the first one anymore, but last night was a really good one.  I kind of wish I didn't wake up.  Yes, I dream about zombies so much that they are not even nightmares anymore.  I'm going to break it into scenes since that's how it played out.  It progressed like a movie, only big chunks of it were missing.

  1. I for some unknown reason was in charge of getting my cousin's daughter to nursery school and picking her up.  I got her there on time but I was really stressed out about not being able to remember how to get back to the school once I left.  So I went to my aunt's house to try to get some information.

  2.  I end up in a big house that's not my aunt's but I'm with my aunt and all my extended family and we are trying like crazy to get all the curtains and drapes over the windows so that the zombies can't see that there are people inside.  I went in the kitchen and found my cousin Susie outside in the yard trying to teach a little 2-year-old how to count.  I called her in and for some reason she didn't bring the kid.  This was bad and we both watched from the window as a bigger zombie kid bit the hell out of the baby!  Yeah, that was the worst part of the dream.

3.  I am in a tiny, tiny room serving as a police station and a cop is asking me if I know how to use a gun.  I am adament that I don't and we will be fine if we just stay away from the windows.

4.  I am cruising through a giant empty parking lot at a supermarket and everyone is walking around slowly, only they're normal.  I'm like, "Where the hell did all the zombies go?"  Then I get out of the car just as some old lady screams, "That guy's turning!!!"  Some big bearded dude in a flannel shirt is grabbing his head and sreaming and then all the normal people start flipping out and running for their lives.  I run into the supermarket and the flannel zombie follows me.  I know that zombies die if you kill their brain so I grab a bat and try to beat his brains in.  Only the bat is made of rubber, so I'm doing no damage at all except to move him back toward the front door of the supermarket.  Then I grab a broken-off windshield wiper and try to stab him with it.  I can't quite puncture his head though until I realize that it would be a lot easier to get him in the eye so I jam it in there.  But he's still not dead and I'm pushing as hard as I can until the zombie takes a gun out of his pocket and says, "Jesus Christ, I'll just kill myself already!"  So he blows his brains out and I get splashed on the arm with his blood.  It starts making all kinds of lines on my arm and forming a pattern and I start freaking out that I might be infected.  The pharmacist calls me over and says, "No, look closer."  I do and the lines have turned into a medical diagram of someone's lungs with arrows pointing into them like on a Sudafed commercial or something.  The pharmacist seemed pretty pleased that this was going to tell us how to save ourselves from zombies but I woke up before I could find out how.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was interesting. My son used to have zombie dreams. One night I told him to turn around and kill it in the next dream and it never came back. But you did attack it. Oh well. There goes my theory.
I dreamt a mount lion was trying to attack me last night. Never had that kind of a dream before. Wonder what that means. It didn't succeed. I fought it off....So that must be good. : )

Happy New Year to you too,