Monday, March 13, 2006


  You have no idea how much it physically hurt to catch up on all those LOST recaps!  But it was good, though.  It made me realize that my physical therapy has really gotten me nowhere.  My left hand is going to be operated on April 3, stiches out on April 13.  I called the nurse today and asked if I could schedule the right hand so she penciled that one in for April 21.  Pending how well I recover from the first surgery.  I told her I at no point wanted to be completely incapacitated.  She said she didn't blame me.


Wanted:  Someone to take my wife to a country music concert. 

  My wife really, really, really wants to go to the Faith Hill/Tim McGraw concert that is coming to the Pepsi Arena in Albany.  Unfortunately, she has not found anyone to go with her.  So, of course, who does she fall back on?  ME.  Now, I've done a lot of things at my wife's request, but I cannot describe how much this would be one of the circles of hell for me.  I loathe/ despise/ utterly can't stand country music.  It drives me crazy and sends my body and brain into a rage, not unlike the movie 28 Days Later, until I can get away from it.  I even wrote about it way back in "Eight Things I Hate", putting it in the Number 1 slot.  Take a look:

Eight Things I Hate

  If I wrote that today, I'd probably bump static electricity up to #4, but other than that, it's the same.  Country music is still my #1 most hated thing.  I hate, hate, hate it.  So, is my wife wrong for knowing this and still wanting me to go, or am I wrong for not wanting to take my wife to something she would enjoy?  Or can it be both?

  Oh, and just to prove how out of touch my wife is with what I listen to, she offered to go with me to something I like, even though the crowd that goes to my concerts would not be "my kind of crowd".  For the record, I don't listen to crazy rock/punk music like someone having a quarter-life crisis.  (Yes, I am going to live to 120)  Most of the music I listen to is sweet and/or mellow.  It really is.  And the DJ's on the station I listen to are nerdy music elitists in their thirties.  I think that is exactly my crowd, for better orworse.

  So please, anyone within shouting distance of Albany, please step up and keep my first ever concert experience from being one where I might murder someone!


  Speaking of the indie music scene, I read some interesting news here: FMQB: Radio Industry News, Music Industry Updates, Arbitron Ratings, Music News and more!

  It seems there is a petition and an investigation ongoing to put a stop to the unfair practices that have been going on in radio.  Why have I only discovered indie music after getting Sirius?  It's because it has been almost impossible to hear it anywhere else!  Indie record labels don't have as much clout or money to get their artists on the standard radio airwaves.  Hopefully, this will soon be remedied and the obscure bands I've come to love will be on the radio next to Nickelback and the Black-Eyed Peas.


Tomorrow:  My new top ten, plus a profile of a woman who has one of the most fascinating rises to musical stardom I have ever read.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, Albany is only what 3-4 hours from Connecticut?  I would LOVE to go and see Faith and ESPECIALLY Tim together!!  That is going to be an incredible concert!  YEE-HAW!!!  I don't usually like country music that much either, but I have various tastes in music and between Faith and Tim, I love both of them.  To see them together, now that is going to be a good show!  Suck it up and go with your wife will ya'?!  It's what marriage is all about, compromise!!!!  Go spend most of the concert at the beer tent, believe me, she won't even know you are gone with Tim up there on stage.  LOL!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're wrong. Relationships are about compromise and sacrifice. Do something nice for your wife, suck it up, buy the tickets and surprise her with them. Than try to contain yourself and don't bitch during the show.

Anonymous said...

I hate country music too, but there are a few artists I like: Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Keith Urban, Gretchen Wilson, Shania Twain (her older stuff), and couple others. You should just go to the concert. It won't be that bad since it's Tim and Faith.

I love  a lot of indie music and I'm mad that it took me going to college to discover it!

Anonymous said...

P.S. You're doing a profile on me? Sweet.