Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy Birthday you stupid, stupid journal!

-Sorry recap fans.  It's coming.  Excuse for Thursday: I didn't feel like using my whole free morning before work to do it.  Excuse for Friday: I got to the last scene and the whole thing deleted when I hit backspace.  Undo was not an option for some reason.  I will do it over tonight, when I am not so mad.

-Today is my journal's second birthday.  Hooray, journal.  Maybe that's why he deleted Lost- he knew I didn't get him anything.  (My journal is a boy.)

- I don't really have a favorite song this week so I'd thought I'd compile a list of ten electronica, dancy type songs I like.  In the order I think of them:

Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above- CSS

Le Disko- Shiny Toy Guns

Stalking You on Myspace- John B

Eanie Meany- Jim Noir

Get Myself Into it- The Rapture

Monster Hospital- Metric

Wildcat- Ratatat

That's only seven.  Deal with it, yo.  Captain Cranky is mad at his journal- on its birthday.  (I just took away its boyhood.  Maybe you'll think about being castrated the next time you want to delete something!)


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Kevin's journal! I got you a PINK balloon. : )

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know who's at fault here, right? COMPUTRO!!!!!!!

My journal is more of an "it." I refuse to define it. It doesn't want to be stuck in a box.

I'm eating pizza. Not relevant, I just thought I'd share.

"Wildcat- Ratatat"
I love the roaring sounds in that song. But they also somewhat frighten me. I'm complex.

Anonymous said...

Hee-hee-hee, what a great birthday present AOL gave you on your journals 2nd birthday . . . the ole DELETE!!  Happy Birthday Mr. Journal Anyway!
Hugs and love,