Thursday, May 26, 2005

LOST Recap Postponed Until This Weekend

I feared something like this might happen.  My DVR was not functioning properly yesterday.  The record icon was on screen for things we never programmed like Entertainment Tonight, and it wasn't really recording anyway.  The red record light did come on during LOST so I assumed everything was working okay for scheduled recordings...and it seemed to be.  When LOST was over, it was in the files and we watched our Idol recording no problem.  However, when I turned on the television this morning, Idol was still there but LOST wasn't.  I know how much everyone looks forward to the episode recap and since this was going to be extra long and the last one for a long time, I was really looking forward to writing it.  Fortunately, the season finale will be re-aired on Saturday night and the DVR gets a chance for redemption- but not without VCR backup.      >:(

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