Monday, November 20, 2006

The Best of 2006- #41


  #41 is Dress Up In You by Belle and Sebastian.

This song is off of the very good album The Life Pursuit.  I have it in contention for album of the year, but if my favorite song off of it can only reach 41, I'm not sure I can justify that.  Anyway, check out that whole album, or buy a T-shirt of it here:  Belle & Sebastian

*EDIT*  For some reason, the journal is not playing the whole song.  Here's a live version of the song on Youtube:  YouTube - Belle & Sebastian - Dress Up in You (live)      (Wow, it's not just their website that's boring!  These guys are all [indie rock nerd] business!)


Anonymous said...

Dress Up In You sounds dirty.

Anonymous said...

Pee to the Ess. I have two other songs by them somewhere on my computer. I can't remember the titles at the moment though.