Friday, January 19, 2007

VCH Radio 1/19/07 +the complete 24 Death Watch

  Feeling better today, thanks.  I accidentally hadn't deleted my aborted show from Wednesday and let me tell you, I sounded like I had just gotten my ass kicked by a gang of overzealous midgets.  Like the kind of beating that not only beats you but makes you feel like a loser and saps your will to live.  But two days later, I am nearly fine and the show is completely done.  Clocking in at a crisp 1 hour and 5 minutes, you will hear this week: 

- My ten favorite songs at the moment.

- A few of my lame impressions (as I gain confidence on the mic, I am letting loose with more silliness)

- The all-important return dates for all the most important television shows.

- And more...


And for those who didn't hear it at the time, here is the complete and revised 24 Death Watch List.  Some I didn't mention on the show because it was running long and some I added after I saw the show and learned some of the new characters:

0% (chance of dying)  - President Wayne Palmer

5%- Jack Bauer

10%- Chloe O'Brian

15%- Mike Novick

20%- Seceretary of Defense James Heller

25%- Kim Bauer

30%- Bill Buchanan

35%- Karen Hayes-Buchanan

40%- Sandra Palmer

45%- Martha Logan

50% - Audrey Raines

55%- Peter MacNichol's character- the presidential advisor

60%- Curtis Manning XXXXXXX   DECEASED!

65%- The leader of the Chinese abductors of Jack

70%- Agent Aaron Pierce

75%- Charles Logan

80%- Sandra Palmer's boyfriend

85%- Morris O'Brian

90%-  Graham (leader of the conspiracy)

95%- Chinese guards/terrorists (didn't realize Jack would be out of China already, so I amended it to "terrorists")

100%- "Bomb victim"  (as listed in the cast) 


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I couldn't hear your Spongebob impressions even though I had my volume all the way up.  I do a pretty mean Squidward.  :)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I think there's more of a chance of President Palmer dying than Bauer dying, foo.

Oh, and I would bet that Sandra Palmer's boyfriend will die.