Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Best of 2005- #49

  #49 on my own personal Best of 2005 countdown is Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt by We Are Scientists.  You can watch their low-budget, yet very funny video (in which the band is attacked mid-song by a ferocious bear) right here:

Music Archive Videos: We Are Scientists :Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt :'Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt'

  As you can probably tell by the name of the link, Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt is the title track from the band's debut on a major label (Virgin).  Here are the vital statistics on We Are Scientists-

Band: We Are Scientists

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Members: Guitarist/lead vocalist Keith Murray, bass player Chris Cain, and drummer Michael Tapper

Currently touring with: Hot Hot Heat

Why Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt is #49:  This is one of those songs that hooked me right away.  I am notoriously bad at giving anything a chance, even bands I like, because I always flip through the radio stations looking for something I know the words to.  I know it's a little crazy for someone who is so into new and offbeat music, but that's just me.  Anyway, like I said, I never went through a phase where I was shutting this song off automatically- I listened to it and liked it the first time.  The words are easy to understand, though slightly repetitive so I wouldn't listen to it 100 times in a row or anything, but at this point, it still gets turned up whenever it comes on.

  You can visit We Are Scientists at their website, which is conveniently located at  I just found this site today while doing my research and I implore you to take a minute to read the band's slightly wacky advice column.  Also, if you don't like AOL's addition of a pre-video Wendy's commercial, the video is also on the official site commercial free.  It loaded pretty easily for me.

The Sci-Cave : We Are Scientists

My body is your body,  I won't tell anybody, if you want to use my body, go for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So far I think the videos for these songs are much better than the music.