Tuesday, November 8, 2005

If not for the teams that made the Super Bowl last year, I would have been 9-3!

  Not posting my football picks worked as I went 7-5-2 and held onto first place.  It should have been even better, but I foolishly had the Eagles and the Patriots in the primetime games.  My record stands at 66-59, 3 games in front of my brother and sister-in-law.  Still tight, but better than last week.


  So it turns out that my Sirius wasn't broken after all.  I had something plugged into the wrong hole according to the guy at Best Buy.  This still doesn't explain how it worked on first break at work two weeks ago but then not at lunch.  Unless the gremlins got in while I was inside.  No sign of forced entry, however.  Those gremlins are good.


  Wasn't it great to see Arrested Development back on the air last night?  ....................*crickets*............... Shut up crickets- that show is great!


  My tingling hands are back and worse than ever.  I can't even get a decent night's sleep because it hurts so bad.  It makes me not even want to sit here and type.  And as excited as I am for LOST to be back tomorrow, writing the beloved recap is going to be a literal pain.


  Grey's Anatomy is not only a great show, but they also have great taste in music.  During the preview for next week's episode, they were playing Portions for Foxes by Rilo Kiley, which you might recognize from reading my Top Ten list the last few weeks.


  Speaking of the Top Ten, it's retired for the last 51 days of the year as I count down my 50 favorite songs of 2005.  (I pause to celebrate the birth of Jesus, hence the 51).  See you on Thursday for the LOST recap where someone *gasp* dies, or, as I like to say, bites it.  Then on Friday, it's the big day as I reveal what my 50th favorite song of the year was.  That actually doesn't sound too impressive, but remember, there were 60 songs that didn't even make it!  :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try wearing gloves around the house to keep your fingers and hands warm.  It's what I have to do every day, even in the Summertime.  I look pretty darned silly, but who cares, my hands feel better!!!  Try it though, it works and after awhile you won't care if you have your daughter's mittens on, as long as your fingers stop hurting!!!  Awwww, Arrested Development was on??  Those stupid crickets were so loud I could hardly hear the t.v. so I changed the channel.  LOL!
Hugs and love,
Lisa who hopes you get the important "holes" right