Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The VCH Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame

  My HOF inductions are done very simply.  If a band or singer has 5 or more songs that I absolutely love and will never get tired of, then they are in.  Here is the first induction:       



  When I went through my classic rock phase in college, these guys were my favorites.  Their greatest hits was one of the first cassettes I wore out from overuse.  I also liked how they got away with having the F word on the radio for the longest time- then Janet Jackson sent the conservatives into a rampage and "Who the f*ck are you?" was one of the victims.  It was cool while it lasted, though.  :)

HOF Songs:

Who Are You


Baba O'Riley

Magic Bus

You Better You Bet


Anonymous said...

  I cannot believe you did not put "We Won't Get Fooled Again" at the top of that list.  It is probably the most profound rock and roll lyric of all time IMHO.  

Anonymous said...

You would get a long great with my dad. He loves The Who. Growing up, I would be forced to listen to oldies non-stop and that band was part of the brainwashing/torture. You two should go on a fishing trip to Brokeback Mountain. You would have a blast.