Thursday, April 28, 2005

You've Got Pictures

  As you can see, I finally got some pictures in my e-mail from our wedding extravaganza.  I have also been playing around with my wife's digital camera.  Me finding out how to put pictures in an entry has opened a virtual Pandora's box.  I promise this will be the end of the pictures for a while.  :)

 laurie-aisle.jpg  #1  The Bride walking down the aisle with her father.

flowergirl.jpg  #2  The Flowergirl and the Ring Bearer make their way to Mt. Doom... or the altar, I forget which.

ceremony.jpg #3  Here is a picture of the actual ceremony.  Look closely and you can see the BEST man digging in his pocket for the rings.  That guy is smooth.

 jefflaurie.jpg  #4  Presenting the newlyweds...and the back of somebody's head.

dance.jpg  #5  The first dance

erinkerry.jpg  #6  The best looking of the bridesmaids- my sister, Erin and her boyfriend, Ron Weasley.

kathimarty.jpg  #7 My mom's best friend, Kathi and her husband, Marty.  I like Kathi because she always boosts my confidence.  Telling me I lost weight when I haven't and gushing over my writing no matter how awful it is.  She's the Paula Abdul of my world.

cake.jpg  #8  The cakes.  One is the real one and the other has the Simpsons on it.  I quipped to my brother, "They made a special cake for you to ruin."  Only true fans of the show would get that reference and we both are.

DSCF0401.jpg  #9  I got tired of everyone forgetting to take my picture, so I took one myself this morning.  The double chin is just the angle, I swear.

ME.jpg  #10  I also took a picture of myself yesterday.  What can I say?  I'm an arrogant bastard.

Kevin.jpg  #11  I let Kasey use the camera...but only if she took a picture of me...

DSCF0400.jpg  #12  Finally, this is Homer 2.  He's a little skittish, but at least he's alive, which is more than I can say for Homer 1.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like Homer 2 is in a casserole dish!  LOL!  Is that what really happened to Homer 1?!?!  ;)  I am glad you FINALLY have some photos of YOU in YOUR journal!  'Bout damned time!  For some reason I thought you were older.  Don't hurt me!  I just did okay?!  You are just a young pup.  Man, I feel old now!  Is your sister's boyfriend's name really "Weasley"?!  LOL!  That hair is on FIRE baby!  And, hey, I want a friend like Kathi, I need a Paula too!!!!
Hugs and love, Lisa
P.S.:  I don't get it, when I take photos of myself I have that double chin too!!!!!!  Glad you cleared it up, it's just the angle.  Hee-hee!

Anonymous said...

Homer 2 is adorable.. and the pics of you and everyone else are also really great! What a pretty bride she was.. :) Mel

Anonymous said...

His name is not Ron Weasley.......and we have our eyes closed! lol

Anonymous said...

 Paula Abdul likes your pictures, but she thinks you should also post picture #45 from Laurie's "Preview Album/Online".  That's one of the best pictures of you !!!!!
   Can't wait for your Best Seller!  I've got another buyer.......
Hey, as soon as "In Hiding" is printed, & selling, will you go back to that other story???  (I need to know what becomes of the little boy who...............)
  Keep Ramblin'.......................................................
"Aunt" Kathi

Anonymous said...

after some much begging from Erin i have finally checked out some of your entries, like the comment about myself or should i say Ronald Weasley...anyways your writings are quite entertaining...