Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Everything Must Go

  Last night we were wandering around Target and when we got to the Movie section, it was like a sea of tag sales.  I think Target sales are national, so you might want to head over there and check it out just in case.  Most of the "older new" movies were $10.  And I was finally able to get the Christmas present I never got

   Season 2 of Arrested Development was only $19.99! 

  I've been meaning to get into 24 and I had the first season in my good hand for only $32 (normally over 50).  But then when I saw my favorite show at practically half price, I had to get that instead.

  I anticipate being pretty depressed after next Friday when I can't do anything with my right hand.  I plan to combat this by watching TV.  Does anyone have any better ideas.  What fun things can you do without your hands?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would just lay there and watch t.v.  Sounds like HEAVEN to me!!  But, I would go into withdrawals without my journal fix each day.  Walmart has those sales too as you know.  Just bought a bunch of dvd's for my oldest from the Easter Bunny for $5.50 each.  Can't beat that!  I didn't know the Easter Bunny made dvd's, but when you have a 14 year old, I guess he does.  LOL!
Hugs and love,