Wednesday, June 1, 2005

News and Notes

  I realized Lisa is right- I haven't written anything about myself in a while.  You know why?  Because I'm boring!  Isn't that why writers become writers in the first place?  Because nothing ever interesting happens to them in their regular lives.  But I'll try.

-Let's see.  My wife didn't read the package when she bought hot dogs, so I'm stuck eating ones that have cheese inside them.  How was that?

-The hamster is still alive but he never does anything and no one ever pays attention to him.  His cage is now on top of Kasey's dresser and my wife wants to give him away.  No takers yet because who would want a hamster anyway?

- The kittens are also still alive.  They are getting used to it here- now they only run away from us most of the time instead of ALL the time.  Kasey is traumatizing them by carrying them around the house as much as possible.

-I took Kasey to see Madagascar on Monday and it was so bad I couldn't even muster the strength to write a review.  I guess I'm just getting tired of cartoons with a slew of celebrity voices making an easy buck and all the adult jokes being tired movie references.  I suppose this is my life now since the last four films I've seen in the theater are Madagascar, Robots, Spongebob and The Incredibles.  All I want is to see Star Wars and I just haven't gotten there yet.

-Oh, I do have one important thing to say, particularly to Lisa, who I know wants to get Sirius.  DO NOT BUY any Audiovox products.  After only thirteen months,  six of which the thing was not being used, my radio just completely conked out on me.  It was getting really annoying a few weeks ago when I would push a preset button and it would shut itself off- then last week it stopped coming back on.  I thought maybe my cigarette lighter was broken, but I plugged the radio into my mom's car and still nothing.  Now I have to replace the whole thing and every time I have to drive around in silence, it irritates me more and more.  When I do get the money to get the new equipment, I am definitely going to buy from a different company.  Boo Audivox!  Boo! 


Anonymous said...

I like hot dogs with cheese in them but Sabreets are the best.

Anonymous said...

Really? Madagascar is that bad? That's disappointing. That will save me one trip to the movies. Go see Star Wars, it's awesome. Should I see the Longest Yard? I have a feeling that might suck too.

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh, so don't buy Audiovox products?  Check, got it, making a note.  But, in order to get Sirius do I have to buy Audiovox equipment??  I am so confused about this new fangled satellite radio stuff so be easy on me and take it slow okay?  LOL!  I was thinking of getting that for hubby for Father's Day so any advice would be muchly appreciated (yes, I meant to say it that way!).  Thanks for the update on your life.  Hamsters aren't supposed to do anything actually, they just exist.  You can take it out every once and awhile and pet it and let it run up and down your arm or on the bed for exercise, but word of warning, they are hard little suckers to catch once they get on the floor and hide in every small space available!  Wait, I know, send the kittens in, they will find the hamster for you, and WALLAH your hamster issues will be over!!!  :)  I wonder why the kittens are so afraid of you humans?  Hmmmm, what have you been doing to the poor things when no one else is around?  Putting them in microwaves?  Blenders?  Ceiling fans?  Fess up bucko!!!  And, get out there and see an ADULT film (no, not porno!) once and awhile will ya'?!?  It will help take all that brain numbing children's movie crapola out of your head at least for a short time.  I hear that Star Wars is THe movie to see on the big screen, so don't wait for it on video like I will.  
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Let me get my violin out.