Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Best of 2006-#12 PLUS Some Exciting News

 #12 is How We Operate by Gomez.
One of the reasons I wanted an mp3 player for Christmas (which I got early- thank you, dated rebate) is because I really wanted to make some kind of podcast where I can act as my own DJ and play music.  Yesterday, I gave it  a shot and I think it turned out better than I expected, considering the primitive nature of what I did.  I used the microphone option on the mp3 player, which can record up to 10 hours at once and I just talked into it naturally.  Then when I wanted to play a song, I kept very quiet and held the player up to the laptop speakers.  And I was satisfied with the results.  I even have learned to not hate the sound of my own voice.  So not only is it a great Christmas present for what it is, it also has built my self-esteem up a little.  :)
So here's what I'm gonna do.    The BIG NEWS.   I am going to start the audio version of this journal.   "VCH Radio" if you will.  What I want to do, and this is very important so pay attention, is start a mailing list.  I initially wondered how I was going to post an audio entry in here because I don't know how or if this even has the capacity for that.  Then the light bulb went off last night at work.  I'm recording my show as an mp3 file, so I can just e-mail it to anyone who wants to hear it.  Then you can simply download it out of your mailbox instead of having to come to the site to get it.  So that's what I'm going to do. 
My e-mail is  If you would like to subscribe to the free audio version of this journal, drop me a line and I will add you to my address book Listeners category.  The first episode is in the can and can be sent to you post haste!  Even if you don't like my music, you can very easily fast forward past it and just listen to me talk.  I amuse myself and am full of fun and information, plus my hoarseness is pretty sexy.  I think you will enjoy it. 
PS- I won't be wasting any more space in this journal with the countdown after tomorrow and I won't be messing around with failed uploads anymore.  The second episode of VCH Radio will be the Top Ten of 2006. Whoo hoo!  Hope to hear from you.   Yes, you.  In the pajamas. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, how'd you know I was in my jammies!!!!????  LOL!  I think this is a great idea!  I want to be a part of it, so send me the podcast please!  I may not like the music, but it will be fun to listen to what you have to say.  :)
Hugs and love,