Thursday, October 13, 2005

"The Office" Quotes

  Since Arrested Development has been tragically put aside for baseball playoffs, I thought I'd share some of the good lines from my second favorite comedy, The Office.

Michael Scott: Five years from now, what do you want to do?

Ryan: Well, I'm interested in business.

Michael: Oh good, ambitious- excellent.  You wanna be a manager?

Ryan: Oh no, actually what I want is to own my own business.

Michael: That is ridiculous.


Michael: There are ten rules of business you need to learn.  #1- You have to play to also have to win to play.


Michael: Yes, I was the first one out and yes, I have heard of women and children first, but we do not employ children- this is not a sweatshop, thankfully.  And, uh, women are equal in the workplace, by law, so I let them out first, I have a lawsuit on my hands.


Michael: Another rule of business is to be able to adapt to different situations.  Adapt, react, readapt, apt.


Dwight's answer to what book he would bring on a desert island:      Physician's Desk Reference...hollowed out- inside: waterproof matches, iodine tablets, beet seeds, protein bars, NASA blanket and, in case I get bored, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone....No, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  Question: Did my shoes come off in the plane crash?


Jim: Let's move on- the Main Event: Who would you do?

Kevin: Present company excluded?

Jim: Not necessari-

Kevin/Oscar: Pam!

Jim: You know what, maybe I'll finish explaining the rules...


Dwight: I hope the war goes on forever and Ryan gets drafted.  No, I didn't- only part of me meant it.  Besides, he'd end up being a hero anyway.


Michael: Game?  What are we playing?

Stanley: It's called Who Would You Do?

Michael: Oh, I play this all the time at home, while I'm falling asleep.


Michael:  Roy?  Who would you do, Roy?

Roy: Oh, I got it.  What's the name of that, uh, tightass Christian chick- the blonde?

Angela: My name is Angela!

Roy: Hey, Angela.  Roy.  Nice to meet you.


Michael: He is an idiot.  The man is an idiot, ladies and gentlemen!

Kevin: What if he dies in the fire and that was the last thing you ever said to him?

Michael: I didn't say it to him.  I said it about him.


Anonymous said...

Detlef Scrhempf

Anonymous said...

I take it that is who you would do, Jeff?

Anonymous said...

I love that show!

Anonymous said...

First of all, I laughed incredibly too hard. Thanks!! Secondly, my answer would NOT be Jeremy Sisto.