Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The Amazing Race Report

  The Players:  After only two episodes, it has become quite apparent that this is the most combustible group of racers the Amazing Race producers have ever assembled.  Jonathan the entrepreneur is such an unmitigated jerk, I really want to believe it's all an act.  Even the old couple got in each other's faces last night.  Mary Jean declared she was pissed at least twice.  The wrestlers, who looked to be the biggest hotheads last week were almost tame compared to everyone else. 

  And then the sobbing apologies aftwerward!  I am convinced that when they were casting this version, they highlighted anyone who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and automatically put them on the show.  The second requirement must have been inability to read a map.  I can't remember any past Race incarnation where every single team got lost or went the wrong way at some point in the same episode.

The Challenges:  Riding a zipline down a ski jump?  Why couldn't they just ski jump?  Anyway, I never get too excited about the first ten to twenty minutes because you know they are all going to race like hell to end up all on the same flight or waiting for the next challenge to open.  It happens in every episode.  This time it was even worse because they incorporated a stupid multi-team race, so you know they had to wait for everyone to get there to make the teams even.  Good news for the best friends, Meredith and Maria, who fell way behind because they couldn't drive a stick shift.  The bad news was that they were playing the sad, "we've just got to be eliminated" music during the FIRST challenge when you still knew they would catch up!  In other words, don't get too attached to them.

The Locals:  It's never much fun when everyone gets the help they need because everyone speaks English, but at least the sisters, Lena & Kristy,  got that kid to admit that he wouldn't have tagged along to help if they had been big hairy men.

The Finish:  1. Kris & Jon (long distance dating) 2. Jonathan & Victoria (control freak and doormat) 3. Gus & Hera (father/daughter) 4. Hayden & Aaron (dating actors) 5. Lori & Bolo (wrestlers) 6. Adam & Rebecca (formerly dating)    7. Don & Mary Jean (old people) 8. Freddy & Kendra (models who call each other Baby)<----really came in 6th but had to wait out a 30 minute penalty for taking two clues.     9. Lena & Kristy (sisters) Eliminated:  Meredith & Maria (best friends)    

Line of the Night:  From Adam (aka Hellboy)- "If you ever tell me to take glasses off again, I'm never going to talk to you in my- the rest of my life." 

  -A wildly psychotic reaction to losing his sunglasses during the boat race.  Moments later he would be begging for Rebecca to not dump him.  The exact moment I came up with my schizophrenia theory.

Overall:  The challenges weren't anything original, but it just doesn't matter.  These players are a wild bunch- you never know who is going to snap next.  Plus, with the editing techniques- the end is almost always exciting.  This show can't miss.   A+


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