Friday, December 16, 2005

The one-handed typist.

Minds out of the gutter.  I am a one-handed typist because of the ridiculously long brace I just bought at wal-mart that i have on my left hand.  i got the call today from the bone doctor and they scheduled my first visit for march 15.  i was like 'oh man!  even i didnt want to miss that much work'.  then the 1st doc i went to called and said that they called the guy back and got me moved up to Jan 24.  that's better, but still a long time gone and a long time to be in pain.  so i bought this brace for my 'severely injured left wrist.  it's so big, i cant wear my watch and it even came with a pillow to rest my head on.  i swear.  i look completely silly and there's no way i'll be able to clap at the football game tomorrow. 

i'm not in the mood to do any research and this brace keeps hitting buttons i dont want it to when i forget and try to type with both hands, so i will just tell you that:

#16 is Side 2 by Dressy Bessy

#15 is Forever For Her (Is Over For Me) by The White Stripes

and #14 is Portions for Foxes by Rilo Kiley

...ok, i'm off to bed with my wrist brace pillow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call a good brace!  LOL!  Hope it is at least helping a bit with the pain!
Hugs and love,