Saturday, October 30, 2004

Saturday Night

Highlights of taking Kasey to the "Mall Trick or Treat" earlier this evening:

-Walking behind someone wearing purple pants, yellow shoes and a green rag on their head and then realizing that it wasn't a costume, it was a weird old Chinese lady.

-A kid wearing a Jason mask, camoflauge pants and a Troy Aikman jersey.  Huh?

-Kasey reacting with genuine concern when people's skull masks started spurting blood.

-The Indian kid at the newspaper stand giving out the contents of the store.  Kasey got a package of crackers.

-Finally, the grumpy looks on the faces of all the regular people who didn't realize the mall was having a special night.  I overheard a group of teenage girls saying "Remind me never to go shopping on Halloween!" and more than one middle aged, clearly childless woman saying "Excuse me!" and almost knocking kids over to get to the store they wanted.  Hilarious! 

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